Peter V. Petrov
Senior Research Scientist
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Applied Nuclear Physics
Electromagnetic Methods
Doctorate in Theoretical Physics. Thesis: Time-space models of generation electromagnetic radiation in charged plasma and non-uniform media.
Chelyabinsk State University, 2005
Ph.D. in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Thesis: Generation of high power microwaves by superluminal source.
Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics, 1992
Department of Theoretical Physics
M.Sc. Thesis: Reconstruction of neutron spectrum on the basis of neutron activation analysis.
Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, 1981, (Diploma with Honors).
Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Personal data:
Date of birth: July 10, 1958;
Place of birth: Kiev, Ukraine
Home address: Apt 14 Komsomolskaya Str. 12, Snezhinsk, Russia, 456776
Home Phone: +7-351**-*****
Cell Phone: +7-922-*******
Personal E-mail: ********@****.**
Electrophysical devices, nuclear reactors, X-ray lasers: creation of mathematical models for ionizing radiation (neutrons, gamma and X-rays) transport in devices and media, simulation of photon transport through large optical depths, analysis of neutron spectrum of nuclear impulse reactors, elaboration of the analytical technique and mathematical models of radiation formation in single-pass laser based on the integral form of the radiation transport equation.
Microwave generators, accelerators and electromagnetic wave propagation: formation of mathematical models for plasma dynamics, electromagnetic wave generation and propagation in microwave devices and electrodynamic systems, elaboration of a new approach for generation of high power microwaves, a new scheme of high-gradient accelerator and a new model and method of electromagnetic wave interaction with corrugated waveguide, development of a scheme of electron beam recuperator, researches in multi-channel planar FEM mm-generator operation, electromagnetic waves propagation in the atmosphere and concrete, development of models and methods for the system-generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP) and the internal electromagnetic pulse (IEMP) in complex 3D–objects, models for propagation of electromagnetic waves in the complex non-uniform and anisotropic media. In the frame of these works analytical technique based on integral equation methods, numerical technique based on integral equation and time-domain methods for solution of Maxwell’s and Vlasov equations were widely used. The last was solved by particle-in-cell method and finite difference methods.
Stochastic process: formulation of mathematical models for free surface dynamics in heterogeneous stochastic media, development of new approaches for modeling water transport with free surfaces in heterogeneous stochastic media and models for such systems investigation based on mapping technique and method of stochastic Green’s function (integral approach).
Inverse problems: elaboration of mathematical models and algorithms for reconstruction of neutron spectrum in nuclear impulse reactors, electric signals in long cable lines, neutron and gamma-ray spectrum in scintillator detectors, electromagnetic logging in a borehole, development of the constringent compact space approach defined by integral transport equation for neutron spectrum reconstruction, elaboration of a new method for solving inverse problems during electromagnetic logging based on the thinning technique.
Numerical analysis: development of computer models to simulate plasma processes, electromagnetic wave propagation and electric signals in cable lines on the basis of finite-difference approach, formulation of discretization and effective numerical methods and algorithms for physical process simulation and device modeling (particle-in-cell method, finite difference scheme for Maxwell’s equations, wave and transport equations).
Software development: As a team leader, developed the system of 3D modeling of SGEMP and IEMP phenomena, codes and the library for simulation of direct and inverse electromagnetic problems for induction logging, the code to simulate free surface moving in stochastic media, the code to simulate electromagnetic waves interaction with Bregg reflectors in planar waveguides, the code to simulate free electron laser operation. Software (with GUI) for numerical simulation of resonant detection of buried objects with Electromagnetic Wave Detection and Imaging Transceiver detector (EDIT) was developed under contract with Stolar Horizon Inc. (USA).
Computer skills:
Windows XP/98/95, MS DOS, UNIX, Solaris systems.
