Teaching Experience:
teaching privately for four years
Played violin in the the following groups:
Yuba Sutter Oratorio Chamber Orchestra (1st and 2nd violin)
All-State Orchestra (6 years)
FUMC orchestra (1st vionin, concert master)(5 years)
in the pit for numerous YCHS musicals (1st violin, concert master)
Yuba College orchestra (1st violinist)
Yuba Sutter Family Orchestra (1ts violin)
YCHS orchestras (full and string)(concert master or 1st stand most of the time)
Yuba Sutter Quartet (1st violinist)
Wedding quartet (1st violinist)
Paradise Symphony Orchestra (1st violin)
AA Degree in Music from Yuba College
AA Degree in Early Chioldhood Education from Yuba College
Bachelor of Music in progress at Sacramento State University