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Binghamton, NY
March 27, 2011

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Name: Danko Victor Vidovich, M.D., M.Sc.

Address 555W 23rd St, Apt N4G, New York, NY 10011

**** ********** ****, **********, ** 13904


Place of Birth: Zagreb, Croatia

Citizenship: USA


1977 - 1982 MD University of Zagreb, Croatia

1982 - 1984 Masters in Science University of Zagreb, Croatia

Military Service

1984 -1985

Postgraduate Education

7/1982 - 7/1983 Internship, University of Zagreb Hospitals and Clinics, Croatia

7/1982 - 7/1983 Postgraduate courses in neurobiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

7/1983 - 1/1984 Residency rotation, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

1/ 1984 - 4/1984 Residency rotation, Department of Neuroradiology, Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de Geneve. Geneva, Switzerland

4/1985 - 7/1985 Postdoctoral research fellow in spinal cord regeneration and transplantation, Department of Biology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

7/1985 - 11/1986 Postdoctoral research fellow in experimental use of lasers in tissue welding and in use of lasers in neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Northwestern University Medical School. Chicago, Illinois

11/1986 - 7/1991Residency in neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Zagreb, Clinical Hospital "Sestre milosrdnice." Zagreb, Croatia

7/1991 - 10/1991 Attending neurosurgeon and Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Zagreb, Clinical Hospital "Sestre milosrdnice", Zagreb, Croatia

10/1991 - 6/1993 Clinical fellow in skull base and cerebro-vascular neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, Allegheny General Hospital, Allegheny Campus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

7/1993 - 6/1994 General surgery internship, Department of Surgery, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, Allegheny General Hospital, Allegheny Campus. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

7/1994 - 6/1998 Diagnostic radiology residency, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, Allegheny General Hospital, Allegheny Campus. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

7/1998 - 7/1999 Neurointerventional fellowship, New York University Medical Center

7/1999 – 1/2000 Attending Radiologist, Department of Radiology, SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, King’s County Medical Center

1/2000 - 4/2009 Assistant Professor and Attending, New York University School of Medicine, Neurointerventional Service, New York University School of Medicine, Hospital for Joint Diseases, Bellevue Hospital

3/2003 – 7/2005, Director, Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology, Neuroscience Institute, JFK Medical Center,Edison, NJ, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Seton Hill University

1/16/2006 – 6/8/2006 Attending Radiologist, New York Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, Brooklyn Radiololgy Services, PC, 506 6th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215

7/2006 - 3/2009 locum tenens assignements NY

4/2009 - present Attending Radiologist, Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Binghamton, NY 13905


Boards of Neurological Surgery, Croatia, June 1991

ECFMG Certificate No. 0-404-639-7 granted April 8, 1993

American Board of Radiology, 1998

Licensure for Medicine and Surgery

Pennsylvania Issued 1995 MD-056430-L

New York Issued 199*-***-***

New Jersey Issued 2003 25MA07535300

Professional Affiliations

1982 - present Croatian Medical Society

1994 - present American Medical Association

1994 - 1998 Pennsylvania Medical Society

1994 - 1998 Allegheny County Medical Society

1994 - present American College of Radiology

1994 - present American Roentgen Ray Society

1994 - present Radiological Society of North America

1994 - 1998 Pittsburgh Roentgen Society

1998 - present New York Roentgen Society

1999 - present American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology

Other Professional Activities

A. Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Cryomedical Sciences Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, 1988 - 1992

B. Member, Editorial Board, Croatian Medical Journal, 1990 - 1991

C. Member, consultant group for antenatal organ transplantation and procurement, "Dr. J. Kajfes" Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia, 1989 - 1991

D. Secretary General, 8th LANSI, Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, Dubrovnik, 1990

E. Member, Host Committee of the Annual Meeting Committee, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, October 31 - November 5, 1992

F. Member, Video Tape Committee of the Annual Meeting Committee, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, October 31 - November 5, 1992

