Timothy A. Rodríguez
Perrysburg, OH 43551
Ph. D. Curriculum and Instruction
The University of Iowa, 1995
Major Areas: Developmental Reading,
Bilingual Education
Master's Degree Developmental Reading
Western Illinois University, 1984
Bachelor's Degree Elementary Education, Bilingual
Western Illinois University, 1982
Professional Experience
Lecturer, The Ohio State University at Lima, summer 2003 - present
Assistant Professor, Reading, University of Findlay, fall 2001 - 2003
Visiting Professor, Florida Atlantic University, fall 2000 - spring 2001
Adjunct Professor, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
spring, 1996 – 2001
Adjunct ESOL and Reading Instructor – Broward Community College,1997-1999
Assistant Professor, Bilingual Education, Western Illinois University, fall 1993 - spring 1995
Supervisor of Student Teachers, The University of Iowa, fall 1992- spring 1993
Reading Clinic Supervisor, The University of Iowa, summer 1992, summer 1993
Teaching Assistant, Reading Methods, The University of Iowa, fall 1991-spring 1992
Teacher, ESOL, Palm Beach County School District (Florida), Glade View Elementary, 1986-1988, Grades 2-5, Glades Central High, 1995-1997, and John I. Leonard High, 1999-2000
Teacher, ESOL, Martin County School District (Florida), Indian Town Middle School , 1988-1991, 1998-1999.
Teacher, English-Spanish Bilingual Education, Houston Independent School
District, Tijerina Elementary School, 1984-1986, 2nd Grade
Teacher, English-Spanish Bilingual Education, Danville School District (Illinois), Northeast Elementary School, 1982-1983, 2nd Grade
Classes Taught
Reading Methods - The University of Iowa, The Ohio State University at Lima
Literature For Children and Adolescents - Nova Southeastern University
Teaching Language Arts in the Secondary School - Nova Southeastern University
Techniques of Corrective Remedial Reading - Nova Southeastern University
Reading Supervision and Curriculum Development - Nova Southeastern University
The Reading Process - Nova Southeastern University
Techniques of Classroom Management - Nova Southeastern University
Foundations of Bilingual Education - Nova Southeastern University
Methodology of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - Nova
Southeastern University
Culture in the Classroom - Nova Southeastern University
Second Language Assessment - Nova Southeastern University, Western Illinois University
Curriculum Development in TESOL - Nova Southeastern University
Bilingual Education Methods - The University of Iowa, Western Illinois University
Strategies for Teaching and Assessing Reading - The University of Findlay
Issues of Reading in Early Childhood - The University of Findlay
Reading in The Content Areas - The University of Findlay
Clinical Reading Diagnosis and Correction - The University of Findlay, The Ohio State University at Lima
Reading & Writing: Assessment, Intervention & Portfolios - The University of Findlay
Phonics, Reading and Language Structure – The University of Findlay
Understanding Phonics and Its Role In Reading Instruction - The Ohio State University at Lima
Reading Foundations – The Ohio State University at Lima
Diversity and Exceptionality – The Ohio State University
Trends and Issues in the Teaching of Reading – The Ohio State University at Lima
Reading in Its Social Setting – The Ohio State University at Lima
Teaching and Learning Language Arts for Middle Childhood – The Ohio State University at Lima
Teaching and Learning Language Arts for Early Childhood – The Ohio State University at Lima
Evaluation and Instructional Decision-Making in Literacy – The Ohio State University at Lima
Honors and Organizations
Outstanding Ohio Educator – Ohio Magazine December, 2005
Teaching Excellence Award – The Ohio State University at Lima, 2005
Who’s Who in The World - 2000-2008
Who’s Who In Education – 2006-2008
Board Member, Sunshine State TESOL, 1998 - 2001
Member, Sunshine State TESOL, 1997-2001
Member, TESOL
Member, Phi Delta Kappa
Member, International Reading Association
Member, National Council for Teachers of English
Member, National Association for Bilingual Educators
Lapp, S. & Rodríguez, T. (1997). From Theory To Practice, II. Washington D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Rodriguez, T. (2010). Teaching Cognates in Isolation and Context: A Practical Note on Montelongo, et. al. (2009). Psychological Reports, 2010, 107, 564-566.
Rodriguez, T. (2010). Teaching ESOL through Music, Drama, and Art. In Zainuddin, H., Yahya, N., Morales-Jones, C., & Ariza, E. (Authors). Fundamentals of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in K-12 Mainstream Classrooms. Dubuque: Iowa: Kendall Hunt.
Rodríguez, T. (May, 2001). From The Known To The Unknown: Using Cognates to Teach English to Spanish-Speaking Literates. The Reading Teacher.
Rodríguez, T. & Potts, J. (1999). Bilingual Education and ESOL: Dispelling the Myths. Sunshine State TESOL Journal, Fall 1999, 1-9.
Rodríguez, T. (Fall, 1998). BICS and CALP: Another Examination of the Issues. Sunshine State TESOL Messenger, V 1, p.6.
Rodríguez, T. (1997). Transitional Programs: The Pressure to Exit Students and Its Impact on Learning. TESOL Annual Editions. Guilford, Conn.: Dushkins/McGraw-Hill. pp. 195-198.
Rodríguez, T. (1997). Contribution to "Literacy: A Critical Factor for Developing English Language and Academic Skills." TESOL Annual Editions. Guilford, Conn.: Dushkins/McGraw-Hill.
Rodríguez, T. (1996). Transitional Programs: The Pressure to Exit Students and Its Impact on Learning. Sunshine State TESOL Journal, Fall 1996, 1-5.
Rodriguez, T. (May 16, 2007). Employing Picture Books With English Language Learners to Facilitate the Four Basic Levels of English Proficiency. Presentation delivered at the International Reading Association Conference in Toronto, Ontario.
Rodriguez, T. (January 13, 2007). Understanding Second Language Acquisition: Why Second Language Programs Matter. Keynote Speaker, 2007 Alabama-Mississippi TESOL Conference, Mobile, Ala.
Rodríguez, T. (January 4, 2006). Homogeneous Instruction: Its impact on ELL students in a transitional bilingual program. Presentation delivered at the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Annual Meeting. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Rodríguez, T. (October 19, 2000). Facilitating Text-Appropriate Schema and Modeling Student-Generated Questions. Presentation delivered at Southeast Regional TESOL Conference.
Rodríguez, T. (October 19, 2000). How Myths of Second-Language Learning Impact Education. Presentation delivered at Southeast Regional TESOL Conference.
Rodríguez, T. (May 7, 1999). Teaching Vocabulary to ESOL Students. Presentation delivered at TESOL Sunshine State Conference.
Rodríguez, T. (May 9, 1998). Using Cognates to Teach English. Presentation delivered at TESOL Sunshine State Conference.
Rodríguez, T. (May 9, 1998). Teaching Word Attack Strategies to ESOL Students. Presentation delivered at TESOL Sunshine State Conference.
Rodríguez, T. (March 13, 1997). How Views of Language Impact Bilingual Education Students' Learning. Presentation delivered at International TESOL Conference. Orlando, FL
Dr. Robert Leier
101 Fairmont Circle
Daphne, AL
Dr. Joseph Potts
Kentlake High School
21401 – SE Falcon Way
Kent, WA 98042
Dr. Wayne Gordon
2611 Karsten Ct SE Ste D
Albuquerque, NM 87102