My name is Natasha Acosta, I am Venezuelan. I am Geochemist. I have worked in PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela) for seven years. I have worked in geochemistry characterization of source rock and oils, I had worked in different basin such as: Basin Apure-Barinas, Basin Maracaibo, in Espino Graben and most recently in Maturín Basin. I have knowledge of different softwares for basin modeling like Genex-Gentect (1D), BasinMod (1D), PetroMod (1D and 2D), Temis (2D and 3D). Additionally I have worked with ArcGis and ArcView software for data base and to do maps.
I have experience in Exploration but I have experience in compartmentalization too, and some ideas in Production.
Currently I finished a Master in Geologic Sciences in la Universidad Central de Venezuela.