G. Member, Allegheny County Medical Society, Legislative Committee, 1994-1998

H. Member, Allegheny County Medical Society, Communications Committee, 1994- 1998

I. Editor, Neuroscience Newsletter, Allegheny General Hospital, 1992 - 1994


English, Croatian, German, Italian, French


A. Papers Published in Peer-Review Literature

Ivanovich P, Hammerschmidt DE, Chenoweth D, Klinkmann H, Vidovich D: Blood membrane interaction: C3a, an indicator of biocompatibility. Life Support Systems, 3:394-403, 1985

Quigley MF, Bailes JE, Kwaan HC, Vidovic D, Heiferman K, Cerullo LJ: Comparison of bursting strength between suture and laser assisted anastomosed vessels. Microsurgery, 6:229-232, 1985

Vidovich D, Bailes JE, Seifert V, Negovetic L, Lupret V: Transplantacija embrionalnog neuralnog tkiva pomocu miliwatt CO2 lasera kod lezija ledne mozdine (Embryonic neural tissue transplantation with miliwatt CO2 laser in spinal cord injury). Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, 34:157-158, 1987

Lovric D, Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Kovac D, Gnjidic Z, Lupret V: Problemi obrade medicinske documentacije racunalom (Problems of medical documentation processing with computers). Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, 34:180-181, 1987

Quigley MF, Heiferman K, Kwaan HC, Vidovic D, Nora P, Cerullo LJ: Bursting pressure of experimental aneurysms. Journal of Neurosurgery, 67:288-290, 1987

Quigley MF, Heiferman K, Kwaan HC, Vidovic D, Nora P: Laser assisted end to side anastomosis. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 3:277-279, 1987

Quigley MF, Bailes JE, Kwaan HC, Vidovic D, Nora P: Laser sealed arteriotomy: a reliable aneursym model. Journal of Neurosurgery, 67:284-287, 1987

Negovetic L, Lupret V, Vidovic D: Upotreba lasera u neurokiurgiji (Use of lasers in neurosurgery). Lijecnicki Vjesnik, 110:380-383, 1988

Lovric D, Negovetic L, Lupret V, Vidovic D, Gnjidic Z: Evaluacija primjene CO2 lasera na 134 bolesnika s ekspanzivnim procesom CNSa (Evaluation on CO2 laser use in 134 patients operated for central nervous system neoplasms). Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, 36:27-44, 1989

Vidovic D: Use of low power CO2 lasers in welding implants of embryonic neural tissue in spinal cord injury. Periodicum Biologorum, 92:3-6, 1990

Lupret V, Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Novak M: Surgical approach to a large basilar artery bifurcation and upper basilar trunk aneurysm: case report. Surgical Neurology, 33:404-406, 1990

Negovetic L, Lupret V, Kogler A, Gnjidic Z, Vidovic D: Laser in neurosur

gery - review of 458 operated patients. Chirurgia Neurologica, 1:16-18, 1990

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Lupret V, Kogler A, Smiljanic D: Maligni gliomi mozga - 819 slucajeva. Stanje I perspective (Malignant brain gliomas - 819 cases. Perspectives in treatment). Libri Oncologici, 20:9, Suppl, 1991

Anic I, Vidovic D, Luic M, Tudja M: Laser induced molar tooth pulp chamber temperature changes. Caries Research, 26(3):165-169, 1992

Maroon JC, Onik G, Vidovich DV: Percutaneous discectomy for lumbar disc herniation. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America, Surgical Treatment of Discogenic Disease of the Spine, 4(1):125-134, January, 1993

Anic I, Dzubur A, Vidovic D, Tudja M: Temperature and surface changes of dentine and cementum induced by CO2 laser exposure. International Endodontic Journal, 26(5): 284-293, 1993

Maroon JC, Kennerdell J, Vidovich DV: Recurrent spheno-orbital meningioma. Journal of Neurosurgery, 80:202-208, 1994

Quigley MR, Vidovich DV, Cantella D, Wilberger JE, Maroon JC, Diamond D. Defining the limits of survivorship after very severe head injury. The Journal of Trauma:Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 1997 (42), 7-10

Dash N, Vidovich D: Core breast biopsies with ultrasound. OB GYN US Today 2(3): 33-48, 1997

B. Books Published

Negovetic L, Lupret V, Vidovic D, Lovric D: LASENA 1, University of Zagreb Medical School textbook for the 1st Seminar for Use of Lasers in Neurosurgery, Zagreb, 1987