As a team leader supervised the following international projects:
1. Project #016 “Development of Electrokinetic and Chemical Methods for Rehabilitation of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated with Nuclides and Heavy Metals”, International Science &Technology Center, 1995
2. Project #033 “Nuclear Waste Management and Disposal at Mayak NPA, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia”, International Science &Technology Center, 1995
3. Project #051 “Creation and Testing of Models to Calculate Migration of Radioactivity in Groundwaters”, International Science &Technology Center, 1995
4. Project #299-95 “Superlight Source of Electromagnetic Radiation. Possibility of Creation. Application for Creation of Electric Field with Extreme Parameters”, International Science &Technology Center, 1995
5. Project #531-96 “Generation of Microwave Radiation by FEL with Sheet Electron Beam and 2D Distributed Feedback”, International Science &Technology Center, 1996
6. Project #RGO-11105-SNL “Oil and Gas Reservoir Fracture Imaging”, Civilian R&D Foundation, 1999
7. Project #1158-00 “Experimental Investigation of a Faster-than –light Electromagnetic Radiation Source Characteristics”, International Science &Technology Center, 2000
8. Project #RGO-10501-LANL “Dynamics of Free Surfaces in Randomly Heterogeneous Porous Media”, Civilian R&D Foundation, 2000
9. Project #01-0217629 “High-gradient Accelerator based on Superluminal High-power Source of Microwaves”, Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches, 2001
10. Project #1484-03 “Accelerator-based Neutron Source for the Neutron-Capture and Fast neutron Therapy”, International Science &Technology Center, 2000
11. Project # SNL-T2-0194-ru LLC SPE “Design Improvements to proprietary ‘hand-held’ landmine detector”, Humanitarian Deminer Program, 2003
12. Project # 21 “Investigation of generation of the broadband electromagnetic pulse of ultrahigh frequency range from super-light speed source”, Human Capital Foundation, 2003
Program Committee Member, Scientific Editor of Zababakhin Scientific Talks Proceedings (International Conference on Cumulating Phenomena in Electrodynamics, Hydrodynamics and etc., Snezhinsk)
Snezhinsk Physical and Technical Institute 1993-1994
Assistant Professor
Teaching courses in electrodynamics (field theory).
Snezhinsk Physical and Technical Institute 1986-1987
Assistant Professor
Teaching courses in numerical methods in FORTRAN.
Employment history
Russian Federal Nuclear Center
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF)
April 1995 – present
Leading Research Scientist of the Theoretical Physics & Applied Mathematics Division
Principal designer and developer of mathematical models of charged plasma interaction with radiation. PI in the projects:
• High power microwave generation and electromagnetic wave propagation.
• Stochastic processes in heterogeneous media.
• EDIT models.
• Analysis of physical processes in complex systems.
June 1987 – April 1995
Senior Research Scientist of Theoretical Physics & Applied Mathematics Division
Mathematical formulation and software development for electromagnetic phenomena.
April 1981 – June 1987
Researcher of the Theoretical laboratory at Experimental Nuclear Physics Division
Model and software development for ionizing radiation transport, solution of inverse problems, experiment data processing.
Public positions
Member of EMP Fellows Committee
Participation in conferences
Second All-Union Conference on Radio and Electromagnetic Resistance (Chelyabinsk-70, USSR, 1990)
First All-Union Science and Technical Conference on Testing methods of Military Objects to Electromagnetic Pulse Effects (Zagorsk, USSR, 1991)
VIII All-Union meeting “Monte Carlo methods in computational mathematics and mathematical physics” (Novosibirsk, USSR, 1991)
International Conference on High Energy Density Physics “Zababakhin Scientific Talks” (Snezhinsk, Russia, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002)
International Conference “Khariton Scientific Readings” (Sarov, Russia, 1999)
International Conference “Strong Microwaves in Plasmas” (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, 1999)
International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (Zvenigorod, Russia, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002)
AGU Fall Meeting 2002 (San Francisco, California, 2002, USA)
SPIE International Conference “Intense Microwave Pulses” (Denver 1996, San Diego 1998, USA),
Asian Symposium on Free Electron Laser (Taejon, Korea, 1999),
European Electromagnetics (EUROEM2000, Scotland UK; EUROEM2008, Lausanne, Switzerland)
SPIE International Conference “Subsurface and Surface Sensing Technologies and Application” (San Diego USA, 2001)
24th International Free Electron Laser Conference (FEL2002, Argonne, USA)
14th International Conference on High Power Beams (Albuquerque, 2002, USA)
Аmerican Electromagnetics (АMEREM2002, Annapolis; АMEREM2006, Albuquerque, USA).
