Personal Details
Name: Peter D. Leith-Wybrow
Address: ** ******* ****
McDowall Qld 4053
Cell phone: +61 + 434040610
Home phone: +61 7 31142021
Home fax: +61 7 33536762
Email: **********@********************.***.**
High School Motueka High School
Nelson, New Zealand
University Otago Business College – BBM
Post Studies German, Italian
University HKSU
Further Studies Real Estate Agent’s Licence
Industry Specific courses Cisco BDMP Accreditation
Avaya University Sales qualification
Interactive Intelligence sales corse
Hitachi SAN orientation and sales programs
Arbitrage and Telephone Wholesale course pass
HVACS Introduction
Lighting and controls
VRU deployment and Installations
Power Factor Correction induction course
Hobbies Model Railroads
Sport Gym, Aerobics, Weight training
Horse riding
• Self Starter
• Self sufficient
• Consistency
• Punctuality
• Consultation sales approach
• Entrepreneurial vision of solutions and where they might take a company/client
• Communications at all levels of business
• Fiscal responsibility
• Sales training
• Sales management
• Innovation and approach to issues
AFS AUG 2010 Commercial/Government Solar farm sales
Jan-2010 to Aug 20-2010 Queensland Northern Territory Branch Manager.
Enigin Energy saving consultant
Feb 2002 - 2009
August 1999 to Jan 2002 Voip4u
Position: Owner
January 1999 – April 1999 VOIP Services New York – Australia
Position: Contract 6 months Marketing Consultant
July 1996 – July. 1999 Access One
Position: Salaried Employee Southern Regional Manager
October 1994 – June 1996 Ausnet Service
Position: Salaried Employee Queensland Northern Territory Branch Manager
July 1989 – Sept. 1994 American Discount Shopping Inc.
Position: Salaried Employee Special Products Manager/Buyer
May 1975 – May 1989 David Leith & Co.Pty.Ltd.
Position: Owner/CEO
AFS [Australian Flexible Solar] National Sales Director
Position Commercial/Government Sales
AFS working closely with “Applied Solar and wind Solutions the importers of solar power station arrays to establish sales in Australia. The Sun Tracker™ which does what its name suggests, can be built into 5-10-20 200MW systems but is can also function in 6Kw systems taking up around the same space as a conventional solar system. We are currently talking to fossil fuel power stations, coal seam gas harvesters, collages of advanced education and government agencies. These products have immense potential in the Australian market place and can deliver energy at the level network controllers are happy to deal with. There are also integrated systems that combine solar, wind, enormous batteries [20’ container size] to store the energy to be used by the network when required and small slave diesel units to smooth out the valleys at night.
Enigin A
Position QLD Northern Territory Branch Manager
Enigin is the same company to Enigin but Australian based, It has been very successful over the last 8 years building solutions for corporate and government Australia. Using the offer of a free assessment, Ecosave refurbish lighting fittings, perform surgery on air conditioning units, HVAC building management systems and so on. My job entails canvassing for new business in government and public companies, doing lighting assessments in new customers premises, producing spreadsheet calculations to work out cost and savings, preparing and delivering presentations. I also have a binaural change training program for customers which I developed to cover governmental requirements deliver to their staff and the community, I also monitor this program over several weeks to make sure the changes are being adhered to.
I have also considerable experience in mini-Cogen and have generated an enthusiastic customer base ready to deploy the technology.
Duties: Take over and run the QLD Office: Consult to existing clients: Dig up new clients; manage assessments; Produce and present proposals to clients; allocate engineers their jobs; go out on site for more complex assessments; organize and engage contractors; negotiate with suppliers; consult to clients and solve logistic issues; assist the engineers in the project management of their jobs; produce daily, weekly, monthly reports; day to day operations issues of the branch etc.
Position Energy solutions consultant
Enigin have delivered a solution that also makes the invisible, visible. Lets the client know how much energy they are using and, crucially, what that energy is costing them. It also shows how much energy you are wasting or how much carbon they are producing. By combining these results with a change management program, the client can reduce the amount of energy they waist and p the savings on the bottom line.
Duties: Conduct energy surveys on clients premises, Recommend technology to be introduced to monitor and control. Set up education programs for staff and management. Monitor results and continue to advise.
