Teresa Espinoza
Clarksville, Tennessee 37043
Work Experience
Circulation Supervisor/Manager
*/**** – 6/01/2007 Clarksville Montgomery County Public Library, Clarksville, Tn.
Skillfully manage a department consisting of 12 employees directly under my supervision. Responsibilities include purchasing, make schedules, and assist patrons and all management duties within a non-profit organization. Effectively develop and orchestrate programs that better serve our community by assessing the needs and requests of the public. Please ask for complete job description if necessary.
Hard lines manager
6/1996 – 5/1997 US Factory Outlets, Clarksville, TN
Was in charge of stocking, registers, merchandising and ordering of my area. Left when I was about to graduate from college.
Head Bartender
11/1994 – 7/1996 Players, Clarksville, TN
Responsible for 2 nightclubs. Ordered all necessary items and various other duties.
Assistant Manager
1/1994 – 11/1994 Discoveries, Clarksville, TN
Involved in all aspects of retail business. Store was closed after a year due to relocation of owners.
District Supervisor
6/1989 – 6/1990 Bill Garrett Enterprises, Springfield, TN
Managed 3 telemarketing offices in Springfield, Lebanon and Columbia. Managed from Springfield. Responsible for opening up and training all new employees in these offices.
3rd Key Manager
8/1987 – 5/1989 Kids Port USA, Clarksville, TN
Merchandised and designed display areas for this children’s clothing chain. Was responsible for opening, closing and all other retail duties.
Head Receptionist
3/1985 – 7/1987 USA Training Academy, Jackson, TN
Assisted District Manager and representatives in TN, MO, KY &MS. Scheduled appointments for representatives in these areas and coordinated their travel and meetings. Also assisted our customers in attaining financing for their tuitions and fees. Had 3 assistants under my supervision.
1/1992 – 5/1996 Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Bachelor’s Degree
Languages and Literature major, Minor in psychology. Member of the lantern club.