1. V. D. Lartsev, P. V. Petrov and Yu. I. Chernukhin, Restoring neutron spectra from the results of activation measurements and with the aid of the transfer equation, Atomic Energy, Volume 60, Number 1, pp. 31-35, 1986.
2. Kryuchenkov V. B., A. V. Lukin, P. V. Petrov, Yu. I. Chernukhin., Formation of radiation by single-pass lasing, Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, v. 20, #2, pp. 146-148, 1990
3. Lukin A.V, Petrov P.V., Generation of radiation by single-pass lasing subject to photon reflection by the lateral surface of the active medium, Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, v. 21, #1, pp. 50-53, 1991.
4. D. D. Bat'kaev, Ya. Z. Kandiev, Yu. N. Lazarev and P. V. Petrov, Calculation of spectral-angular distributions of emission electrons from aluminum with inclined incidence of gamma radiation, Atomic Energy, Volume 71, Number 6, 1991.
5. Petrov P.V., Kandiev Ya. Z., Serova E.V., Computation of gammas passage through large optical thickness, Theses of reports for VIII All-Union meeting “Monte Carlo methods in computational mathematics and mathematical physics”, 19-21 February 1991, Computer Center SB AS, Novosibirsk, part 2, pp. 46-49,1991 ( in Russian)
6. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V., Faster-then-light Source of Directed Electromagnetic Radiation, Abstracts of Reports The III-rd Zababakhin Scientific Talks, January 14-17, Dalnya Dacha, Chelyabinsk region, Edited by M. Anuchin, P.Petrov, Chelyabinsk-70, pp.5-27, 1991
7. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V., Superluminal Source of Directed Electromagnetic Radiation. VNIITF Preprint, No. 9, 1991 (in Russian)
8. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V. ,"Electromagnetic field parameters for some subset of faster-than-light sources", in High Power Microwave Generation and Applications, edited by D.Akulina, E.Sindoni, C Warthon, Proceedings of the course and workshop on International School of Plasma Physics Piero Caldirola, Varenna, Italy, ISPP-10, pp.565-575, 1991
9. Diyankova E.V., Petrov P.V., Test one-dimensional computations of collisionless plasma by the particle-in-cell method, VNIITF Preprint 58, 1993 (in Russian)
10. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V., Generation of an intense directed ultrashort electromagnetic pulse, in Intense Microwave Pulses III, Howard E. Brand, Editor, Proc. SPIE Vol. 2557, p.512, 1995
11. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V., Broadband superlight source of high-power microwaves, in Intense Microwave Pulses IV, Howard E. Brand, Editor, Proc. SPIE 2843, pp.197-207, 1996
12. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V., Prospects of superlight source application for charged particle acceleration, in Intense Microwave Pulses IV, Howard E. Brand, Editor, Proc. SPIE 2843, pp.123-133, 1996
13. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V., Generation of Electromagnetic pulse of ultrashort duration, Letters to Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, vol. 60, No.9, pp. 625-628, 1994
14. Diyankova E.V., Petrov P.V., One-dimensional numerical experiments for testing the code EMC2D. VNIITF Preprint # 99, 1996 (in Russian)
15. Petrov P.V., Diyankova E.V., Numerical simulation of free-electron laser, Proc. Int. Conf «Khariton Scientific Readings» Conference, Sarov, RFNC VNIIEF Publisher, 1999 (in Russian)
16. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V.,” Microwave Generation Using a Superluminal Source”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 88, No.5, pp. 926-935,1999.
