Scott Teuscher
Randolph VT, 05060
Applied Research Associates
Robotics Engineer
Machine learning classification of acoustic weapon detection system.
Mechanical design of acoustic phased array.
Developed, built and fabricated automated calibration and test platform for optical sensors.
Implemented robotic control and visualization systems in C# / C++ / MATLAB / ROS / SysML /
Executed custom micro UAV test and validation rig.
Development and optimization of 2 DOF robotic unexploded ordinance classification robot.
Designed rapid applique kit for integration on vehicles enabling autonomous operation.
Led 5 person team development of hybrid series electric unmanned vehicle.
Prime for 5 DOF humanitarian demining robot.
Writing proposals and technical reports.
Robotics Consultant
Development of middleware protocol integrating robots into intelligent home environments.
Editing of scientific papers for journal and conference submission.
Husky Injection Molding Inc.
Product Development Electrical Engineer
Development of product acceptance test plans.
Product specification improvement.
Instrumentation implementation for harsh environments.
Automated data acquisition for first principles testing
Safe Life Corp.
Lead design engineer of sensor networks, filtration, and remote operations for military CBRN
products on Small Business Innovation Research Contract.
Updated and maintained electronics for fully automated chemical surrogate laboratory.
System modeling for new products.
06/2009 - Current
12/2009 – 05/2010
12/2007 – 06/2008
05/2006 – 12/2007
Specified and qualified testing equipment and standard operating procedures to support both
production and R&D efforts.
Wrote and conducted quarterly and annual test plans and reports for military CBRN product
Dartmouth College
M.S. Mechanical Engineering
M.S. Thesis Topic – Tractive effort of snow cats for tandem towing.
The University of Utah
M.S. Mechanical Engineering Robotics Track ~ Partial Completion
M.S. Thesis Topic - Local stability of directionally compliant quadruped.
Research Assistant in HEML lab with emphasis in haptics.
Development of low cost five degree of freedom haptic device.
GPA – 3.716
The University of Vermont
B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Research Endeavors Competitive Award (URECA) winner for intelligent
hovercraft proposed for competition in Intelligent Ground Vehicles Competi tion (IGVC).
Founder and President of UVM Robotics Club.
A. V. Shah, S. Teuscher, E. W. McClain, and J. J. Abbott, "How to Build an Inexpensive 5-DOF Haptic
Device using Two Novint Falcons, In A. M. L. Kappers et al. (Eds.): EuroHaptics 2010, Part I, LNCS
6191, pp. 136-143, 2010.
02/2010 – current
08/2008 – 05/2009
08/2003 – 05/2006