Home: Office:
**L Wallace Circle Geosystem Research Institute
Starkville, MS 39759 Majid Mahrooghy Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: 662-***-**** Ph.D. Candidate Phone: 662-***-****
Ph.D. Jan. 2008 – present Electrical Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi
Dissertation: On the use of image processing and pattern recognition tools to enhance high resolution satellite precipitation estimation based on cloud classification
M.S. Feb. 1999. Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Thesis: “Using Wavelet Transform in Discrete Multi- tone (DMT) Channel Modulation for ADSL Modems”
B.S. Nov. 1995. Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Project: “Design and Implementation of Minimum Control System by Z80 Microprocessor”
May 2008 – present Research Assistant: Geosystems Research Institute (GRI), Mississippi State University, Mississippi, USA Applying image processing and pattern recognition techniques to the remote sensing images, such as satellite infrared and multi spectral images, as well as synthetic-aperture radar (SAR; UAVSAR and TerraSAR) images.
- Image Segmentation,(region growing, watershed segmentation)
- Image Enhancement (adaptive filtering, morphological filtering, histogram equalization,)
- Image classification (back propagation neural network, self-organizing neural network, maximum likelihood, support vector machine, cluster ensemble)
- Feature extraction (statistical features, texture features (such as wavelet and GLCM features), and shape features)
- Feature selection, wrapper and filter based feature selection
- Supervised and unsupervised dimensionality reduction (PCA, ICA, LDA, LLE, Laplacian eigenvector, NPE, LLC, LPP, and KPCA techniques)
Sep. 1997 – 1999 Research Assistant: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
- ADSL modem with emphasis on modulation Discrete Multitone (DMT), bit allocation, coding, channel equalization, and protocols.
- Congestion control in network
- Source and channel coding, convolutional codes.
- Wavelets transform (mathematical principles of wavelet, practical wavelets, wavelet transform, M band wavelet)
Feb 2005 - Dec 2007 Project and site Manager: TAM (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) IRAN KHODROO (the largest vehicle Manufacturer in Middle East)
Supervised and led a group for installation and commissioning of electrical
equipment for the following shops in a car factory:
- Mini Top Coat Paint Shop: 15 power and control electrical panels (with 10 Km cabling), 6 Master PLC, Profibus system, 200 sensors, 40 electromotors.
- PT-ED Paint Shop: Nearly 80 power and control electrical panels (70 Km cabling), 40 Master PLC (SIMATIC S7 400&300), Profibus & Industrial Ethernet communication between PLCs, 4000 input/output, around 700 electromotors ( .5Kw to 250 Kw), 100 inverters, almost 2000 sensors, 50 HMI (Human Machine Interface), variety solenoid and motor valves, and other equipment. Industrial sensors include: reed switches, hot temperature switch, pressure sensor, flow meter, level meter, pressure meter.
- Trim Shop: 30 power and control electrical panels (with 20 Km cabling), 22 master PLCs (SIMATIC S7-400&300&200) , around 30 electromotor for Power & Free (P&F), Power Roller Bed (PRB), Chain, Slat, and EMS (Electrical Monorail System) conveyors and more than 300 sensors ( ultrasonic sensors, proxy switch, beam switch, read switch, light curtain, safety switch).
Dec. 2001 – Feb 2005 Control System Engineer & PLC Programmer: TAM IRAN KHODROO
Designed system hardware including cabinets, power distribution, control & safety
system, and I/O Database for the following equipment in a trim shop
- P&F (Power & Free) conveyor (using 3 synchronized servo motor inverters, PLC S7-400, and HMI)
- PRB conveyors (using PLC S7-300)
- Slat and chain conveyors (using inverter and PLC S7-300)
Developed software for PLCs and HMIs for the following equipment:
- P&F, PRB, Chain, Slat, and EMS conveyors in a trim shop
- Robotic cells and main line of a car factory body shop. Developed software for PLCs for 50 welding, picking, and inspecting robots and more than 1000 industrial sensors (proximity, beam switch, pressure switch, limit switch, code readers,…), more than 50 electromotors, 5 Master PLCs (Siemens SIMATIC S7-400&300), Profibus, Interbus, and Industrial Ethernet communication system.
Nov 2000 – Nov 2001 Hardware and Software Designer: TAM IRAN KHODROO (IKCO)
Designed and implemented the following parts of an Automated Guide Vehicle
(AGV) (a robot)
- Central control system using Advantech PLC.
- Hardware communication system for the AGV using ring network topology by establishing communication nodes on the ground and on board the AGV
- A software for monitoring and controlling the AGV using DELPHI 5
Mar 1999- Sep 2000 Hardware Designer and Member of the Board of Directors: BISTON RAIANEH
Co., Tehran, Iran
Designed and implemented the following system and electronic boards
- An analogue current control unit for a display board
- An interface control module between a computer and a control system (conducted and controlled by a software written in visual basic)
- An advertising LED display board (around 40 cm * 120 cm with 4800 LEDs) controlled by a microcontroller (8952) and able to connect to computer key board and floppy drive.
