Mariana Michel de la Torre Ibarra
Birthday: June 27 1990 Lirios 1825
Col. Cerro de la Silla Monterrey, Nuevo león.
Interest Areas
Furniture design, Product design, Augmented reality, Products design, experience design
-Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Industrial design Degree (2008- actually)
Extra curricular activities:
- Collaborator in the marketing area in a Congress of Industrial Design "Perspectives" 2009
- Participant in International Symposium of Architecture,Digital Art and Design “DiseñoPuntoMx” 2010
- Participant in the Forum Live Innovation 2009
- Drawing automotive Workshop of Phil Frank
Profesional Experience
-Proyect Member of “Design the kitchen for 2015” For Whirlpool (January-June 2011)
-Grupo Cuprum (May-November 2011)
Leadership, work under pressure, teamwork, persuasion, organizational skills, outgoing, patient and adaptation to change.
- Inglés (540 toefl)
- Spanish (native language)
Social Service
-Tamatan Zoo Cd. Victoria, Tamps(2008)
- MARCO, Programa Crearte (200hrs)
- Autodesk Inventor
-Autodesk Alias Automotive
- AutoCAD
- Adobe Photoshop
- MS Office
- Autodesk Maya
- Macromedia Flash
- Solidworks
- Adobe llustrator