Extensive design experience in biomedical device, biomaterial scaffolds, fault diagnosis system, vibration monitors system, optical sensor etc. Proficient in 3D computer aided design and modeling (SolidWorks and AutoCAD). In-depth experiences in stress and structure analysis using Finite Element Analysis (Ansys, MSC, Abaqus)
Boston University, Boston, MA
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering May 2012
Thesis title: Structural and biochemical effects on mechanical behaviors of collagen matrices
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering July 2007
Thesis title: 300 MW steam turbine shaft analyses: modeling, stress and vibration
Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering July 2005
General Electric (Energy), Billerica, MA
Mechanical Engineer June 2010 – September2010
Project: High Resolution Laser Sensor Design for Vapor Monitor
Designed Herriott gas cell for an optical, cost effective and high sensitive sensor
Simulated and designed multi optical path with Zemax for high sensitivity and reliability purpose
Analyzed the stress distribution in Herriott gas cell with FEA (Ansys)
3D computer aided design Herriott gas cell structure with SolidWorks
Hands on experience of sensor manufacture
National Grid Corporation, Jilin, China
Mechanical Engineer September 2006 – May 2007
Project: Real-Time Torsional Vibration Monitor Design
Designed the torsional vibration monitor system
Developed arithmetic method for analysis torsional vibration
Designed analog and digital filters to process signal
Hands on experience on sensor design and in depth experience with steam turbine shaft
Boston University, Boston, MA
Graduate Research Assistant May 2008 – Present
(Multiscale Tissue Biomechanics Lab)
Project: Multiscale Study of Biology Material for Tissue Engineering
Set up optical magnetic twisting cytometry for mapping local mechanical properties in collagen network (LabView program)
Set up biaxial tensile tester with microscope and designed the stage for multiscale mechanical property study (LabView program, SolidWorks)
Investigated effects of glycation and crosslink on structure and components of biomaterials (Confocal, SEM, Raman)
Investigated mechanical property of biomaterials (cardiovascular and extracellular matrix) in multiscale levels
Designed magnetic method aligning collagen fibers to obtain anisotropic collagen matrices
Developed a user material subroutine to predict hyperelastic behavior of dehydrated collagen matrices
Developed constitutive model to predict the hyperelastic property of both isotropic and anisotropic collagen network
Developed constitutive model incorporating hyperelastic and viscoelastic property of collagen network
Implemented and simulated stress strain behavior of biomaterials with Finite Element Analysis (Abaqus)
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Graduate Research Assistant September 2005 – July 2007
(The State Key Laboratory of Tribology)
Project: Torsional Vibration Real-Time Monitor and Fault Diagnosis System Design for Steam Turbine Shaft
Designed a high resolution method for real-time torsional vibration monitor
Designed and manufactured the monitor circuit for real-time vibration signal process and collection
Gained hands on experience in data acquisition
Gained hands on experience in system installation at power plant
Project: Vibration Analyses of Steam Turbine Shaft: Natural Mode, Transient Response and Dangerous Stress Prediction
Designed structure of steam turbine shaft and analyzed stress distribution with Finite Element Analysis (MSC. Patran/ Nastran)
Modeled the electric system of power plant and simulated the electric dysfunction (Matlab)
Modeled the steam turbine shaft (SolidWorks) and analyzed the natural vibration mode (MSC. Patran/ Nastran)
Analyzed effects of electric dysfunction on transient torsional vibration of steam turbine shaft (MSC. Patran/ Nastran)
Established model and predicted fatigue of steam turbine shaft under external excitation
Boston University, Boston, MA
Teaching Assistant September 2007 – May 2008
Served as teaching assistant in the following core mechanical engineering courses:
Static and Dynamics: Shared responsibility for lectures, exams, assignments and grades; Held office hours; led projects.
Machine Design: Shared responsibility for exams, assignments and grades; led projects using COMSOL.
Flight structure: Shared responsibility for exams, assignments and grades; led projects using ANSYS.
FEA software: Abaqus, Ansys, COMSOL and MSC. Patran/Nastran (6+years’ experience)
3D computer aided design: SolidWorks, AutoCAD, SolidEdge (8+years’ experience)
Optical sensor design: Herriott Cell, Zemax (Practical experience in GE)
Engineering software: Matlab, EDA, LabView, Origin
Biomaterial structure: SEM, Confocal Microscopy, Raman.
Biomaterial property: Rheometer, AFM, Instron, Nano-indentor, OMTC and Biaxial Tensile Tester
Languages: Fluent in English, Mandarin
American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)
Material Research Society (MRS)
Biomedical Engineer Society (BMES)
Xu, B. and Zhang Y, An experimental and modeling study towards understanding the molecular basis of the viscoelastic behavior of collagen matrices, Acta Biomaterialia, under review
Xu, B. and Zhang Y, Experimental and modeling study of collagen scaffolds with the effects of crosslinking and fiber alignment, International Journal of Biomaterial 2011; 2011: 172389
Xu, B. and Zhang Y, Elastic and viscoelastic behavior of collagen matrices, under review
Xu, B. and Zhang Y, Relationship between macro deformation and local stress distribution in collagen network, in process
Xu, B., Chow Jay and Zhang Y, 2011, Hydration and crosslinking effects on the elastic and viscoelastic properties of collagen matrices, Summer Bioengineering Conference, Farmington, PA
Xu, B. and Zhang Y, 2010, Elastic and viscoelastic properties of collagen scaffolds, Material Research Society Conference, Boston, MA
Xu, B., and Zhang Y, 2009, Biaxial mechanical properties of collagen scaffolds with the effects of crosslinking and fiber alignment, Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Xu, B., and Guo, D., Modeling the shaft of steam turbine and analysis the torsional vibration of the shaft, Steam Turbine and Tech 2007
Xu, B., and Guo, D., 2007, Modeling and analysis of torsional modes of steam turbine shaft, 9th National Vibration Theory and Application Conference, Hangzhou, China
2008~2012 Research Fellowship, Department of Mechanical Engineering, of Boston University
2007~2008 Teaching Fellowship, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Boston University
2003~2004 Best design of Robot on the 3rd Robocon Contest, Beijing, China
2003~2004 Second Class Scholarship, Beijing Jiaotong University (top 5%)
2002~2003 First Class Scholarship, Beijing Jiaotong University (top 1%)
2001~2002 First Class Scholarship, Beijing Jiaotong University (top 1%)