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Scientist / Manager Scientist

Bala-Cynwyd, PA
July 26, 2011

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Gang WEI

*** ******** **.

Wynnewood, PA *****

Phone: 610-***-**** (home)



Research position with a biotechnology firm / basic research lab focusing on cancer therapeutic development or clinical trial


Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

.Dissertation: “Isolation a novel human cancer-testis gene”

MD Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China. 1988


2010- present Instructor, Medical Oncology & Cancer Biology Dept. Thomas Jefferson University, PA

2008-2010 Clinical research scientist, Medical Oncology & Cancer Biology Dept. Thomas Jefferson University, PA


1) screened new compounds, designed combination for cancer therapy and analyzed the potential pathway

2) generated animal model of cancer to test new combination therapy in vivo

3) designed protocol for pre-clinical and clinical trial

4) applied NIH and other external grant and submitted paper for publication

5) supervised graduate students and trained lab technicians, residents

2004 – 2008 Post-doctoral Fellow, Lankenau Medical Research Center, Wynnewood, PA.


1) generated polyamine/ras double transgenic skin tumor mouse model

2) screened polyamine inhibitors which can inhibit tumor growth in vivo

3) analyzed the potential mechanisms of polyamine inhibitor

4) assisted NIH grant application and submitted paper for publication

5) trained lab assistants and supervised rotation students

2000 – 2004 Post-doctoral Researcher, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA.


1) studied the transcription/translation of oncogene and tumor suppressor gene

2) researched crosstalk between oncogene and tumor suppressor gene in signal transductional pathway and develop possible targets

3) explored epigenetic modifications of tumor suppressor gene p53 on cancer cell growth

4) maintained lab instruments

1996 – 2000 Research Associate, Cancer Institute of University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan.


1) clarified the mechanism of gene transcription/ translation

2) isolated a new cancer related gene

1995 – 1996 Senior Clinical Fellow, Dept. of Surgical Oncology , University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan


1) worked in surgical oncology

2) assisted to establish new cancer cell lines

3) collected different cancer samples for experiments and tissue bank

1988 – 1995 Resident , Fellow and attending physician, Dept. Surgical Oncology, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China


1) worked in surgical oncology and collected different cancer samples for experiments and tissue bank

2) involved in clinical trials


Excellent advanced skills in molecular cancer biology research, including in vitro and in vivo, experienced experimental medicine and clinical trial

Proficient in WordPerfect, Windows MS Word, Excel, Power Point, and various application programs

Management Skills: time management, goal settings training, assertiveness training

Strong communications skills as author, lecturer


Hokkaido Medical Award, 2001.

Scholarship of Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) (1996-2000)


Green card


English, Chinese, Japanese.


Brian I. Carr, Ziqiu Wang, Meifang Wang and Gang Wei. A phase I/II study of vitamin K1 therapy for unresectable HCC and possible mechanisms of action (In press)

Gang Wei, Brian I. Carr, Ziqiu Wang Meifung Wang,. Vitamin K enhances sorafenib effects on HCC in vitro and in vivo: (Int J Cancer. 2010 Jun 7)

Gang Wei, Meifang Wang, Brain I. Carr. Sorafenib combined vitamin k1 induces apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer cell lines through RAF/MEK/ERK and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase pathways. J Cell Physiol. 2010 Jul;224(1):112-9

Gang Wei, Karen DeFeo, Candace S. Hayes, Laura Mandik-Nayak, and Susan K. Gilmour. Elevated Polyamine Biosynthesis Activates ATM - DNA Damage Signaling Pathway and Apoptosis in Normal Keratinocytes. Cancer Res. 2008 Apr 1;68(7):2214-22

Gang Wei*, Cheryl A. Hobbs*, Karen DeFeo, Candace S. Hayes, and Susan K. Gilmour. Polyamine-Mediated Regulation of Protein Acetylation in Murine Skin and Tumors. Mol Carcinog 46: 611-617. (2007).

Hobbs CA, Wei G, Defeo K, Paul B, Hayes CS, Gilmour SK. Tip60 Protein Isoforms and Altered Function in Skin and Tumors that Overexpress Ornithine Decarboxylase. Cancer Res. 2006 Aug 15; 66(16):8116-22.

