Zhengfeng Qu
Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007
TEL: 234-***-****
Email: ****@*******.***
Five years IT consulting and development experiences in the analysis, design, and implementation of JEE enterprise applications, focusing on IBM WebSphere solutions (Commerce, Application Server, SOA/ Web Services), and open source framework such as Struts, Spring.
• Applications/Middleware: WebSphere Commerce V6.0, WebSphere Application Server V6
• Web Development: HTML/CSS, JSP/Servlet, Javabeans/EJB/JDBC, XML/JSON/Web Services, Ajax/GWT/JQuery, Struts/Tiles/Command, SEO
• Programming Languages: Java, C++, Unix Shell
• Frameworks/Tools: Struts, Spring, JUnit, ANT
• Database Development: DB2 V8, Oracle 10g, SQL Server
• Operating Systems Platform: IBM AIX, Linux, Sun Solaris , Windows Server
• Development Environment: IBM RAD 6.0, Eclipse
Perficient, Inc 09/2008-Present
Senior Technical Consultant
Projects included:
• Lawson Product Quote System design and implementation.
• Analysis, design, development, implementation, and enhancement of an eCommerce solution for Lawson Product Company which can streamline the quoting and purchasing process utilizing WebSphere Commerce 6.0 supply chain model and Spring framework.
Brulant, Inc 03/2007- 08/2008
Lead Java/Websphere Commerce Developer
Projects included:
• Lead Coach.com site design and implementation.
• Redesign the new coach.com by migrating to Websphere Commerce platform. It is a fully rich user interface site using JQuery toolkit. Backend integration includes catalog, search, payment, inventory, order processing. The project is built on IBM WebSphere Commerce V6.0.
• Lead BRSF (Brulant Retail Store Front) project design and implementation.
• This is a meaningful project which the goal is to build an internal framework including pieces of components, best practices, and documentation to be reused by other client projects. Working as the technical lead in this project to guide other developers delivering the assets.
• Engaged in Borders Online Store e-commerce site development and implementation.
• This is a ten million dollars project and includes three phases delivery. Participated in Release three development which includes shopping cart/checkout/payment/user account modules, particularly back end integration with OMS through web service/JMS, and other customization development. The project is built on IBM WebSphere Commerce V6.0.
• Developed Lenscrafters.com e-commerce site for Luxottica group.
• This project involved the implementation of new e-commerce application for Lenscrafters eyeglasses store. The system allows customers to browse eyeglass/sunglass in the catalog. Also, a couple of web services between Luxottica group and Eye Exam Company were implemented in this site to allow customers to make online eye exam appointment and load product automatically. This project is built on IBM WebSphere Commerce V6.0.
Motorola Corporation
IT Engineer 04/2001-08/2005
Projects included: (Highlight)
• Implemented Oracle global “i-Expense” reimbursement system based on Oracle J2EE platform.
• The new Oracle 11i “i-Expense” application is built on top of Oracle Java framework, such as BC4J/OC4J. A lot of customization has been done to meet business requirements.
• Deployed Global third party Cash Disbursement System between Motorola Global Financial IT, E-Business Team, and JP Morgan Chase Bank (JPMC).
• The implementation of the new global cash disbursement process running as a customized system on Oracle Financial 11i application replaced the legacy payment programs, unified the payment transfer process by introducing the standard EDI format and new payment methods.
09/2005-03/2007 The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA
M.S in Computer Science
09/1998-07/2002 The University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China
B.S in Computer Science
• IBM WebSphere Commerce Developer V6.0 Certified, 9/2007
• Motorola "i-Talent" Program Internship Certified, 3/2002