Place of employment Sheppard Air Force Base
Job title Summer hire
Job description Indexing certificates, writing reports, and performing general office duties for the 982nd training division
Time of employment 05/05- 08/05
Reason for leaving Started senior year of high school
Contact information 940-***-****
Miscellaneous Summer hire was an opportunity for students with exceptional grades
Place of employment PPG
Job title Crew member
Job description Responsible for the packaging and delivery set up of the finished glass
Time of employment 08/07-10/08
Reason for leaving Returned back to college
Contact information 940-***-****
Miscellaneous N/A
Place of employment Central Bible College
Job title Kitchen crew
Job description Washed pots and pans used throughout dinner service
Time of employment 09/01-06/10
Reason for leaving Left college
Contact information 800-***-****
Miscellaneous Pioneer catering company was part of the service used by the school to hire student workers
Place of employment Stewart Title Company
Job title Indexer
Job description Indexer of the information given weekly to update the title insurance plant
Time of employment 08/10- present
Reason for leaving N/A
Contact information 940-***-****
Miscellaneous N/A