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good programer

United States
July 13, 2012

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Miss. Surabhi S. Deshpande Mobile No: **090349,966-***-****

Sangamner Road, Shrirampur Email: *******.**********@*****.***


A career in software engineering position, that provides opportunities for personal and professional development as well as to contribute to the organizations effectiveness in order to take the company to the top position where ever I work. My success is in the success of company. To achieve my success I will work with full devotion.

Educational Background:

Education School/College name Year of Passing % of Marks

10th B.R.K.K.Vidyalaya,Shrirampur. 2005-2006 88.80

12th R.B.N.B College,Shrirampur 2007-2008 81.50

Degree S.R.E.S COE,Kopargaon. 2011-2012 64.15

Project Work:

1.Tourism management:

Description: In this project we maintain the information about various tourist places, packages, on line reservation of tickets, and cancellation of tickets.

Duration 2 Months

Team size 2

Technology used VB

Database used MS-access

Operating System Used Windows XP

2.Security using fingerprint matching:

Description: In this project we have used “Phase only correlation algorithm” for fingerprint matching. By using this algorithm we have provided security in banking application. This system maintains the information about all transactions opening account, withdraw, deposit, closing account.

Duration 4 Months

Team size 4

Technology used VB.Net

Database used SQL server 2005

Operating System Used Windows XP

Extra Curricular Activities:

1.First prize in ‘Sanskrit Competition’ in the year 2003, 2004, and 2005 frequently.

2.Got prize in ‘Mathematical Project’.

3.Member of ACES organization in the year 2010-2011, 2011-2012.

4.Participated in workshop of ‘Computer-Hardware’.

5.Participated in workshop of ‘SQL & .NET Languages’.

6.Completed the course of ‘Personality Development’ in SEED InfoTech.


•Hard work

•Honesty towards work


•Positive attitude




•Singing & Listening music


•Planting the trees

Technical Summary:

Programming Language: C, C++, Java, VB.NET,ASP.NET

Web Technology: HTML, PHP

Database: Ms-Access, SQL server 2005, MYSQL

Operating System: Windows XP

Tools: Crystal Report

Personal Details:

Name: Deshpande Surabhi Sharadchandra

Father’s Name: Deshpande Sharadchandra Bhalchandra

Permanent Address: Sangamner Road, Ward no-04, Shrirampur, Dist-A’nagar.

Contact No: 727-***-****, 966-***-****

E-mail ID: *******.**********@*****.***

Date of Birth: 08th June 1991

Languages known: English, Hindi, Marathi


I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Place: Shrirampur (Deshpande Surabhi Sharadchandra)

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