C. Chapters in Books Published

Bailes JE, Vidovic D: Upotreba lasera u eksperimetnalnoj neurokirurgiji, Laser u kirurgiji glave I vrata (Use of Lasers in Experimental Neurosur

gery). In LASERS IN HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, Tehnicka Knjiga, Zagreb, 1990

Vidovic D, Skala K: Interakcija elecktromagnetskog zracenja I bioloskih struktura, Laser u kirugiji glave I vrata (Interaction between Electromag

netic Radiation and Biological Tissue). In LASERS IN HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, Tehnicka Knjiga, Zagreb, 1990

Negovetic L, Lupret V, Lovric D, Vidovic D, Gnjidic Z: Primjena lasera u klinickog neurokirurgiji, Laser u kirurgiji glave I vrata (Clinical Applications of Lasers in Neurological Surgery). In LASERS IN HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, Tehnicka Knjiga, Zagreb, 1990

Kogler A, Vidovic D, Lupret V, Negovetic L: Primjena CO2 lasera u neurokirurskom lijecenju tumora sredisnjeg zivcanog sustava u djece (Use of CO2 Lasers in Neurosurgical Treatment of Central Nervous Tissue Tumors in Children). In ODABRANA POGLAVLJA IZ PEDIJATRIJE, pp. 191-196, D. Batinic, Editor, Narodne Novine, Zagreb, 1990

Vidovic D, Kamler A, Kogler A, Talan Hranilovic J, Lambasa S: Korelacija magnetske rezonancije (MRI), I kompjuterizirane tomografije (CT) I patohistoloskog nalaza u tumora sredisnjeg zivcanog sustava u djece (Correlation between Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography and Pathohistological Findings in Central Nervous Tissue Tumors in Children). In ODABRANA POGLAVLJA IZ PEDIJATRIJE, pp. 244-245, D. Batinic, Editor, Narodne Novine, Zagreb, 1990

Kogler A, Vidovic D, Lupret V, Negovetic L: Prednosti Pudenz Schulte unishunt valvule u lijecenju hipertenzijskog hidrocefalusa u dojencadi (Advantages of Pudenz Schulte Unishunt Systems in Treatment of Hypertensive Hydrocephalus in Neonates). In ODABRANA POGLAVLJA IZ PEDIJATRIJE, pp. 254-255, D. Batinic, Editor, Zagreb, 1990

Lupret V, Vidovic D, Vuletic S: Direct Operative Approach and Clipping of Intracavernous Nontraumatic Aneurysms. In SURGERY OF THE SELLAR REGION AND PARANASAL SINUSES, pp. 510-515, M. Samii, Editor, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1991

Maroon JC, Onik G, Vidovich D: Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy. In CURRENT TECHNIQUES IN NEUROSURGERY, pp. 14.1-14.10, M. Salcman, Editor, Current Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1993

Vidovic D: Standardni pristupi dijagnozi I lijecenju boli u krizima (Standardized Approaches in Diagnosing and Treating Low Back Pain). In BOLESTI LUMBOSAKRALNE KRALJESNICE, pp. 77-82, Medicinska Naklada, Zagreb, 1993

D. Abstracts

Negovetic L, Kovac D, Gnjidic Z, Lovric D, Vidovic D: Operativno lijecenje akutnog subduralnog hematoma (Operative treatment of acute subdural hematomas). Book of Abstracts, 26th Meeting of Surgeons from Alps Adriatic Region, Pula, Croatia, 1987

Negovetic L, Lupret V, Vidovic D: Laser assisted vascular anastomosis (LAVA). Book of Abstracts, 1st European Meeting of Neurological Societies, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1988

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Lupret V: Laser assisted transplantation of embryonic neural tissue. Book of Abstracts, 1st European Meeting of Neurological Societies, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1988

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Lupret V: Upotreba CO2 lasera pri operacijama glioma mozga (Use of CO2 lasers in brain glioma surgery). Book of Abstracts, Head and Neck Tumors, Current Therapeutic Modalities and Progress, Croatian Academy of Sciences, Zagreb, 1988

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Lupret V: Laser assisted nerve anastomosis: first clinical trials. Book of Abstracts, 6th Meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, Tokyo, Japan, 1988