- Control system boards by exploitation of some types of micro controllers, such as 8031,8051,8952
May 1996- Sep 1996 Local Computer Network Administrator, SAMEN Computer Company, Mashad, Iran
- Maintenance of the hardware and software of a computer network
May 1995 – Mar 1996 Hardware and Software Designer: PAYAMGO Co, Tehran, Iran
- Designing Hardware Digital/Analogue modules for telephone central switch
- C++ programming
Adjunct Instructor
2006 – 2007 Sadjad Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran
- Computer Networks
- Industrial Control
Fall 2000 Azad University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
- Electronic Lab
- Communication Lab
Fall 2000 Azad University of Shahre Rei, Tehran, Iran
- Electronic systems
- Electrical circuits
1999 – 2000 Azad University of Saveh, Saveh, Iran
- Electronic II
- Logic Circuits
- Accounting Software
- Electronics lab
Spring 1999 Azad University of Majlesi, Isfahan, Iran
- Electronic Circuit Lab
Laboratory Administrator
1997– 1999 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
- Electronic Lab I
- Electronic Lab II
- Communication Lab
- Logic Lab
- Electrical Circuits Lab
Teaching Assistant
1996 – 1997 Isfahan University of Technology
- Signals and Systems
1997 – 1998 Ferdowsi Computer Training Center, Tehran
- Novel Netware
- Window
Academic Advisor
1999 – 2000 Azad University of Saveh, Saveh, Iran
- B.S. students
Conference paper and proceeding:
Mahrooghy, Majid; Younan, Nicolas H.; Anantharaj, Valentine G.; and Aanstoos, James, “High Resolution Satellite Precipitation Estimate Using Cluster Ensemble Cloud Classification," accepted to Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2011 IEEE International.
Cui, Minshan; Saurabh, P.; Mahrooghy, M.; Bruce, L.; Aanstoos, J., 'Genetic Algorithms and Linear Discriminant Analysis based Dimensionality Reduction for Remotely Sensed Image Analysis' ," accepted to Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2011 IEEE International.
Hasan, Khaled; Aanstoos, James; Mahrooghy, Majid; Dabbiru, Lalitha;Dunbar, Joseph, “ Characterizing Mississippi River levee segments using Soils and Geologic data”, in Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), April 2011.
Mahrooghy, M., V. G. Anantharaj, N. H. Younan, and J. Aanstoos; “On The Enhancement of Infrared Satellite Precipitation Estimates using Genetic Algorithm Filter-based Feature Selection” proceeding in the 34th international Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment, April 2011.
Mahrooghy, Majid; Aanstoos, James; Hasan, Khaled; Younan, Nicolas H.; “Levee Soil Moisture Assessment Based On a Backpropagation Neural Network Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data”, proceeding of the 34th international Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment, April 2011.
Aanstoos, J.V., Hasan, K., Mahrooghy, M., Dabbiru, L., Nobrega, R. A. A., & Prasad, S. (2011). Screening of Earthen Levees Using TerraSAR-X Radar Imagery. 4th TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting. Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany: DLR (German Aerospace Center).
Aanstoos, J.V., Hasan, K., O'Hara C., Prasad, S., Dabbiru, L., Mahrooghy, M., Nobrega, R. A. A., Lee, M. L., & Shrestha, B. (2010). Use of Remote Sensing to Screen Earthen Levees. Proc. 2010 39th IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Washington, DC: IEEE.
Mahrooghy, M., V. G. Anantharaj, N. H. Younan, and J. Aanstoos; “Optimal Wavelet Features for an Infrared Satellite Precipitation Estimate Algorithm,” Proc. 2010 39th IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Washington, DC: IEEE.
Mahrooghy, Majid; Anantharaj, Valentine G.; Younan, Nicolas H.; Petersen, Walter A.; Turk, F. Joseph; and Aanstoos, James, "Infrared satellite precipitation estimate using wavelet based cloud classification and radar calibration," Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE International , vol., no., pp.2345-2348, 25-30 July 2010.
Mahrooghy, M., V. G. Anantharaj, N. H. Younan, W. A. Petersen, and F. J. Turk “An adaptive methodology to enhance infrared satellite precipitation estimates using radar observations,” Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Radar Meteorology, October 2009.
Goudarzi, P. and Mahrooghi, M., “Stability Analysis of a Window-based High-speed Hierarchical Allocation Algorithm,” Proceeding of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Nov 2006, Singapore.
