Ana Dragovic
San José, CA
OBJECTIVE Clinical Trials Assistant
EDUCATION San Jose State University (SJSU)
Master of Biotechnology, May 2011 (Integrating Science & Business)
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, Systems Physiology
Chemistry Minor, December 2008
Extremely proficient in Microsoft Office; Great team player
Excellent interpersonal & communication skills; Results-driven; Independent
Organized & detail-oriented; Fast-learner & hard working
Student Support Services, College of Science, SJSU. 1/24/11 - 6/30/11.
-Answered phones -Helped students solve registration & advising issues
-Data preparation, analysis & reporting -Assisted with Freshmen Orientation
-Research project on peer advising & housing services for all 23 CSU’s
-Worked under minimal supervision
Administrative Assistant, STEM grant, SJSU. 3/16/09 - 12/31/10.
-Prepared flyers/advertisements/brochures for students –Mentored transfer students
-Collected & analyzed student data -Created & organized a student event
-Coordinated research projects between students & professors
-Assisted with Freshmen & Transfer student Orientations
-Attended outreach events for community colleges -Scheduled travel plans
-Ordered research supplies & completed accounts receivable paperwork
Science 2 Peer Advisor Coordinator, SJSU. 9/2003- 7/2009.
-Managed 15+ employees -Organized payroll -Mentored freshmen students
-Assisted director with daily activities to ensure program success
-Held weekly meetings with all employees -Created newsletters
-Assisted with Freshmen Orientation –Maintained student data & grades
-Interviewed, hired & trained new employees
Science 2 Peer Advisor Coordinator for College of Science Advising Center (CoSAC), SJSU. 1/2008 – 8/2008.
-Started & implemented peer advising program -Reported weekly to supervisor
-Organized peer advising & tutoring schedules
-Coordinated meetings with all employees –Interviewed & hired new employees
-Advertised CoSAC services to students -Collected & organized student data
-Trained next coordinator to take over position
-Selected for the SJSU’s Provost’s Honors Seminar, Spring 2011
-Organized & staffed the College of Science display booth for the 2010 International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) held in San Jose, CA
-Selected for a 3-week Chinese Cultural Immersion Camp, 2009-2010
-2007 SJSU Salzburg Scholar: Globalization of SJSU campus
-SJSU College of Science Deans Student Advisory Board Student Leader, 2007-2011
-Presented at the National Conference on the First Year Experience in 2008 on student benefits of peer advising in a first year experience course