Negovetic L, Lupret V, Vidovic D, Glumicic S: Direct application of interferon into intratumoral cavity of glioblastoma patients. Book of Abstracts, 6th Meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, Tokyo, Japan, 1988

Negovetic L, Lupret V, Vidovic D, Glumicic S: Direct application of interferon into the cavity formed after the extirpation of glioblastomas with CO2 laser. Book of Abstracts, 6th Meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, Tokyo, Japan, 1988

Lupret V, Negovetic L, Lovric D, Vidovic D: Neurosurgical treatment of posterior fossa tumors with CO2 lasers. Book of Abstracts, 6th Meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, Tokyo, Japan, 1988

Vidovic D, Lupret V, Negovetic L: Operative treatment of brain stem expansive processes with CO2 laser and conventional microsurgical techniques. Book of Abstracts, 39th Congress of the Francophonic Neurosurgical Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1989

Gnjidic Z, Vizner A, Vidovic D: Intraoperative control in transnasal acromegaly surgery. Book of Abstracts, 39th Congress of the Francophonic Neurosurgical Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1989

Lupret V, Vidovic D: Operative treatment of basilary tip aneurysms. Book of Abstracts, 39th Congress of the Francophonic Neurosurgical Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1989

Lupret V, Vidovic D, Negovetic L: Operative treatment of intracavernous aneurysms. Book of Abstracts, 39th Congress of the Francophonic Neurosurgical Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1989

Kogler A, Negovetic L, Vidovic D, Lovric D: Treatment of antenatally diagnosed hydrocephalus in newborn. Book of Abstracts, 9th International Congress of Neurological Surgery, New Delhi, India, 1989

Vidovic D, Kogler A: Komplikacije u likvorsko derivacijskih postupaka (Complications in cerebrospinal fluid derivation surgeries). Book of Abstracts, 1st Yugoslav Meeting on Hydrocephalus, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, 1989

Kogler A, Vidovic D, Negovetic L: Morphological aspects and prognostic significance on CO2 laser treatment of malignant ependymomas in children. Book of Abstracts, 9th Meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, St. Vincent, Italy, 1991

Quigley MR, Vidovich D, Wilberger JE, Maroon JC: Ominous prognostic indicators following head injury. Book of Abstracts, program p. 315, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Washington, DC, 1992

Bailes JE, Wilson J, Deeb Z, Vidovich D: Intraoperative angiography and balloon occlusion as an adjunct to basilar aneurysm surgery. Book of Abstracts, Minimal Invasive Techniques in Neurosurgery, 1. International Congress, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1993

Vidovich DV: History of interventional neuroradiology. Book of Abstracts, Joint International Congress on Minimally Invasive Techniques in Neurosurgery and Otorhinolaryngology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1995

E. Scientific Presentations

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Lupret V: Use of miliwatt CO2 laser in welding embryonic tissue in central nervous tissue transplantation. Presented at the 5th annual meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, Chicago, Illinois, 1987

Vidovic D: Embryonic neural tissue transplantation with miliwatt CO2 lasers. Presented at the meeting of the Yugoslav Neurosurgical Society, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1987

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Seifert V, Bailes JE: Importance of intraspinal implantation of embryonic tissue with CO2 laser. Presented at the 39th meeting of the German Neurosurgical Society, Muenster, Germany, 1988

Vidovic D: Interaction of tissue and electromagnetic laser radiation. Presented at LASENA 1, the 1st Yugoslav Seminar on the Use of Lasers in Neurosurgery, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1988

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Lupret V: Welding of peripheral nerves: first clinical trials. Presented at the 6th annual meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, Tokyo, Japan, 1988

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Negovetic R, Lupret V: Use of low power laser in embryonic implants in spinal cord injury. Presented at the 1st European Meeting of Neurosurgical Associations, Prague, Czech Republic, 1988

Vidovic D: Use of CO2 lasers in operative treatment of brain stem gliomas. Presented at the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences Meeting on Head and Neck Tumors, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1988

Vidovic D: Posterior fossa tumor surgery with CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers. Presented at LASENA 2, the 2nd Yugoslav Seminar on the Use of Lasers in Neurosurgery, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1989

Vidovic D: Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. Presented at the 1st Yugoslav Symposium on Cerebrovascular Diseases, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1989

