Patel Vimal Pareshbhai
Mobile No: +91-972*******
To pursue my career with dedicated approach and full commitment, to explore and enhance my potential in the field of computer science, making an effective use of the technical skills to contribute significantly in the success of the organization and get the best out of myself, both as an engineer and as an individual.
• Total 2 Years 10 month of competitive experience in IT industry using Microsoft Technologies (ASP.NET C#, MVC 3 Razor Engine, JQuery,SQL Server )
• Experience of working in Software development involving development and maintenance.
• Good work ethics with excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
• Capable to delve into the new leading Technologies.
• Ability to work well in both a team as well as individual environment.
Technical Skills
Web Technologies ASP.NET, Ajax, XML, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, LINQ, Web Service, MVC 3 Razor Engine, Json
Languages C#, VB.NET
Databases MS-SQL Server 200*-****-**** R2,My SQL 5.2 CE, MS-Access
Operating Systems Windows 98/2000/server 2008/XP/Vista, Window 7
Tools MS Visual Studio 2005-08-10, IIS 5.1/6.0/7.0,,Poco
CMS Tools Orchard
Protocol OAuth 2.0
Source Control Software Microsoft Visual Source Safe, SVN, Easy Mercurial
API Facebook,Twitter,Google, Google Plush, AddThis
Web UI Controls Telerik (ASP.NET AJAX and ASP.NET MVC)
Entity Framework Entity Data Model 4.1, POCO
Others Twitter Bootstrap CSS 2.03
Academic Credentials
Degree Year Board/University Percentage
MCA May- 2009 Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. 56.49%
B.Sc March - 2006 Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 64.50%
HSC April - 2003 Gujarat Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar 47.58%
SSC March - 1999 Gujarat Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar 70.00%
Professional Experience
Facebook Campaign Management System
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2008 R2
Others JavaScript,Jquery
Role Team Member
Team Size 2
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Testing and Maintenance, Interface design, DB Design
Duration 1-April 2011 to 10-April 2011
Description: This application is integrate with face book .User make the campaign from admin panel, copy url of campaign and integrated with facebook, facebook user fill up the form and count the lead, generate the report.
App Brick
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database My SQL 5.0
Others Jquery
Role Team Member
Team Size 1
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Testing and Maintenance, Interface design, DB Design
Duration 20-April 2011 to 20-July 2011
Day Schedule
Description: This application helpful for doctor who has made a schedule of whole week of available hour, and also gives charges on basis of hours. Patients has login to this website, they are show the schedule of doctor and their charges. After show these sites they are fill online appointment of doctor.
Event Management
Description: According to this application, first, it made event on admin panel. Also give categories of per person charges like as adults, child, pat etc .User search city wise event and see categories wise charge and fill up the form for participate person. And take payment through PayPal and authorized .net.
Audio Player
Description: it is useful for site presentation .first, we are select .mp3, mp4 extension file, after select multiple images, also set the images on audio play time wise .after submit it. See assign time wise images based on audio play.
Quiz Task
Description: It is useful for interviewer .it set all question in admin panel, also set different option of question. And provide correct answer of it. It also adds another option in any time. It submit the application .user see the online quiz, give answer of it. Generate the result of quiz.
From Builder Task
Description: create dynamic form with input type control through j query ui like draggable, droppable, resizable, and selectable. Put validation on selected control, fill form and get the input control value, save the data base.
Book brick
Description: This application is use dynamic add lesson and content between existing book (.epub).also add audio in book.
Description: Add new location, added some audio and photo for location. Set the audio and photo are location wise.
Schedule Task
Description: This application admin create one group and add number of member in group after
assign work task of group member with finish task date time .here group member is login with
own email address and update her/him assign task status like as ToDo or Done.Admin See Task
Management how many assign user task is finish or remind
FBCMS(Facebook Content Management System )
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Jquery,Facebook API,Web Service
Role Team Member
Team Size 2
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Testing, Interface design, DB Design
Duration 28-July To 17-Augest 2011
Description: It is a small facebook web application developed for managing “Like” portfolio with volunteer registration for different president of small states in USA.
