Naresh Yennumula
• Bachelor of Technology with specialization in Computer Science and Engineering.
• Currently working with NatSoft Corp and associated with Client Qualcomm
• Worked in Oracle Corporation for Oracle Fusion Development.
Experience Summary (Application Areas)
• 6 Years of experience in Oracle Fusion Middleware, Strong in Oracle ADF, Solid understanding on architecture and applications developed using Oracle ADF.
• 2.5 years of exeprience in Oracle Corporation, involved in development of Oracle Fusion (Next generation Oracle Apps suite) - PIM (Product Information Management) using ADF and SOA.
• Oracle Open World 2012 – Our team received Award for Best Innovation in Fusion Middleware Technologies for CEQ and QOP Portal.
• 4 times ‘On the Spot Award’ winner in just span of 18 months joining Qualcomm.
• Good knowledge on integrating Oracle ADF Projects with Oracle Apps ERP suite – Successfully worked on integration of 3 projects with Oracle Apps with zero issues
• Participated in end to end development of 4 Oracle ADF projects and maintaining them for past 1.5 years without any issues. Hold complete ownership of 2 projects.
• Providing training and leading a team of 3 member’s successfully in Oracle ADF technologies.
• Excellent debugging skills in Oracle ADF – Trouble shooter in team for all UI related issues and cross browser issues for all applications developed in Oracle ADF
• Good understanding on Java/J2EE – Sun Certified Java Programmer.
• Exposure to system maintenance technical documentation and onsite – offshore team co-ordination.
Skills Profile
Operating Systems/
Servers Software Products Tools Languages/
Windows XP/2000
Tomcat Oracle Applications:
• Oracle Fusion – PIM
• Oracle 11i – Order Management
• Oracle Jdeveloper
• Eclipse
• Serena Collage
• Tortoise SVN
Oracle ADF
Ajax JavaScript
Duration: 2010 – Till Date
Client: Qualcomm
Projects during this Period: CEQ, QOP, Customer Scorecard, QCA
Title CEQ (Customer Extranet for Qualcomm)
Position Team Lead
Technologies Oracle ADF 11g, SOA, PL/SQL
ERP Suite Oracle Apps E-Business suite (11i and R12)
Description CEQ is an Order Management portal, which integrates with Oracle Apps Order Management module. This portal gives the power for Qualcomm customers to raise orders directly without any involvement of Qualcomm support team. The orders raised in CEQ are ported to Oracle Apps without any manual efforts being involved. This portal also provides lot of other functionalities like creating/approving Quotes, checking order status, creates new billing and shipping address, RMA, track down the orders and provides access to important documents generated by Oracle Apps like Pack Slip, Pick Slip, and Proforma Invoice. We do have email integration to notify client of all important events happening for respective orders and events. Currently we are extending this project to support china customers. We do have User management module where each customer can create and maintain users from his organization and assign roles to access the functionalities of the portal.
• Involvement in requirement gathering discussions with business users, documenting the requirements.
• Customize default ADF behavior as per business needs and override the behavior as required.
• Finalizing the Technical design and documenting the design document.
• Setting up the coding guidelines and standards
• End to End participation of coding in ADF Model, ADFm, ADF UI and deploying the applications in weblogic Dev and TST environments.
• Involved in developing SOA BPEL process to port order from CEQ to Oracle Apps.
• Maintenance activities.
• Offshore Coordination.
• Upgrade from ADF to ADF
• Trouble shooter in Team for any ADF UI related issues.
Title QOP (Quick Order Portal)
Position Team Lead
Technologies Oracle ADF 11g, SOA, PL/SQL
ERP Suite Oracle Apps E-Business suite (11i and R12)
Description QOP is an Order Management portal, which is used by internal business teams to raise orders from different business unit for manufacturing their respective product lines. This portal integrates with Oracle Apps Order Management module. The orders raised in QOP are ported to Oracle Apps without any manual efforts being involved. This portal also provides lot of other functionalities like checking order details, tracks down the orders and provides access to important documents generated by Oracle Apps like Pack Slip, Pick Slip, and Proforma Invoice. Email integration to notify users about the changes in order/assigned regions / roles. We are having User management module where each user of the application is defined or assigned with regions, so that user can raise orders for that particular assigned regions. Each user along with regions is assigned with application roles basing on which the user can have access to the application functionalities.
• End to End development and maintenance owner of the application
• Involvement in requirement gathering discussions with business users, documenting the requirements.
• Finalizing the Technical design and documenting the design document.
• Setting up the coding guidelines and standards
• End to End participation of coding in ADF Model, ADFm, ADF UI and deploying the applications in weblogic Dev and TST environments.
• Involved in developing SOA BPEL process to port order from QOP to Oracle Apps.
• Maintenance activities.
• Upgrade from ADF to ADF
• Trouble shooter in Team for any ADF UI related issues.
Title Customer Scorecard
Position Team Lead
Technologies Oracle ADF 11g, SOA, PL/SQL
Description Customer Scorecard is used by Qualcomm BI teams to capture, monitor and analyses the customer response data to find the customer satisfaction level. This is calculated under different categories each having own weightage. The categories and weightage for each category varies for each customer and for each quarter. These values are defined by customers. This gives the power to customer to define their own categories and weight them according to their importance. At the end every customer category is mapped to pre-defined QCT categories. This helps Qualcomm to narrow down on each customer, category and their importance level to improve the service. The scores will be updated by customer for each month and aggregation is taken quarterly to know the customer satisfaction levels. We have different application role levels where users were divided basing on their level of functionality like entering customer/score data, few users will be having only read only permissions. We maintain all role and user information in QGroups and map them in weblogic.
