Seeking a work from home job to supplement my part time income. Have computer and know basics. Willing to learn.
Rite Aid
Clarkston, Michigan 48348
Cashier, stock, mark-up's, mark-down's, cycle counts, plan-a-grams.
Hudson's Optical
Waterford, Michgan 48328
07/1985 to 04/2004
Optician, office manager. Wrote orders, dispensed glasses and contacts. Worked with insurance companies and filled out insurance forms, B.C.B.S., Metropolitian, HAP, and others.
Grattan Optometry
Clarkston, Michigan 48347
07/1983 to 07/1985
Front office help.
Waterford Sewer Construction
Clarkston, Michigan 48346
12/06/1969 to 01/25/2000
Owner/operator. I did the office work, others did the outside work.
Clarkston Senior High School
Clarkston, Michigan 48346
Graduated 06/1967
North Oakland Vocational School
Clarkston, Michigan 48348
Medical Office Assistant
Did not work in this field.
Basic computer skills, work well on my own, and with people. Type, file, books, cashier, write orders, follow orders, and willing to learn more.
Currently have Window's XP.
You may reach me at:
Ruth D Lucas
1068 N. Oakland Blvd. #4
Waterford, Michigan 48327