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receptionist/clerical/8-month ex.@ admin.asst

henderson, TX, 75652
$9.00-$10.00 pr hr
February 20, 2010

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Lorine Lowery

SH-** Lake Cherokee

Henderson, TX 75652


Objective: To find employment in the office and administrative field that will enable

Me to use my skills and to be an asset to my employer. I have strong work

Ethics, believe in integrity and dependability in the workforce.

April 2005-Dec 2008 SY and Company

Kilgore,Texas 903-***-****

Title: Salon Mgr

Duties: Appointment Scheduling, AP

Salary: 9.00 pr hr

Feb 1997-Sept 2004 Shaw Pipe Supports



Duties: New Hire/Terminations

Manual Calculations of time cards

Computerized Payroll ,AP,Receiving

Purchasing ,Data Entry for customer orders

Inventory Control

Salary: 13.25 pr hr

1993-1996 Greggton Pipe & Steel


Duties: Purchasing ,Inventory Control Customer Sales,

Manual Payroll ,AP/AR

Salary: 7.00 pr hr

Office Skills: Experience with the following software;

Microsoft Word/Excel, Syteline Manufacturing,

PC Anywhere, Peachtree Accounting, Shamrock

Accounting Software

Salary Request: $9:00-$10:00 per hr

References: Rick Moreau / Former Gen Mgr

281-***-**** / Piping Technologies

Scott James

903-***-****/ Capco Fabricators & Machine

Terri James

903-***-**** / Purchasing: Surface Equipment

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