• Five years professional experience in the healthcare industry utilizing project management and developer skills to implement enterprise software solutions to nationwide healthcare networks on projects ranging between three months to four plus years.
• Four plus years developing software in MUMPS involving system integration design, requirements analysis, data modeling, database design, testing/quality assurance, and enterprise application development.
• One year designing and developing a web based platform for lending in the personal finance and social networking space using the Ruby on Rails framework.
• One year developing software to support online business operations in using Ruby on Rails.
• Seven years experience in website design using: FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Image Ready, and Illustrator with languages HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and Ruby.
• Three plus years contributing to initiatives in business development and the use of technology in several industries including cycling, healthcare, personal finance, and higher education.
B.A. Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, 2004
• Double Major in Computer Science and Business Management with a minor in Mathematics
• Graduated Magna Cume Laude and Pi Mu Epsilon inductee (National Honorary Mathematics Society)
• Attended University of Nottingham England 2002-2003 Schools of Business and Computer Science
Technical Proficiencies:
Languages/Operating Systems:
ASP, MUMPS, Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML, T-SQL, MySQL, JScript, VBScript, PHP, Java Windows (95/98/2000/XP/Vista), MS-DOS familiar with Mac OS, Linux, Unix
Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, OneNote,Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel, Front Page, Visio, Project), MS Sharepoint, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Premiere), QuickBooks (Premier, Point of Sale), MSSQL Server 2005, MS Business Objects, Crystal Reports
Work Experience:
Ambulatory Systems Specialist,
Maine Medical Center, Portland, Maine
2/09 - Present
• Analyze existing clinical and practice management interfaces for purpose of developing standard or automated processes for integration and build management.
• Develop new job description/train personnel to fill the role of integration support specialist.
• Collect, prioritize, and manage enhancement requests from our practices.
• Generate testing scripts for enhancements, custom development, and system upgrades.
• Focus on development of the ambulatory department through establishing policies in communication, incident management, enhancement requests, and release control.
Contract developer,
VariTrak, Las Angeles, California
8/08 - Present
• Analyze business objectives of existing clients and provide technical consultation on complementing software packages and technologies.
• Develop database driven active server pages for compliance monitoring systems.
• Provide systems support to clients by managing mail servers, web servers, networking, and T-SQL and MySQL database servers.
Co-founder / Lead Developer,
Wameeni, San Francisco, California
02/08 – 10/08
• Perform all activities necessary for the successful startup of this web based business which uses social networks to create and secure an environment for peer to peer lending.
• Develop web based software for various social networking platforms such as Facebook employing restful architectures using elements of agile development processes.
One Tee LLC, South Portland, Maine
10/07 – 6/09
• Negotiated contracts with artists to provide design services and products.
• Designed, and developed propitiatory web applications for content control, inventory management, order management, and merchant services.
Interface Analyst,
Epic Systems, Madison, Wisconsin
06/04 – 02/08
• Analyzed existing systems and integration requirements amongst legacy patient medical record systems and Epic products on customer projects ranging between three months to several years.
• Designed and implemented over 30 types of clinical and practice management interfaces between multitudes of external medical record systems and interface engines using HL7 and X12 protocols.
• Wrote procedure and standards for educating new employees, and documenting/standardizing installations for the EDI department of over 110 employees.
• Ambulatory interface lead at Kaiser Permanente Northern California region managed six Epic employees. Kaiser Northern California region has the largest healthcare systems integration in the US involving interfacing amongst 50+ systems and over 600 Epic specific interfaces.
• Lead the strategic development course of three clinical interface products, which included setting development priorities, projecting enhancement timelines for several years, approving design documents, and reviewing each installation instance of the transcription, dictation, and deficiencies interfaces.
Technical Consultant,
Decorah Bicycles, Decorah, Iowa
06/03 – 06/04
• Provided technical advice in the areas of web technology for marketing and retail including website development using MySQL, JavaScript, and FrontPage for this business which generated over half a million in sales per year.
• Changed business operations to including collection of overdue accounts and the establishment interest bearing credit accounts through cleaning the customer database, implementing procedures promoting data accuracy, and implementing QuickBooks Point of Sale with integration to accounting software.