Thomas Vincent McLaughlin
Downingtown, PA 19335
Phone: 610-***-****
January 2011 – Present
I had to devote most of my time recovering from an illness. My health issues are now resolved to the point where I am hoping to secure a position in Information Technology that will provide a rewarding career. I currently am finishing up a short 3 month contract developing software in C# to read thermocouple temperatures for semiconductor wafers for Thermo Electric in West Chester, PA. I have a very strong background and education in solving many technical issues including in most part the database design, development and administration. Additionally, as a consultant or employee I have led many teams to design, develop, and release quality versions of web sites that adhered to standards and end user expectations. I am a strong believer in the Agile development methodology. I am not looking to go back to a consulting position and my family is permanently settled now in the Downingtown, PA, area.
Database Administration, Design, Development or Modeling position.
Professional Standards
Consistent processes are needed through development to make sure requirements and new requirements that may emerge during development are met and exceed initial expectations.
Spend 30 minutes at the end of the day to document progress and new goals needed to met expectations. Use this documentation to provide a weekly status report.
Use all resources available wisely when a major issue arises to quickly and effectively solve the problem as a team. There is no need to have a properly trained team have one person always have to step up in these situations.
If you are looking for a new product to enhance your environment, it is best to narrow it down to 3 choices, develop a set of requirements you the company needs from the application, test it and provide a summary of results so a collaborative decision is made that best suites the companies name.
Organize the work flow of your team to handle needs based impact on service quality and resolve them in accordance with those with the highest need first.
Establish an objective base line to make sure projects are delivered on time, on budget and meets the corporate objectives.
Finding, establishing and keeping good hardware vendor relationships saves money on new purchases and keeps quality support because you are a valued customer. Vendors become a part of the success of your team. The same is true for external business partners. Consistency and a good relationship also are advantages when renegotiating contracts.
Hiring associates that are open to working in a cooperative and team environment adds to success of any team.
January 2011- Present see note above
November 2009-December 23, 2010
Haverford College
Haverford, PA
Position: Administrator / Developer
Configured Google Mini Search Appliance to work properly and serve as college web site search engine
Fixed bug with RADIUS:LDAP module to allow use of @ as part of user name
Fixed bugs with existing Object Based PHP code to meet requirements missed by consulting company
Installed and configured Identity Synchronization for Windows (ISW) to synchronize Sun LDAP passwords with new Archive Directory
Installed and configured Ubunbtu 10.04 Server for use with Shibboleth. Google requested technical document on process used.
Installed Shibboleth 2.X using Web Auth Single Sign On for SAML 2.0 Compliance with Google Applications
Supported Kerberos
Supported Apache in a SAMP architecture (Sun Solaris, Apache 2.X, MySQL 5.X and PHP)
Tuned CPanel sites and MySQL databases for better performance.
Reason for leaving: I became seriously ill and recently have recovered.
Consulting Contractor in Austin, TX ( April 2006 to August 2010)
April 2009-August 2009
AMS Real Estate Services
Austin, TX
Position: Developer and Administrator. Also mentored and directed younger developers to use Microsoft technology over other platforms to better meet clients needs.
Problem: Client was leaning towards upgrading their technology from an older ASP.NET web site to a J2EE platform to meet the new Commercial Real Estate MISMO XML Standards. I convinced the team and the client to stay with upgrading using Microsoft's Technology.
Technologies for Solution: Agile Development Methodology, SQL Server 200, 2005, 2008, IIS 7, .NET (Upgraded from 1.1 to 3.5), ASP, C#, SQL, Share Point, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Windows 2008 Server.
August 2008-March 2009
University of Texas School of Music
Austin, TX
Position: Developer and Administration
Problem: Needed to upgrade Microsoft ASP.NET platform.
Technologies for Solution: Agile Development Method, AJAX, SQL Server 2005, IIS 7, .NET (Upgraded from 1.1 to 2.0), ASP.NET, C#, SQL, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Share Point, and Windows Virtual Server 2005.
July 2007-July 2008
Digital Media Collaboratory
Austin, TX
Position: Developer and Administration
Problem: Technical Lead Administrator and Developer left in middle of project without guiding the product to release. Requirement was to develop a social networking site to allow disadvantaged youth the opportunity to network through a web site with professionals to gain connections and education on careers. The client was the Texas Workforce Commission.
Technologies for Solution: Agile Development Method, JBoss, J2EE, Java, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, EJB 3.0, Subversion and Eclipse.
January 2007-June 2997
Austin Community College
Austin, TX
Position: Developer and Administration
Problem: Client wanted to use PHP in a traditional LAMP environment when their data resided in SQL Server 2000.
Technologies for solution: Agile Development Method,. ASP, C#, .NET, SQL Server 2005, IIS 6, Java, PHP, SQL, Windows Virtual 2005 Server, Share Point, Subversion, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
April 2006-December 2007
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
Austin, TX
Position: Developer and Administration
Problem: Needed to migrate data from Oracle 8i to SQL Server 2008. Client wanted to start using a consistent Microsoft Solution for the State of Texas using a .NET platform.
Technologies: Agile Development Method, SQL Server 2005, Oracle 8i, J2EE, Java, IIS 6, .NET (2.0), ASP.NET, C#, Share Point, SQL, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), and Windows Virtual Server 2005.
July 2001 to February 2006
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
Position: Webmaster
DBA for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server. DB replication, PL/SQL, Triggers, Stored Procedures, Functions running on UNIX, Linux and Windows servers
Experience managing and troubleshooting Oracle databases in both development and production environments
Experience with database performance and SQL tuning
Implemented three-tier e-commerce design and configuration using iPlanet, Weblogic and Oracle
Installed and configured Apache HTTPD web servers
Installed and configured Tomcat web servers
Knowledge of relational databases, structures, and related basic programming
Managed both RAID and fibre-channel SAN systems and implemented automated backups over a private 100Mb switched network to a Veritas NetBackup server attached to a DLT tape library
Perl, CGI, Java, and PHP programming with CVS and Subversion revision control running on UNIX and Linux servers
Provided reports of technical issues to executive management including information including UNIX, Linux and Windows servers on network
B.A. Advertising – Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
M.S. Information Systems - Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
References Submitted Upon Request