Bhoj Gautam
**** *** **** **, ******, OH *****
419-***-**** (Cell) 419-***-**** (Work)
• Medical Physics training from a CAMPEP accredited graduate program
• Possess 18 months of clinical experience under ABR certified Medical Physicists
• Experience of
o Acceptance test and Commissioning of Varian IX Linear Accelerator
o QA tests of Linear Accelerators (Elekta SL-15, SL-25 and Varian iX) and HDR afterloader ( Varisource iX)
o ADAC Pinnacle, BrachyVision Treatment Planning Systems and MOSAIQ record and verify system
• 19 Publications (including 10 research articles and 9 abstracts) and 9 conference presentations (oral and poster).
• The University of Toledo, Toledo OH
2008-Current: Ph. D. in Physics with concentration in Medical Physics (Expected Graduation Fall 2012)
• Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL
2006-2008: Master of Science (MS) in Physics s
• Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
2003-2006: Master of Science (M. Sc.) in Physics
• Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
1998-2001: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) in Physics
o Monte Carlo calculation of TG-43 radiation characterizing parameters of newly developed thermo-brachytherapy ferromagnetic core seed using MCNP5 code
o Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method for the modeling study of the thermal distribution of thermo-brachytherapy seed using COMSOL Multiphysics software
o Experimental study of the Ni-Mn-Ga based heusler alloys for magnetic and structural property using SQUID magnetometer
Clinical Experience at University of Toledo Medical Center, Department of Radiation Oncology (Under direction of Staff Physicist) Jan 2011 –Present
• Treatment Planning:
o ADAC Pinnacle Treatment Planning
o BrachyVision Treatment Planning System (HDR)
o Plans included 3D CRT, IMRT, HDR/LDR Brachytherapy and Irreg Plans for real patients
• Record and Verify
• Elekta SL Linear Accelerator (X2)
o Daily Output / Mechanical Checks
o Monthly Quality Assurance
o Annual Quality Assurance
o IMRT Quality Assurance (MapCheck)
• HDR Brachytherapy
o Daily and Monthly Quality Assurance of Varian Afterloader
o Acceptance Testing of Source Afterloader after source Exchange
• Treatment Plans Included Fletcher-Suit, Cylindrical Applicators, and Mammosite
• Weekly Chart Checks, Chart Rounds/ Peer Review
• Acceptance and Commissioning
o Participated in acceptance testing with Varian Installer for Varian Linear Accelerator Clinac iX at CHWC Radiation Oncology Center, Bryan, OH in May 2011
o Participated in Commissioning for Varian Linear Accelerator Clinac iX at CHWC Radiation Oncology Center, Bryan, OH in May-July 2011, Which included:
• Experience with the following beam scanning equipment/software
o Welhoffer
o MapCheck
o QA Beam Checker PLUS
ABR Eligibility:
• Eligible to take ABR part I.
• The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Department of Radiation Oncology
Predoctoral Research Assistant: (January 2009-Present)
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Teaching Assistant: (August 2008-August 2011)
• Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Department of Physics
Research Assistant: (June 2007- August 2008)
Teaching Assistant: (August 2006- May 2007)
• Research Article
1. Gautam, Bhoj R.; Shvydka, Diana; and Parsai, E. Ishmael; “Technical Aspects of the Newly Designed Ferromagnetic Core Thermo-brachytherapy Seed” submitted for the publication.
2. Bhoj Gautam, E.Ishmael Parsai, Diana Shvydka, John Feldmeier, and Manny Subramanian, “Dosimetric and Thermal Properties of a Newly Developed Thermobrachytherapy Seed with Ferromagnetic Core for Treatment of Solid Tumors” Medical Physics Vol 39 (4) April pp 1980-90 (2012).
3. Parsai E. Ishmael, Gautam B., and Shvydka, D.; “Evaluation of a Novel Thermobrachytherapy Seed for Concurrent Administration of Brachytherapy and Magnetically Mediated Hyperthermia in Treatment of Solid Tumors” J. Biomed Phys Eng, vol. 1 (1) pp 5-16 (2011).