Duties: Canvas for new business; make appointments and meet prospective new clients; organize assessments; produce proposal documents; Produce and present proposals to clients; allocate engineers their jobs; go out on site for more complex assessments; organize and engage contractors; negotiate with suppliers; consult to clients and solve logistic issues; assist the engineers in the project management of their jobs; produce daily, weekly, monthly reports; day to day operations issues of the branch etc.
Position: Owner
VoiP4U was set up from the start as a franchise opportunity. The owners knew they couldn’t be everywhere at once and also knew that they did not want the multi-layered management trail that accompanies employing people. The only real answer was to franchise. They asked me to put together the business plan and then I was asked to operate the project.
VoiP4U brings a new dimension to the communications world as it dovetails all the parts into one seamless solution for everyone from home-users to major international multi-national corporations. The large Telco’s no longer have a stranglehold on the telecommunications industry and you can break away from the high costs of running your life or running your business whatever the size.
VoiP4U now have 22 branches with many more in the wings completing training. Each of the branches has 4-7 salespeople and technicians. The business plan is set for them to win between 15-20 new customers per week per salesperson but these new customers bring with them multiple connections. However I drive them fairly hard to get the number each week.
I have online daily activity reporting tools which must be completed every day by each of the salespeople with direct correlation to the franchisees activities.
In addition to the sale of Ip telephony, Phone systems, PABX, Mobile Broadband and Mobile Voice; we also have an integration division that can do the complex integration into key and PABX systems. This makes the experience a smooth and trouble-free one for the customers and eliminates the majority of support issues.
As well as running the sales team. I also have my own territory and customers as I believe one leads from the front rather than the back. All the senior BDMs have targets of $220,000.00 per month for new business per month, remember this is not existing business or additional business from existing customers. This figure is mainly made up of new phone system sales and installations. I currently match them all and most months exceed these targets. This demonstrates to all the staff that these numbers are achievable and if I can do it so can they.
Duties: Setting up business registering entities, setting up franchising documentation, developing hardware pricing, negotiating with carriers, hardware suppliers etc. for best prices, service providers and general management of the existing customer’s base and major clients. Writing advertising copy negotiating with the media, radio, TV and print. Conducting interviews with prospective franchisees, negotiating contracts, running training programs, helping franchisees with set up and kick-off, managing the franchisee meetings and helping make the business and the franchisees successful. Day-to-day general management of sales management staff. Managing my own sales territory, setting and breaking monthly targets.
VOIP Services Connecticut
I was under contract to a company that was planning a global launch of a VOIP service. This company combines all the technology platforms together into one service.
Position: Vice President Global Sales & Marketing
This is a global carrier service set up to provide VoIP connectivity to a worldwide audience. The company is looking for backers at the present time. Using existing technology they have put together a network that functions very well and is commercially robust with a billing platform that enables micro second billing.
Duties: Marketing structure development setting up franchising documentation, developing hardware pricing, negotiating with carriers for best LCRs. Licensing various countries in the Asia Pacific area. Negotiating with governments and Telco’s, setting up licences and negotiating LCRs with local carriers. Handling sales and deployment of hardware, setting up retail channels with chain stores, service providers and general management of the existing customer’s base and major clients.
Position: Southern Regional Manager
Leading ISP Australia wide with 98 offices and 45 agents (franchisees) supplying all aspects of Internet Ecommerce, IT and other solutions.
Duties: As Southern Regional Manager I had responsibility for the whole southern region which includes Victoria, Canberra, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. I had 24 salespeople, 4 state managers, and 12 technicians, 6 admin staff and 16 agents under me. Apart from the running of the above region, I also had my own sales area, including clients like Shell Australia, National Australia Bank, Bob Jane T-Marts, ANZ, BHP, Myers, Spotlight and more.
When I joined this organization, the sales departments had been decimated and had almost ceased to exist. This was due mainly to the bad press the company had received over the preceding months. It was my job to bring on-board very rapidly some aggressive salespeople who could hit the ground running.
