Michael Valles
Athens, TN *****
To obtain freelance writing projects that will utilize, develop, and strengthen, both my own expertise and experience, in a mutual relationship of growth and profit.
1. Experience in writing (2,000+), and copyediting (600+) of Web content articles and web pages
2. Have written Web content, press releases, several Ebooks (12 on health topics, 3 for business, plus a few others), sales letters, and more
3. Currently write for Blogs regularly for clients, and have my own (Wordpress and Moveable Type)
4. Have worked with various CMS systems
5. Wrote a non-fiction comprehensive book about Estate Planning, called Your Complete Guide to Leaving an Inheritance for Your Children and Others: What You Need to Know Explained Simply; 288 pages; released in July 2008, Atlantic Publishing
6. Self-published Seminar materials and self-study guides
7. Strong and proven ability as a communicator, college level teacher, and public speaker
8. Able to do online research effectively, and quickly
9. Proficient in the use of MS Word, Windows, and other software (including image editing)
10. Also, I currently have a rating at Elance, and have completed many projects under the name – Yourwriter1. (Click for link to profile page)
Currently working full-time as a freelance writer / blogger, writing mostly articles for the Internet, Ebooks and books - providing services via the Internet. Most of my articles are about finances, insurance, real estate, Internet marketing, web development, health, natural supplements, travel, computers, reviews, and other subjects – as a ghostwriter. Clients seem happy with the results and I do have repeat business from multiple clients.
I have written more than 1,100 articles on the two subjects of personal finances and insurance – most of them as a ghostwriter. Also wrote several Ebooks – on Insurance, Real Estate, 12 on medical themes, Business topics, and more. Several of these have been through Elance, where there is also some feedback.
Communicator (1977 – Present)
• Responsible for writing and delivering 35-45-minute, instructive messages and to groups ranging between 5 – 250 people on a regular basis, and often to the same people. Successfully did this for more than 25 years, as a pastor of three churches, and teacher. (1973-2000)
• Responsible to provide college-level instruction for up to six classes of different subjects per week, for over six years at the Berea Bible Institute – in addition to other regular speaking appointments (Philadelphia – 1986-1990; New York City - 1992-1994)
• Radio program host for 18 months with a once a week, two-hour program, in Brooklyn, NY, at a local College Station (WKRB) (1992-1993)
• Very good English – spoken and written
Writer and Self-publisher
Have personally written, and/or self-published, the following:
• Seminar materials, with Teacher and Student Lesson Guides (53 & 31 pgs.)
• 15 College level courses – and taught them in two Institutes (Philadelphia & New York City)
• Self-study guide (42 pgs., 8 ½ X 11)
• Pamphlets (11 pgs.) & Brochures
• Ebooks, and Newspaper Ads
Bachelor’s Degree, with 18 hours of English, from Tennessee Temple University, Chattanooga, TN.
Also completed some graduate classes at Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, Lansdale, PA.
Not long ago, stress was something that you never heard much about – even though we all knew somebody that we felt was afflicted by it. Still, we knew what it meant, but life went on, and so did we. Those were probably less stress-filled days than today, but we are no longer living in that era.
Today we find that each day brings us a fresh load of stress. For many, the daily effects can slowly accumulate - unless you do something definite about it. Stress has more far-reaching effects than many of us realize. You know it’s there - it can be felt, but what to do about it is a different matter, and many don't have a clue. So life continues with great stress, as a normal way of life - for all too many. This brief article will tell you about some of the dangers of this way of thinking and will provide some real ideas as to what you can do about it.
Some Stress Is Normal
Each of our bodies is equipped with a natural stress mechanism, often referred to as a fight or flight syndrome. When confronted in an extreme situation, our body gives us a shot of adrenaline, which allows us to react accordingly with a brief enhancement of strength, energy, endurance, etc., for whichever of the two (fight or flight) may be necessary.
Another kind of more normal stress is felt when we are late, or, facing an exam, or, a deadline, for which we are unprepared. It goes without saying that this kind of stress would not be as severe as the survival instinct, but some of the same hormones are working - just not to the same degree. It does not hype us up nearly as much, but it does enable us to get focused, pay attention, and get the job done.
Continued Stress Is Harmful
Having stress put on us every day is normal. It is when it becomes routine to us, and we take insufficient steps (or none) to correct or counteract it, that it begins to take a toll on our minds and bodies. Currently, our stress and that of others around us is enough of a concern that reports tell us that 43% of adults are suffering from some kind of stress-induced illness. This statistic alone makes it worth raising a little fuss about stress.
Here are a few of the physical effects (out of many more) that stress puts on us daily, and you may recognize yourself as having one or more of them:
The physical symptoms include:
• high blood pressure
• headaches
• upset stomach
• insomnia
• pain in muscles and joints
The mental symptoms include:
• confusion
• depression
• anxiety
• irritability
• tension
As people become more aware of stress and its harmful effects, they often will try to deal with it in a number of ways. While this is normal, since most of us would rather feel more restful than troubled, or tense, many will turn to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco to find relief. Instead of actually finding the desired effect, however, it only aggravates the situation more (though some of the effects may tend to hide or mask them). Anyway, the stressed condition remains, and it continues to do its long-range harm.
Once, again, stress is so prevalent that some say that as many as 75-90% of all doctors’ visits are the result of stress-created problems. Worse yet, the major causes of death are linked to stress. This includes things like heart disease, cancer, accidents, and suicide.
Dealing with Stress Is Necessary
There is a multitude of things that most people can do to start to put improper stress back in its place. While life as a whole puts stressful demands on us, we can make conscious and deliberate efforts to reduce it, and its effects. Here are just a few things that will help – why not start with one or two of them today?
1. Establish a regular exercise program - for 20 to 30 minutes a day. The very act of exercise will help your mind and body to relax. Take a walk, jog, aerobics, basketball, etc. - but don't overdo it the first couple of days.
2. Eat right and take vitamins – give your body the nutrients it needs to give you the strength and energy to fight off the symptoms of stress.
3. Get a good night's sleep - nature's intended relaxer - most of us do not get enough. Seems like our bodies are getting the short end of the stick here. When our priorities are wrong, we take it out on our own bodies - is this wise?
4. Enjoy a hobby - many possibilities here, such as, gardening, a pet, playing an instrument (calm music is very relaxing to most), paint, do something with your children or with a friend. Basically, just find something you enjoy doing to take your mind off the daily concerns.
5. Take some time for fun and laughter - schedule some time off, and go on special outings occasionally to get away from it all.
6. Stop being a perfectionist. This could be source of much stress, both for yourself - and for others.
Stress is not something we can deal with some other day. Make today the beginning of a more relaxed life - one in which you have time to enjoy friends, and smell the roses.
2006 by Yourwriter1 - This article may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the author.
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