Sumi Shyam
Queen's University Belfast Belfast, United Kingdom
Master of Science, Process Engineering
Expecting to graduate by September 2009 with a distinction.
Main Modules: Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering, Energy and Quality Management, Management
and Economics, Environmental, Health and Safety Engineering, MATLAB, Polymer Engineering
Anna University India
Bachelor of Engineering, Industrial Biotechnology
Graduated with First Class, 77%.
Main Modules:Chemical Reaction Engineering, Mass Transfer and Seperation, Bioprocess Principles,
Bioprocess Engineering, Chromatographic Seperations, Downstream Processing, Protein Engineering,
Enzyme Engineering and Technology, Unit Operations, Instrumental Method of Analysis
Jul. 2007 Prowins Agri Systems Trivandrum, india
Aug.2008 Tissue Culture Consultant
• Executed daily operations of Plant Tissue Culturing.
• Wrote, designed and produced tissue culturing protocol that was
implemeted succesfully for the increased yield and productivity.
• Experimented to develop new and improved varieties of products
having specific features, such as higher yield, resistance to
disease, size, and maturity.
• Trained and managed a team of 5 on tissue culturing and
achieved significant improvements in their productivity.
• Conducted experiments and investigations to determine
methods of storing, processing, and transporting food products.
• Process Designing - Heat exchanger utility desing, Process control and optimization
• Bioprocess Engineering - Scale-up, Purification and Downstream processing techniques &
Process Equipment Automation
• Plant tissue culturing - media preparation, protocol developing and culturing techniques
• Microbial Fermentation
• Technical Report Writing
• Thin layer modelling of egg-plant in a tray dryer
MSc Project - on going.
• Isolation and Characterisation of protease from alkaliphiles
B-Tech Project, Best Biotek Research Laboratories, bangalore, India.
• Production of biodiesel from sunflower oil
B-Tech, Dissertation and Seminar work, St.Michael's College of Engineering & Technology, India.
• Training in molecular biotechniques
B-Tech, Industrial Training - Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, India.
• Pharmaceutical Quality Control Techniques
B-Tech, Industrial Training, Cipla Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai, India.
• Effect of Industrial waste water on macrophytes, Feb. 2006 - Feb. 2006
Udaya College of Engineering & Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.
Presented a paper at the national level symposium.
• Recent Trends in Animal Biotechnology, Apr. 2006 - Apr. 2006
Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, India
Attended and presented a paper on 'recent trends in animal biotechnology at the national level seminar.
Diploma in Geoinformatics, Feb. 2008 - Apr. 2008
Centre for Environment and Development, India
• Institute of Chemical Engineers (ICheE), UK, Student Member
• European Federation of Biotechnology, Barcelona, Personal Member
• OIKOS International Project Trainee, 2008-09, Switzerland.
Project proposal, ' A one stop webportal for Bioenergy', an interactive database, especially for students and
small scale entrepreneurs in developing countries to interact with the European technologists, got selected
as one among the top ten from all over the world.
• Public Relations Officer, South Asian Student's Society, Queen's University Belfast.
• Founder member, OIKOS Chapter Belfast, Queen's University Belfast.
International Student Scholarship, Sep. 2008 - Sep. 2009
Queen's University Belfast
• English - Fluent
• French - Basic
• Hindi - Intermediate
• Malayalam – Fluent
Reference available upon request