Email: *******.****@********.***
Tel (Mobile): 972-***-****
Address: **** ******** **. *****, *******
Research Assistant
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Texas at Dallas
University of Texas at Dallas Expected Aug 2011
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 3.926
Hefei University of Technology Graduated July 2009
Bachelor of Engineering in Casting, Welding and Plastic Forming. Concentration on Die Design.
GPA: Int’l GPA without standard GPA calculation.
University of Texas at Dallas
Research Assistant
Roll to Roll Nanoprinting Process and Systems 10/2009-present
• Successfully designed and manufactured web handling equipment (roll to roll) for the nanoprinting process. (software: UG NX4, Pro/E wildfire 4.0);
• Successfully duplicated nano silicon and plastic mold with the knowledge of photolithography, etching, surface processing, deposition, Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM), AFM, nanoimprint
and relevant cleanroom technical process and characterization;
• Designing and conducting experiments to improve cutting edge imprint process with roll to roll machine;
• Utilizing a combinative application of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering knowledge in project.
Biosensor system mechanical parts design & assembly 02/2011-present
Tutored high school student SolidWorks for robotic club
Microsoft Office, Pro/Engineering, Auto CAD, Solidworks, UG NX, Deform(FEA), COMSOL(FEA), Mechanica (FEA)
Graduation Design
Designed stamping mold with Auto CAD for 2-D drawings and UG-NX for 3-D drawings. Wrote instructions of design process.
Email: *******.****@********.***
Tel (Mobile): 972-***-****
Address: 4577 Kentucky Dr. Plano, TX75024
Production Practice
Visited three major manufacturing factories in Hefei (JAC, MEILING and ROYSTAR) and observed production lines of trucks, refrigerators and washing machine.
Performed the failure analysis of welding, aluminum casting and stamping, conducted calculations and experiments to improve the process.
Modification and Application of Attapulgite
Improved impurity absorbed ability with high suspension percentage.
The best specimen was achieved with more than 90% suspension percentage.
Project of Mechanical Design (Term Project):
Designed gearbox with mechanical handbooks and wrote instruction for design process.
Practice of metalworking in the machine shop on campus:
Learned and got to understand common machines like lathe machine, milling machine, drilling machine, grinding machine, wire-electrode cutting and sparking machine. Successfully made a candle holder.
Relevant courses
Mechanical Properties of Materials, Deformation mechanism and failure analysis of materials, solid mechanics, Semiconductor processing technology, Electrical engineering technique, Mechanical vibrations, Fluid mechanics, Plasticity forming technology and mold design, plastic forming mold design, CAD, Hydraulic and pneumatic transmission, Mechanical design, Mechanical manufacturing Technology, Finite element analysis, testing technique of material forming, Modern die manufacturing technique, Metal arc welding process, Melting welding performance of metal, Fluid forming technique, Material processing metallurgical transmission, Principles of alloy and preparative technique, Principles of material forming, Material molding equipment
Chinese, English
Second Prize on campus of 2008 National Universities Enterprise Competition Simulation Contest
Scholarship for Recognition of advanced study for GPA improvement
Social Activity
Volunteer for young engineer fair hosted by CIE-DFW
Volunteer for introducing girls to engineering hosted by UTD
Volunteer for leadership training conference hosted by ASME