Vidovic D, Lupret V: Intracranial aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage: an overview. Presented at the 1st Yugoslav Symposium on Cerebrovascular Diseases, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1989

Vidovic D, Lupret V, Vuletic S: Surgery of unruptured aneurysms. Presented at the 1st Yugoslav Symposium on Cerebrovascular Diseases, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1989

Lupret V, Vidovic D, Vuletic S: Early and delayed surgery of ruptured intracranial aneurysms. Personal experience of 316 cases. Presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Intracranial Aneurysms, Nagoya, Japan, 1989

Lupret V, Vidovic D: Operative treatment of brain stem expansive processes with CO2 laser and conventional microsurgical techniques. Presented at the 39th Congress of the Francophonic Neurosurgical Society, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1989

Gnjidic Z, Vizner B, Vidovic D: Intraoperative control in transnasal acromegaly surgery. Presented at the 39th Congress of the Francophonic Neurosurgical Society, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1989

Lupret V, Vidovic D, Negovetic L: Operative treatment of basilary tip aneurysms. Presented at the 39th Congress of the Francophonic Neurosurgical Society, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1989

Lupret V, Vidovic D: Operative treatment of intracavernous aneurysms. Presented at the 39th Congress of the Francophonic Neurosurgical Society, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1989

Kogler A, Vidovic D: Treatment of antenatally diagnosed hydrocephalus in newborn. Presented at the 9th International Congress of Neurological Surgery, New Delhi, India, 1989

Vidovic D: Transplantation of embryonic central nervous tissue in lesions of the spinal cord. Visiting Professor lecture, University of Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1989

Vidovic D, Kogler A: Correlation of magnetic resonance images, computed tomography and histologic findings in central nervous tissue tumors in children. Presented at the 8th meeting of the Yugoslav Pediatricians Society, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1990

Vidovic D, Kogler A: Neurosurgical treatment of III ventricle tumors with CO2 lasers. Presented at the 8th annual meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1990

Vidovic D, Negovetic L, Kogler A: Malignant brain gliomas - 819 cases. Presented at the 8th meeting of the Yugoslav Oncological Society, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1991

Kogler A, Vidovic D, Negovetic L: Morphological aspects and prognostic significance in CO2 laser treatment of malignant ependymomas in children. Presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International, St. Vincent, Italy, 1991

Bailes JE, Deeb ZL, Wilson JA, Vidovich DV: Intraoperative angiography and temporary balloon occlusion of the basilar artery as an adjunct to surgical clipping. Presented at the First International Skull Base Congress, Hannover, Germany, 1991

Maroon JC, Kennerdell J, Vidovich DV: Surgical treatment of spheno-orbital meningiomas. Presented at the First International Skull Base Congress, Hannover, Germany, 1992

Quigley MR, Vidovich D, Wilberger JE, Maroon JC: Ominous prognostic indicators following head injury. Presented at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Washington, DC, 1992

Bailes JE, Wilson J, Deeb Z, Vidovich D: Intraoperative angiography and balloon occlusion as an adjunct to basilar aneurysm surgery. Presented at Minimal Invasive Techniques in Neurosurgery, 1. International Congress, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1993

Vidovich D: History of interventional neuroradiology. Presented at the Joint International Congress on Minimally Invasive Techniques in Neurosurgery and Otorhinolaryngology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1995

Vidovich D: Thoracic spine imaging. Degenerative disease of the spine. Diagnosis and Management, New York University School of Medicine, New York, 2000

Vidovich D: CNS Vascular Malformations. CT/MRI Head to Toe, New York University School of Medicine, New York, 2000

Vidovich D: Spine Interventions. CT/MRI Head to Toe, New York University School of Medicine, New York, 2001

F. Poster Exhibits

Vidovich D, Day J, Bailes J, Fukushima T: Extradural temporopolar anterolateral transcavernous keyhole approach to basilar tip aneurysms. Exhibited at Minimal Invasive Techniques in Neurosurgery, International Congress, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1993

Vidovich D, Fukushima T, Kattner K: Anterior clinoidal meningiomas. Classification and surgical results in 16 patients. Joint American and South American Skull Base and Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, 1998

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