• End to End development and maintenance owner of the application
• Involvement in requirement gathering discussions with business users, documenting the requirements.
• UI Template development.
• Finalizing the Technical design and documenting the design document.
• Setting up the coding guidelines and standards
• End to End participation of coding in ADF Model, ADFm, ADF UI and deploying the applications in weblogic Dev and TST environments.
• Maintenance activities.
• Upgrade from ADF to ADF
• Trouble shooter in Team for any ADF UI related issues.
Duration: Aug 2008 to Dec 2010
Client: Oracle
Projects during this Period: Oracle Fusion ERP Development (Module SCM-PIM)
Title Oracle Fusion Application (SCM – PIM)
Role Application Developer
Position Team Member
Technologies Oracle ADF, SOA, Java
Project Location Oracle India Pvt ltd, Hyderabad, India.
Project Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub is an enterprise data management solution that enables customers to centralize all product information from heterogeneous systems, creating a single view of product information that can be leveraged across all functional departments.
Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub helps customers eliminate product data fragmentation, a problem that often results when companies rely on non- integrated legacy and best-of-breed applications, participate in a merger or acquisition, or extend their business globally.
The Oracle Product Hub delivers:
• An import workbench for improved data quality
• External transaction views to provide greater business insight
• Mass maintenance capabilities to manage updates to multiple products
• Enhanced product sales configurations for manufacturing and service industry
• Advanced change control capabilities
• Embedded user interfaces for unstructured content management
Predefined operational attributes with unlimited extensibility
• Involved in developing both model and UI layers of BOM, PACKS, Delete Groups in ADF technology
• Involved in discussions for evaluating and finalizing functional and UI features of the above sub modules.
• Responsible for writing unit test code for above modules and maintaining them throughout the development of PIM.
• Complete responsibility of implementing/up taking watch list feature for PIM module. Involved in up taking EFF for Style/Sku Items.
Period: May 2008 – Aug 2008
Client: Huawei Technologies, Banglore
Projects: iSAP
Title iSAP – Web UI Framework
Period May 2008 – Aug 2008.
Role Software Developer
Position Team Member
Project The project is about building a product framework by combining the
Advanced features of struts 2.0, springs features (like validation framework) and providing rich WEB-UI features for the customers. The base framework is build using Struts and Springs features and on this UI tags (custom tags) are developed for providing better UI features for the customers.
At present the framework has 90 + custom tags developed which are popularly used by customers BME,CSP etc
• Most of my development is involved in Calendar component which has different validations and can be customized as per user requirements.
• Involved in support of various UI components.
• Involved writing Junit code for which we have achieved more than 95% code coverage..
Operating System Windows XP
Languages Java, Jsp, Servlets, JavaScript.
Special Software Eclipse, CVS, Tomcat
PROJECTS in Cognizant Technology Solutions
Period: Feb 2008 – May 2008
Organization: Cognizant Technology Solutions, Hyderabad, India
Title The Designory
Client Name The Designory
Technolgies Java, JSP, Servlets, Ibatis, Ajax, JavaScript, AJAX
Special Software/
Servers Eclipse, Serena Collage, Webshere
Role Software Developer
Position Team Member
Project The project is about maintaining and enhancing the web-application of
• Involved in handling SR's using Java, JavaScript and AJAX.
• Involved in Client communication
• Involved in developing new services using Java, Struts, JSP
• Changing static content (HTML, XML) present in Serena collage
Apr 2007 – Dec 2007 Cognizant Technology Solutions, Hyderabad
Title Qualitative Weighting Engine
Client Name The Arbitron
Role Software Developer
Technolgies Java Java, Web Services using JWSDP1.6, XML
Special Software/
Servers Eclipse, CVS, Soap UI, SQL Server 2005, Tomcat.
The Qualitative Weighting Engine is a web service based system that provides qualitative weights and adjusted station estimates. This is an internal system that may be provided to third party processors in the future. This engine is written in Java and makes use of Java based web services to expose its functionalities to the clients. It also makes use of a .NET based component to load the data from flat files to the database. The back-end used for the project is SQL SERVER 2005.The project is based on a survey which classifies and analyses the Radio stations. The analysis is made basing on people responses where people are categorized in to different groups basing on age, education, habits, occupation etc. We have a mathematical formula which weights criteria based on their importance through which it finally calculates ratings.
• Requirement Analysis
• Involved in Client communication
• Involved in Design and Development of new Services
• Involved in Business logic implementation
• Bug Fixing
Dec 2006 – Mar 2007 Cognizant Technology Solutions, Hyderabad
Title Producer Reward DataBase
Client Name United Health Group.
Role Software Developer
Project PRDB is a web application which does the fallowing functionalities.
1) Registration of new producers.
2) Searching producers based on demographics.
3) Rating producers based on their performances.
4) Security
The project is implemented using Java, JSP, Servlets and Struts. The project gives the details regarding the producers about their location and their services. The producers were given rating on their performance which helps the people to easily track down the producers and select them based on their performance. This also provides the search capability basing on different criteria (Ex: place, performance) and also gives complete route information when entered zip code of the place. This includes a manager role that has rights in adding the new producers and rating the producers based on their performance.
The project includes java script to enhance the performance and for front-end validation.
• Involved in business logic implementation using Java, JSP, Servlets.
• Developing Dynamic web pages using JavaScript
• Bug Fixing and handling SR’s.
Date of Birth 21-Feb-1985
Sex Male
Nationality Indian
Marital Status Single
Visa Type H1B
Experience 6 Years
Passport No. F8869910
Issued at Hyderabad
Issued on May – 2012
Valid till Sep - 2014