Journal Articles:
Majid Mahrooghy, Valentine G. Anantharaj, and Nicolas H. Younan “On the Use of Wavelet Features to Enhance Rain/No Rain detection in Satellite Precipitation Estimation,” submitted to Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
Majid Mahrooghy, Nicolas H. Younan, and Valentine G. Anantharaj, “Enhancement of Satellite Precipitation Estimate via Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Majid Mahrooghy, Nicolas H. Younan, Valentine G. Anantharaj, and Walter A. Petersen, “Augmenting Satellite Precipitation Estimation with Lightning Information”, submitted to Geophysical Research Letter.
Majid Mahrooghy, Nicolas H. Younan, and Valentine G. Anantharaj, “On the Enhancement of Infrared Satellite Precipitation Estimates Using Genetic Algorithm Filter Based Feature Selection”, in preparation
Signal Processing
Image Processing: segmentation (region growing, threshold segmentation, watershed segmentation, clustering, edge detection), image enhancement (noise reduction, linear and nonlinear filtering, adaptive filtering, morphological filtering, histogram equalization, histogram matching), image compression (lossy and lossless image compression, entropy coding, wavelet compression, linear predictive coding, DCT).
Speech Processing: Speech coding, LPC method, vocoder
Compressive sensing: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compressive sensing, MRI image Fourier domain random sampling, Universal Threshold Method (UTM), Projected Landweber (PL) algorithm
Active noise Control (ANC): Types of ANC, ANC on duct, periodic noise on ANC, narrowband and broadband Issue on ANC, cancellation of Noise on duct with or without primary Sensor, feed forward
and feedback ANC
Pattern Recognition
Classification, feature extraction, feature selection, supervised and unsupervised dimensionality reduction
Commutation Systems & Computer Network
- Source and channel coding, convolution and block coding, arithmetic coding
- Modulation, QAM, PSK, FSK, Discrete Multitone (DMT), wavelet modulation
- Channel equalization, linear equalization, adaptive equalization, decision-feedback equalization
- Computer network protocols and layers, TCP/IP, OSI
- Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN), Wireless network (WLAN)
- Computer network topology, token-bus, token ring, star
- Computer network equipment , hub, routers, bridge, switch, repeater
- ADSL modems, modulation, management protocol
- WLAN coexistence with Blue tooth, and methods for decreasing the
Remote Sensing
- Satellite infrared images (GEOS Images), lightning data (NLDN data) for cloud classification
- Passive & active microwave images (satellite: TRMM-PR, TRMM-TMI, and Cloudsat images; Radar: Nexrad step II, III, and IV images ) for rainfall estimation
- Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) (airborne: polarimetric L-band UAVSAR Images; satellite: polarimetric X band TerraSARx images) for soil moisture, texture measurement, and slide detection across the levee
- Ground-truth data: conductivity and soil moisture data
- Satellite precipitation estimation: cloud classification, cloud patch classification using Neural Network, Satellite precipitation estimation using cloud classification
- Slide detection along levee: slide/no slide statistical and texture feature extraction and supervised classification, detect the slides along levee
- Soil moisture assessment using SAR images: empirical models, OH and Dubois models, BNN neural network on soil moisture assessment
- Soil texture assessment using SAR images: BNN neural network on soil texture assessment
- Satellite infrared images, satellite SAR radar Images, satellite passive and active
- Microwave images, airborne SAR radar images, lightning data, ground-based
- Radar images, ground –based conductivity data, ground-truth soil moisture data,
- Ground-truth soil texture data
Algorithms (Using MATLAB)
- A practical modem (9600 bit/sec) on real channel model
- An ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) modem under the Gaussian noise condition and various standard channels
- A vocoder, which compresses sound data and simulates human sound
- A channel code, convolutional code with Viterbi algorithm
- Adaptive filters such as LMS, NLMS, DFE
- A face recognition using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and ICA (Independent Component Analysis)
- High resolution satellite precipitation estimation based on cloud classification
- High resolution satellite precipitation estimation incorporating lightning data
- Detect slides along levee using SAR radar images (satellite and airborne SAR data)
- Estimate soil moisture of bare soils using SAR images and neural network
- Estimate sand/clay classification using SAR images
- A compressive sensing algorithm for MRI images using Projected Landweber (PL) method
2004 Certification of training - EMS (Electrical Monorail System) conveyors in automotive systems. FATA handling company, Italy.
2009-present Student member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
2009-present Member, Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society
2010 Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Computer Skills
- Programming languages: C++, Fortran, Visual Basic, Delphi
- Software Packages: MATLAB, PSPICE, ORCAD, ArcGIS, ENVI
Fields of Interest
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Remote Sensing, Computer Network, Mobile Systems, Multimedia Systems, Industrial Communication and Control, Robotic, and Machine Vision