17. Lazarev Yu.N., Petrov P.V., A high-gradient accelerator based on a faster-than-light radiation source, Technical Physics, v.45 , issue 8, pp.971-979, 2000
18. Astrelin V.T., Arzhannikov A.V., Diankova E.V., Koidan V.S., Petrov P.V., Sinitsky S.L., “Energy Recuperator for a Sheet Beam of Magnetized Electrons (numerical simulation)”, Preprint #99-77 Budker Institute of Nuclear physics SB AS, Novosibirsk, 1999 (
19. Arzhannikov A.V., Petrov P.V., Politov V. Yu. «Computer modeling of the evolution of atmosphere chemical constituents in microwave discharge», Preprint #99-87 Budker Institute of Nuclear physics SB AS, Novosibirsk, 1999 (
20. Yu.N.Lazarev, P.V.Petrov, “Thinning Technique for singlewell electromagnetic inverse problems, in Subsurface sensors and Applications”, In Subsurface and Surface Sensing Technologies and Application I, Cam Nguyen, Editor, Proc. SPIE vol. 3752, 1999
21. Peskov N.Yu., Arzhannikov A.V.,…, Petrov P.V., et al, “Electrodynamic properties of spatially extended 2D Bregg resonators of planar geometry”, Proceedings of the IV Int. Workshop “Strong Microwaves in Plasmas”, 2-9 August 1999, edited by A.G.Litvak, Nizhniy Novgorod, 2000, vol.2, p.130
22. An Yen Huan, Arzhannikov A.V., Diankova E.V., Ginzburg N.S., Kalinin P.V., Peskov N.Yu., Petrov P.V., Sinitsky S.L, “Generation of Hundred Joules Pulses of 4-mm Radiation by Planar FEM with Distributed Feedbacks”, Abstracts of the 4th Asian Simp. On FEL, 1999,Tacjon, Korea, P.P35
23. Arzhannikov A.V., …., Diankova E.V., Petrov P.V., Ginzburg N.S., Peskov N.Yu, Sergeev A.S., Operation of High Power Planar FEM with Two-Dimensional Bregg Reflectors, Euroem2000, 30 may-2 June 2000, Edinburgh, Book of Abstracts, Conference Secretariat, c/o Concorde Seivias Ltd. Suites 25, The Pentagon Centre, Washington Street, Glasgow, G3 BAZ, Scotland UK
24. Petrov P.V., Lazarev Yu.N., Generation of HPM using superlight Electron Current, Euroem2000, 30 may-2 June 2000, Edinburgh, Book of Abstracts, Conference Secretariat, c/o Concorde Seivias Ltd. Suites 25, The Pentagon Centre, Washington Street, Glasgow, G3 BAZ, Scotland UK
25. Arzhannikov A.V.,Kalinln P.V.,…,Diankova E.V., Petrov P.V, Selective Properties of Planar Bregg Reflectors with various 2D surface Corrugations, Euroem2000, 30 may-2 June 2000, Edinburgh, Book of Abstracts, Conference Secretariat, c/o Concorde Seivias Ltd. Suites 25, The Pentagon Centre, Washington Street, Glasgow, G3 BAZ, Scotland UK
26. Arzhannikov A.V, Bychenkov V.A, Kalinin P.V., Kovalenko G.V., Koidan V.S., Lazarev Yu. N., Mekler K.I., Petrov P.V., Petrovtsev A.V., Concrete-surface destruction by powerful microwave-radiation pulses, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Volume 41, Number 3, pp. 401-407, 2000
27. Lazarev Yu.N., Newman G.A., Petrov P.V., “Three-dimensional scheme for single-well electromagnetic inversion “, In Subsurface and Surface Sensing Technologies and Application III, Cam Nguyen, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4491, pp. 193-202, 2001
28. Petrov P.V. “ A Model of Coupled Resonators for Calculating the Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction on Planar One-Dimensional Bragg Gratings “, Technical Physics Letters, Vol. 27, No. 10, 2001, pp. 830–833
29. Lazarev Yu.N., P.V. Petrov, D.M. Tartakovsky, Simulation of Free Surface Dynamics in a Random Heterogeneous Porous Medium by the Method Based on Mapping the Regular Domain on the Flow Domain, Paper H62B-0857, 2002 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA.