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Jquery
Role Team Member
Team Size 2
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Interface design, DB Design
Duration 20-Augest 2011 To 30-Augest 2011
Description: It is admin panel of Nissan. It is take feedback about its car product in different iPod after each device is generated csv file and it csv file is import and export by admin section and also send email using third party email service like as Campaign Monitor Service
Quick Box Social
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2008 R2
Others Facebook API, Jquery UI 1.61,Json
Role Team Member
Team Size 3
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Interface design, DB Design
Duration 05-Sep 2011 To 7-Decmber 2011
Description: Quick box Social is a Web Application for managing Facebook pages. It is a Social Media Marketing application. In this application there are basically 3 entities.
Client: Individuals attached to resellers or QBS.
Resellers: Users which can admin client pages, have their branded site and URL (
Admin: QBS administer whole site, can do all functionality.
In this web application user will be able to Design and manage Facebook pages without interacting with Facebook or any knowledge of HTML.
This web application involved drags and drop technology for HTML design. User drag and drop widgets such as
Constant Contact Widget- For automatic mail send service for collection of group
Twitter Feed Widget - For display twitter feeds on facebook page.
RSS Feed Widget – For display RSS feeds which is configuration by user on facebook page
PayPal Widget – For PayPal functionality which configuration account by user and display on facebook page.
There more widgets like above which user can use and design and publish on facebook.
In this web application Facebook JavaScript SDK and Graph API used for Facebook Integration.
This application also contains payment gateway integration with Authorize.NET with Automated Recurring Billing subscription.
Robot School
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Jquery, Web Service
Role Team Member
Team Size 1
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Testing and Maintenance, Interface design, DB Design
Duration 10-Dec To 15-Feb 2012
Description: Robot school is a web application for academic of robot in Japan
In this application there are basically 3 entities
Admin : it is create registration of teacher
Teacher : it is create registration of student,it make team base by registration of student here teacher make one mission and mission is associated with no of team and one mission have multiple
Objective. Teacher done some operation like as Briefing, Mind Storm, Time Line, Delegation and Presentation
Here Teacher assign four role in whole team like as Engineer, Programmer,Manager and Reporter
Student: it is login with user name and password and go on assign role page and finish assign work.
Window Service of Add This API
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database My SQL 5.0
Other Window Service, AddThis API
Role Team Member
Team Size 1
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Testing and Maintenance, Interface design, DB Design
Duration 19-Feb 2012 To 25-Feb 2012
Description: AddThis is the world's largest content sharing and social insights platform,which is use Analyze visitor interactions from share and clicks information base by day,week,month and year for particular domain and display share and click information on php application using by window service.
Geo Location
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Json, Google Map API, Web Service
Role Team Member
Team Size 2
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Testing and Maintenance, Interface design
Duration 27-Feb 2012 To 13-March 2012
Description: It is a web application for tracking user location and display it on Google map with get directions feature. This application contains web service which call to other server and get data and return it to web application and finally display data on map
Flash To JQuery
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Other Jquery,XML
Role Team Member
Team Size 2
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Interface design
Duration 12-April 2012 To 28-April 2012
Description: This component of website, it is selected dynamic frame and multiple object on different position. here image is also come given url path .after print component and download image
Environment ASP.NET Telerik using C# (Framework 4.0)
Database MS-SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Jquery,Javascript,Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Web UI Controls, Twitter Bootstrap CSS 2.03
Role Team Member
Team Size 1
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Interface design,Data Base Design
Duration 01-May 2012 To Continue
Description: This is Incident Management System for Siemens company from Australia,Here user add new Incident Data after some information is fill base by Incident report like as QSE,Behavior Observations,NCR, Action and some Master setting also add it. final generated some report like as EHS Statistics, Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate(TRIFR),Incidents by Hazard Type, Manage QSE Report
Environment MVC 3 (Framework Razor Engine)
Database MY SQL 5.0
Entity Framework POCO
Other Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap CSS 2.03
Role Team Member
Team Size 1
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Interface design
Duration 15-May 2012 To 25-May 2012
Description: This application use for advertise of ads. In this application there are basically 2 entities
Publisher: Publisher added high rating site. after added ads slots with price and time duration on particular site which use by advertiser
Advertiser : here advertiser is find site category for ads and he/she is purchase ads slots for display his ads,and create own creatives for display ads like as title, description and image etc..