Li AG, Piluso LG, Cai X, Wei G, Sellers WR, Liu X. Mechanistic insights into maintenance of high p53 acetylation by PTEN. Mol Cell. 2006 Aug; 23(4):575-87.

Maeda Y, Hwang-Verslues WW, Wei G, Fukazawa T, Durbin ML, Owen LB, Liu X, Sladek FM. Tumour suppressor p53 down-regulates the expression of the human hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha (HNF4alpha) gene. Biochem J. 2006 Dec 1; 400(2):303-13.

Piluso LG, Wei G, Li AG, Liu X. Purification of acetyl-p53 using p300 co-infection and the baculovirus expression system. Protein Expr Purif. 2005 Apr; 40(2):370-8.

Gang Wei, Andrew G Li, Xuan Liu. Insights into selective activation of p53 DNA binding by c-Abl . J Biol Chem. 2005 Jan 20.

Sasao T, Itoh N, Takano H, Watanabe S, Wei G, Tsukamoto T, Kuzumaki N, Takimoto M. The protein encoded by cancer/testis gene D40/AF15q14 is localized in spermatocytes, acrosomes of spermatids and ejaculated spermatozoa. Reproduction. 2004 Dec; 128(6):709-16.

Gang Wei, Guoxia Liu and Xuan Liu _Mutagenesis study identifies two serine residues important for p53 DNA binding and protein stablization. FEBS Lett. 2003 May 22; 543(1-3):16-20.

Daniel J. Freeman*, Andrew G. Li*, Gang Wei, Heng-Hong Li, Nathalie_Kertesz, Ralf Lesche, Andrew D. Whale, Hilda Martinez-Diaz, Nora Rozengurt, Robert D. Cardiff, Xuan Liu, and Hong Wu. PTEN tumor suppressor regulates p53 function through phosphates-dependent and independent mechnisms. Cancer Cell 3(2), 117-130, 2003.

Yutaka Maeda, Shawn D. Seidel, Gang Wei, Xuan Liu and Frances M. Sladek _Repression of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4a by Tumor Suppressor p53: Involvement of the Ligand-binding Domain and Histone Deacetylase Activity. Molecular Endocrinology 16(2); 402-410, 2002.

Takimoto M*, Wei G*, Dosaka-Akita H, Mao P, Kondo S, Sakuragi N, Chiba I, Miura T, Itoh N, Sasao T, Koya RC, Tsukamoto T, Fujimoto S, Katoh H, Kuzumaki N. Frequent Expression of New Cancer-testis Gene D40/AF15q14 in Lung Cancer of Smokers. British J. of Cancer. 2002 Jun 5 86(11): 1757-62.

Wei G. Cloning and characterization of a novel human cancer/testis-associated gene. Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi. 2001 Jul; 76(4):203-13.

Takimoto M*, Mao P*, Wei G, Yamazaki H, Miura T, Johnson AC, Kuzumaki N. Molecular Analysis of The GCF Gene Identifies Revisions to the cDNA and Amino Acid Sequences Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1447:125-131, 1999.

Gang Wei, Masato Takimoto, Ikuya Yoshida, Pei-Zhong Mao, Richard C. Koya, Tetsuya Miura and Noboru Kuzumaki _Chromosomal assignment of a novel human gene D40 Nucleic Acids Symposium 42: 71, 1999.

Masato Takimoto, Gang Wei, Pei-Zhong Mao, Richard C. Koya, Tetsuya Miura and Noboru Kuzumaki. Isolation of cDNAs that cover the entire coding region of a novel human protein D40_ Nucleic Acids Symposium 42:69, 1999.

Masato Takimoto, Gang Wei, Pei-Zhong Mao, Richard C. Koya, Tetsuya Miura and Noboru Kuzumaki Molecular cloning of a novel human protein that binds specifically to nuclear factor GCF. Nucleic Acids Symposium 39:201, 1998.

Detai-Wu, Gang Wei. Electrochemistrytherapy of Malignant Tumor. Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1993, 20 (4).

Zhenqin Zhao, Gang Wei. Primary Malignant Fibrous Historytoma of Lung. Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1993, 20 (5).

Zhenqin Zhao, Gang Wei. The Causes of Exploration on Esophageal Cancer. Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1993, 20 (12).

Qingwen Jin, Gang Wei. Total Gastrectomy of Cardiac Carcinoma. Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1994, 21 (6).

* denotes equal contribution

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