AVE. E – 74
TEL. 787-***-**** / 787-***-****
e-mail: ***.*.******@*******.***
Work in a company that can offer me the opportunity to develop and demonstrate myself as a competent professional.
August 2009 – Present M.M. Engineering Management
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
Manufacturing Management
August 2003 – May 2009 B.S. Electrical Engineering,
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Senior Project: Power System Design and
Power Factor Correction; Economical Analysis
Courses related to the Major Field:
Electric System Analysis - Analysis of Magnetic Circuits and Polyphase Balanced Systems; Transformers; Transmission Lines.
Power System Analysis - Economic Operation of Power Systems; Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults; Load Flow
Electric Machines - Electromechanical Energy Conversion; Induction, Synchronous and Direct Current Machines.
Electrical System Design - Design of electrical systems for building; wiring systems, illumination, protection and grounding.
Transmission and Distribution Systems - Design of Power Distribution Systems and Transmission Lines with Special Attention to Conductor Selection and Line Parameters.
Protection Design for Electrical Systems - Design and selection of protective devices used in electrical generation, transmission, and distribution systems.
Work Experience:
Employer Dates and Description
Arches Enterprises , Inc.
March 2007 – June 2009
McDonald’s – Urb Terrace,Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Crew Menber, General Work, Sales.
Sup. Mr. Peter Cruz and Mrs. Jannet Colón
Tel. 787-***-****
IPR Phramaceuticals
August 2008 –December 2008
Canóvanas, Puerto Rico
Design Project in Power Systems.
Sup. Francisco Barreto and Erick Aponte
Application of power system fundamental to the design of a system incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints. Power Factor Correction; Capacitor Bank Design and Protection; Synchronous Capacitor Design. Economical analysis for project implemantation.
University of Puerto Rico, Mathematics Department
August 2005 – May 2007
Mayaguez Campus
Mathematics Tutor;
Courses: Precalculus, Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equation,Accounting, Linear Algebra
787-***-****, x 3285
La Gloria Inc.
November 2005 – January 2006
Ponce, Puerto Rico Sales, General Work.
Sup. David Rivera
-Design of transmission and distribution systems.
-System protection and coordination.
-Residential and industrial wiring design.
-Economic analysis as related to decision making in Engineering Projects where time and money are the primary trade-offs.
- Mathematics knowledge and application. Math Tutor.
- Management, sales and work with public.
- Bilingual
Available upon request.