4. Bhoj Raj Gautam, Igor Dubenko, James C. Mabon, Shane Stadler, and Naushad Ali, “Effect of Small Changes in Mn Concentration on Phase Transition Temperatures and Magnetic Entropy Variations in Ni2Mn0.75Cu0.25Ga Heusler Alloys” Journals of Alloys and Compounds 472 (2009) 35-39.
5. Bhoj Raj Gautam, Igor Dubenko, Arjun Kumar Pathak, Shane Stadler, and Naushad Ali, “The Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ni2Mn1-xBxGa Heusler Alloys” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 29-33.
6. Arjun K. Pathak, Bhoj R. Gautam, Igor Dubenko, Mahmud Khan, Shane Stadler, and Naushad Ali, “Exchange bias in bulk Ni-Mn-In based Heusler alloys,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 963–965.
7. Igor Dubenko Mahmud Khan, Arjun Kumar Pathak, Bhoj Raj Gautam, Shane Stadler, Naushad Ali, “Magneto caloric effects in Ni–Mn–X based Heusler alloys with X = Ga, Sb,In” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 754–757.
8. Mahmud Khan, Bhoj R. Gautam, Arjun K. Pathak, Igor Dubenko, Shane Stadler, and Naushad Ali, “Intermartensitic transformations in Ni-Mn-Fe-Cu-Ga Heusler alloys,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 505206 (6pp).
9. Arjun K. Pathak, Bhoj R. Gautam, Igor Dubenko, Mahmud Khan, Shane Stadler, and Naushad Ali, “Phase transitions and magnetoresistance in Ni50Mn50-xInx Heusler alloys” J. Appl. Phys. 103,07F315 (2008).
10. Bhoj Raj Gautam, Igor Dubenko, Arjun Kumar Pathak, Shane Stadler and Naushad Ali, “Effect of isoelectronic substitution on magnetic properties of Ni2Mn(GaB) Heusler alloys” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 465209 (5pp).
• Abstracts:
1. B Gautam, D Shvydka and E Parsai; “Practical Considerations for Maximizing Heat Production in Novel Thermo-Brachytherapy Seed Prototype” abstract Medical Physics, Vol. 39, No. 6, 3773 (2012).
2. N Soni, B Gautam, D Shvydka, and E Parsai; “Quantitative Assessment of the Source Attenuation for the New CT Compatible Titanium Fletcher-Suit-Delclos (FSD) Gynecologic Applicator” abstract Medical Physics, Vol. 39, No. 6, 3774 (2012).
3. G Warrell, D Shvydka, B Gautam and E Parsai; “Comparison of the Radiation and Thermal Dose Distributions of a Novel Thermo-Brachytherapy Seed” abstract Medical Physics, Vol. 39, No. 6, 3931 (2012).
4. E. Parsai, B. Gautam, D.Shvydka, and J.J. Feldmeier, “Study of Effects of the Blood Perfusion Rate on Thermal Distribution in Induction Heating of Thermobrachy Ferromagnetic Core Seed for Solid Tumors” abstract supplement to International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology. Physics Vol. 81, No. 2, S150 (2011).
5. Gautam B; Shvydka D; Feldmeier J; Subramanian M and Parsai E “ Advantages of Implementation of a Self –regulating Thermobrachy seed for Solid Tumors” abstract Med. Phys. 38, 3733 (2011).
6. B. Gautam, D. Shvydka, E. Parsai and J. Feldmeier, “Three-Dimentional Dosimetric and Thermal Properties of a Newly Developed Ferromagnetic Core Thermobrachytherapy Seed for Treatment of Solid Tumors” abstract Medical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 6, June 2010.
7. Ishmael Parsai, Diana Shvydka, Bhoj Gautam, John Feldmeier, “A Newly Developed Radioactive Seed Capable of Concurrent Brachytherapy and Hyperthermia Treatments in Solid Tumors: Design Considerations and Thermal Properties” abstract American Journal of Clinical Oncology Volume 33, Number 2, April 2010.