Duties: Fire the existing sales staff; Hire new blood; set in place realistic targets; run my own patch; Recruit, and appoint State Managers in 5 offices, organize and run weekly sales meetings; attend presentations with sales people; organise technicians and install staff; attend technical briefing meetings with clients; write reports; review performance of sales people and engineers/ technicians; instigate new profit sharing remuneration for the technical staff; report to the board on progress and developments each month; hold information nights for vertical market groups
Position: Queensland Northern Territories Branch Manager
This is a nationwide ISP with 9 offices Australia-wide. Providing all aspects of ISP.
Duties: Queensland/Northern Territory Branch Management; Managing a sales team of 5 selling Dial-up connections, Business connections, permanent frame relay and ISDN. Websites Domains and virtual servers, design and marketing retail connectivity packs for delivery to national chain stores and large computer retailers as well as instigating an independent dealers [commission only sale agent] program.
I conceived, created, and manufactured shelf products for major chain stores including producing marketing materials and point of sale materials. I also recruited, trained, engaged and managed a team of phone canvassers who were set onto the domestic and small business market.
Duties: Run the Qld office; engage sales staff; engage admin staff; engage technicians; set up performance structures and targets; canvas for new customers in QLD, NT and PNG; prepare proposals; present proposals to customers; organise installations; liase with Telco’s to perform their parts on time; work with engineers to deliver solution; negotiate with carriers for better rates; conceive, devise retail products, including packaging, advertising, mass market TV advertisements. General management of the offices and staff
Position: Special Products Sales Manager/Buyer
Duties: To get general agencies for the products, i.e. cigarettes, beer, auto parts, computer parts, CDs, Nike shoes, perfumes, etc. that the company would then put up on the www for sale. Working closely with AOL and other service providers, helped control a 2500 strong team including sales managers, telemarketers, salespeople and sales administrators.
I was also the motivating force behind the roll out of a Retail Internet kiosk solution that was deployed in the South-Western states as far as Mississippi and Georgia, USA. This service delivered sporting tickets and tickets to rock concerts, etc. The service when fully operational delivered a substantial turnover to the company by way of royalties on every transaction.
We were involved with the Safeway grocery experiment in Scottsdale. This experiment wanted to prove that grocery shopping could be done over the internet. We provided the service from the set top black boxes which were given to 200 retired couples in the Scottsdale area. This box enabled the operator to do their grocery shopping from the comfort of their lounge chair in front of their TV, instead of going to the computer room or spare room where the computer might be. The sales side of the trial went very well but the logistics of getting the goods delivered was another matter.
Duties: Negotiate with manufacturers, importers, suppliers to buy their end of run products; organise shipping back to AZ; develop internet kiosk system; develop set top box usage for direct retail into the home via cable TV channel; set up sales team across 5 states; set up sales infrastructure and reporting;
Position: Owner CEO
I started a business selling answering machines, fax machines etc. which led to computers and of course software. I started importing Peachtree after a very unhappy experience with a locally produced over-priced under-packaged accounting package. We were landing the packages from the states for $69 but when we tried selling them here for the US retail price of $99 we sold maybe 5-6 per month. This was because there were cash book programs around at the time that sold for around the same price. So I put the price up to $599 (which was $100 above Attaché) then I was beating them off with a stick. I ended up with 9,600 customers, 26 help desk staff, 8 technicians and a myriad of support staff.
I also sold personal photocopiers and had 8 sales people on the road in little Suzuki vans demonstrating them to anyone who would stand still long enough.
Duties: Started, operated and ran the above entity. We sold fax machines, answering machines, photocopiers, computers, printers, peripheral computer equipment and general office equipment. We had a sales staff of 8, a help desk staff [for accounting software] of 4, and 3 technicians, and 2 admin office staff, in the final year of operation before I sold the business.
Recent Contracts
Schoul Communications. Reorganise sales department 3 months
Fire the sales manager; organise and set up a sales force in Brisbane. Produce advertising copy; changes to the web site; look after the finance and negotiated deals; negotiate with carriers for rates and deals; general administration and change practice developments
Continued Associations:
Squeaky Clean Services a 28 yr old specialty cleaning services company that operates in several centers [see] is owned by my wife. When I am between engagements, I help out with sales, operations, administration and GM services.