30. Petrov P.V., The Theory of Planar Bragg Resonators , Technical Physics, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2002, pp. 141–147.
31. Petrov P.V., Lazarev Yu.N, Syrtsova Yu.G., Simulation of Microwave Generation Using the Superluminal Source, Abstracts, Аmerican Electromagnetics AMEREM 2002, June 2-7, 2002, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, p.33
32. A.V.Arzhannikov, …,P.V.Petrov et al, “4-channel planar FEM for high-power mm-wave generation”, 24th international free electron laser conference (FEL2002), September 2-13, 2002, Argonne, Illinois, USA
33. A.V.Arzhannikov, V.T.Astrelin, …,P.V.Petrov et al, “Project of Powerful 4-beam Planar FEM with Distributed Feedback for 75 GHz Band”, 14th international conference on High Power Beams, edited by T.A.Mehlhom, M.F. Sweeney, June 23-28, 2002, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA,AIP conference proceedings vol. 650, p.303-306, Melville, New York, 2002
34. Petrov P.V., Lazarev Yu. N., Syrtsova Yu. G., Microwaves generation by a superlight source at limiting current densities, Plasma Physics Reports, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2003, pp. 491–502
35. Petrov P.V., Lazarev Yu. N., Syrtsova Yu. G., Photoemission Pulsed Source of Wide-Band Directional Electromagnetic Radiation, Technical Physics, Vol. 49, No. 11, 2004, pp. 1477–1485
36. Lazarev Yu. N., Petrov P.V., Diyankova E.V., Vronsky A.V., Kandiev Ya. Z., Syrtsova Yu. G. Simulation of secondary electromagnetic effects (part I. Models) and (part II. Numerical computations», RFNC-VNIITF Preprints #220, 2005 (in Russian)
37. Lazarev Yu. N., Petrov P.V., Diyankova E.V., Vronsky A.V., Kandiev Ya. Z., Syrtsova Yu. G.. Mathematical models for Simulation the secondary electromagnetic effects, Matematicheskoe modelirovanie, Vol. 17, №7, 2005, с.103-119 (in Russian)
38. Lazarev, Yu. N., P. V. Petrov and D. M. Tartakovsky, Interface dynamics in randomly heterogeneous porous media , Advances in Water Researches, vol.28.No.4, pp. 393-403, 2005
39. Lazarev, Y., Petrov P. et al., Investigation of an Electromagnetic Pulse Generated by a System on a Standard Spacecraft, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Springer, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 615, 2006
40. Petrov P.V., Lazarev Yu.N., Syrtsova Yu.G., Ultimate Characteristics of Wideband Electromagnetic Radiation Source Based on Superluminal Photoemission Current Pulse, IEEE International Symposium APS/URSI/AMEREM 2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
41. Petrov P.V et al., Investigation of X-rays Generated Electromagnetic Pulse on a Spacecraft, Аmerican Electromagnetics , Proc. of IEEE International Symposium APS/URSI/AMEREM 2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
42. Petrov P.V et al., Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Directional Wideband Electromagnetic Pulse Photoemission Generator, International Symposium EUROEM 2008, 21-25 July 2008, Swiss Federal Instituty of Technology( EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland, Book of Abstracts, p. 302
43. Petrov P. V., Lazarev Yu. N., Formation of a Unidirectional Electromagnetic Pulse in Photoemission Radiators with a Parabolic Surface, Doklady Physics, 2008, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 489–492, 2008
And more than 80 special scientific and technical reports of Russian Federal Nuclear Center – Institute for Technical Physics, Snezhisk, Chelyabinsk region
Russian citizen.
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