8. D. Shvydka, B. Gautam, E. Parsai, J. Feldmeier, “Investigating Thermal Properties of a Thermobrachytherapy Radioactive Seed for Concurrent Brachytherapy and Hyperthermia Treatments: Design Considerations” abstract Medical Physics, Vol. 36, No. 6, June 2009.
9. Arjun K. Pathak, Bhoj R. Gautam, Igor Dubenko, and Naushad Ali, “Phase transition temperatures and magnetic entropy changes in Ni-Mn-In-B based Heusler alloys” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, (2008 APS March meeting) Volume 53, No 2, abstract ID: BAPS.2008.MAR.V32.8
• Dissertations & Theses:
1. Gautam, Bhoj Raj, Dissertation submitted to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale for Master of Science Degree in title “A study of structural and magnetic properties of Nickel-Manganese-Gallium based Heusler alloys” ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, (AAT 1458626) document ID:159*******, ISBN: 978**********
1. Poster presentation on “Practical Considerations for Maximizing Heat Production in Novel Thermo-Brachytherapy Seed Prototype” AAPM 54th Annual meeting Charlotte, NC; July 29th - August 2nd, 2012.
2. Poster Presentation “Technical Aspects of the Newly Designed Ferromagnetic Core Thermo-brachytherapy Seed ” 2012 Spring symposium of Ohio River Valley Chapter of AAPM, Columbus OH, March 9th-10th
3. Poster Presentation “A Modeling Study of Effects of the Blood Perfusion Rate on Thermal Distribution in Induction Heating of Thermobrachy Ferromagnetic Core Seed for Solid Tumors” 2011 Spring symposium of Ohio River Valley Chapter of AAPM, Louisville KY, October 7th-8th
4. Oral Presentation “Advantages of Implementation of a Self-regulating Thermobrachytherapy Seed for Solid Tumors ” 2011 Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting Vancouver, BC, Canada July 31st –August 4th
5. Oral Presentation “Advantages of Implementation of a Self-regulating Thermobrachytherapy Seed for Solid Tumors ” The Ohio River Valley Chapter of the AAPM Spring 2011 Educational Symposium, Cincinnati, OH; March 4-5, 2011.
6. Oral Presentation “Investigating Thermal Properties of a Ferromagnetic Thermoseed for Thermobrachytherapy” Midwest Graduate Research Symposium, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH; March 20, 2010.
7. Oral Presentation “Three-Dimentional Dosimetric and Thermal Properties of a Newly Developed Ferromagnetic Core Thermobrachytherapy Seed for Treatment of Solid Tumors” AAPM 52nd Annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA; July 18-22, 2010.
8. Poster presentation on “Investigating Thermal Properties of a Thermobrachytherapy Radioactive Seed for Concurrent Brachytherapy and Hyperthermia Treatments: Design Considerations” AAPM 51st Annual meeting Anaheim, CA; July 26-30, 2009.
9. Poster presentation on “The effect of Mn loss on the magnetic properties of Ni2Mn0.75Cu0.25Ga Heusler alloys,” 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) Tampa, FL; November 05-09, 2007.
• 1st place – “Best Colloquia” in Spring Symposium of The Ohio River Valley Chapter (ORVC) of the American Association of Physicist in Medicine (AAPM) held on March 05, 2011 at the University of Cincinnati.
1. E. Ishmael Parsai, Ph.D., FACRO, DABR, DABMP
Professor & Director
University of Toledo Graduate Medical Physics Pro¬grams
Chief, Division of Medi¬cal Physics
Department of Radiation Oncology
Mail Stop 1151
3000 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43614- 2598
Voice: 419-***-****
2. David Pearson, Ph.D., DABR
Assistant Professor
Clinical Medical Physicist
Department of Radiation Oncology
Mail Stop 1151
3000 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43614- 2598
Voice: 419-***-****
3. Diana Shvydka, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Radiation Oncology
Mail Stop 1151
3000 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43614- 2598