Hotel Reservation System
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 2.0)
Web Service Expedia Web Service
Role Team Member
Team Size 2
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Testing and Maintenance, Interface design
Duration July-2010 TO Sep-2010
Description: The Window base system uses Web Service to upload Hotel inventory on expedia web site and information transfer between various independent business entities.
Hotel Reservation System
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 2.0)
Web Service GenRes Web Service
Role Team Member
Team Size 2
Responsibilities Involved in Development, Testing and Maintenance, Interface design
Duration May-2010 TO July-2010
Description: The Window base system uses Web Service to upload Hotel inventory on GenRes web site and information transfer between various independent business entities.
A1Travel Reservation System [Online Flight & Hotel Reservation ]
ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2005
Other Xml,Jquery
Role Team Member
Team Size 3
Responsibilities Involved in Development
Duration Jan – 2010 to Continue with Maintenance
Description: A1Travel, Reservation System use for Flights, Hotels, Flight Hotels and Extra facilities related them also done Content Manage System (CMS).
Synergy [Online Shopping Card System ]
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2005
Role Team Member
Team Size 5
Responsibilities Involved in Development, DB Design, Interface design
Duration Oct–2009 to Dec-2009
Description: Synergy is one type Shopping Cart Project, you Purchase any items it’s collection of Back office.
It also includes registration of new items, image of items, article, and category of items.
There is status of registration: Completed. Cancel, Pending, No Show, Cancel.
All Reports include the generation of PDF.
Sending mail to Back Office/Shipping company owner when PDF reports will generate.
Enterprise Information Service [Online Hotel Reservation Engine]
Environment ASP.NET using C# (Framework 3.5)
Database MS-SQL Server 2005
Role Team Member
Team Size 4
Responsibilities Involved in Development, DB Design, Interface design
Duration June – 2009 to Oct – 2009
Description: This application is based on online hotel reservation. System contains 4 modules.
1. Back-office – This module used to create new clients. Reports of all hotels revenue.
2. Client – Used to create new hotels which client has so multiple hotels can be created by single client. Create room inventory, Room Type, and online reservations for a coming guest. We have created windows service for sending fax, generating PDF and sending mail to guest when hotel reservation is done. Also promotion and package concept is there means if client wants to give discount for particular selected date for selected hotel. Also we have give client to show all reports related to reservation and monthly revenue with chart
3. Own Web sites - Registered client have own static website for hotel and client want to create a reservation from his static site without affecting their design for this operation this module is used. When guest come for a reservation on this static site, guest assumes that he is on the hotel site but he is reflected to our site. This site also gives online hotel reservation facility. Also guest can cancel his/her reservation. Sending mail to guest and hotel that had completed his/her hotel reservation. This system is also providing online payment using PayPal.
Current Company Details
Name Trimantra Software Solution LLP
Address 2nd Floor, 49, Sneh Smruti Society,Opp. Adajan Patia Bus Depot,
Surat – 395009,Gujarat,India
Email *******@*********.***
Experience 1 year 4 month in Web Technology
Previous Company Details
Name Anand Systems Inc
Address 3rd Floor, Abhinandan Royale, Opp Raj Empire, Bhatar Road, Surat, Gujarat, India-395001.
Email ****@************.***
Experience 1 year 6 month in Web Technology
Personal Details
Name Patel Vimalkumar Pareshbhai
Date Of Birth 11 February, 1985
Status Married
Languages Known English, Hindi, Gujarati
Address 12, Girdhar Park Row House, Honey Park Road, Adajan Surat Gujarat. Pin: 396009
Contact No (M) +91-972*******, (M) +91-990*******
E-Mail **********@*****.***, ****************@*****.***
Thanking you
Vimal P. Patel
Place: Surat