John Cuchta
Obtain experience or fulltime employment in the natural resources industry.
*** ***** ****** - ***********, ** 26041
**********@*****.*** - 304-***-****
Relevant Courses:
Physical Geology, Historical, Structural, Field Mapping, Computer
Methods, Fossil Fuels, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology,
Geomorphology, Environmental Geology, Sedimentary Petrology,
Igneous/Metamorphic Petrology, Geochemisty, Mineralogy, and Basic
Experienced in aspects of engineering, paleopedology and soil science through independent research.
Work Experience
Undergraduate Researcher
Marshall University Research Corporation - Huntington, WV
May 2011 to August 2011
Awarded Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
grant for a project
• Project encompassed aspects of applied engineering geology,
paleopedology and field geology
Summer Worker
West Virginia Division of Highways - Moundsville, WV
May 2010 to August 2010
Maintained road signs in six counties in northern West Virginia
• Obtained training to drive small state vehicles
• Handled and applied thermoplastics to roads in the form of road
B.S. in Geology
Marshall University
May 2012
BS in Geology
Marshall University - Huntington, WV
2008 to 2012
Proficient in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. Excellent problem solving skills. Very capable at
conveying scientific information to non-science people. Experience with various pieces of lab equipment
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
May 2011
The SURE fellowship program is funded by the West Virginia Research Challenge Fund that is
administered by the WV Higher Education Policy Commission, Division of Science and Research.
My project consisted of examining fossilized soils (paleosols) from the prospective of engineering and
geologic properties in attempt to cross correlate between the two separate, but distinct, professions.
NASA Space Grant Student Fellowship
August 2011
The NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium (WVSGC) includes five West Virginia Universities
and seven West Virginia Colleges. West Virginia University is the lead institution.
I was awarded this fellowship to further fund my independent research with fossilized soils through the
Marshall University Chapter of Sigma Xi.
Additional Information
1. William Niemann
Geology Chair and Professor
Marshall University
2. Aley El-Shazly
Geology Professor
Marshall University