University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD
College of Arts and Sciences
Graduated: December 2007
Major: B. S. in Psychology Minor: Biology
Cumulative GPA: 3.4 Major GPA: 3.89
Psychology of Human Development; Juvenile Delinquency; Family Violence; Juvenile Justice; Criminal Law; Psychology of Abnormal Behavior; Social Psychology; Ecology of Human Development ; Alcohol Use and Abuse Studies; Drug Use and Abuse Studies
Children’s Inn Sioux Falls, SD
Children’s Program Social Worker January 2008- Present
•Work with children who have been taken into state custody due to abuse and neglect; Develop strong relationships with children who are in a high emotional state; Supervising of children; Communicating with Child Protection Services; Implementing activities for school-aged children; Documentation and communication of each individuals performance while in state’s custody; CPR certified.
University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD
Budget and Finance Office September 2005 to December 2007
Office Assistant
•Log and record budget documents into Access; Set up Excel spreadsheets; Troubleshoot and proof Budget errors and correct mistakes on documents; File budget documents; Answer/ transfer telephone calls
Golden Living Nursing Home Mobridge, SD
Dietary Aid August 2002 to August 2006
•Help prepare/serve for 100+ elderly residents; Assist cooks with serving the meals; Responsible for tray set-ups; Convey residents concerns to Dietary Service Manager; Clear/clean dinning room; Wash dishes; Developed strong organizational/communication skills
Windows 2000, XP; Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint; Internet: E-mail; Typing: WPM: 47
Dean's List, 5 semesters; Girl’s State Scholarship, Fall/Spring 2004; Opportunity Scholarship, Fall 2004-Fall 2007
Volunteer, Golden Living Nursing Home; Mobridge Karate Club Certified Instructor, Nidan (2nd Degree) Shotokan Black Belt