A Challenging career in Software Quality Assurance Testing
Background Summary
Diverse experience in the Information Technology sector with emphasis on Software Testing,
Quality Assurance, data Modeling and Testing of Enterprise wide application.
Good understanding of the Mortgage, Finance and Insurance domain.
Thorough understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle and Quality Assurance Life Cycle.
Extensively involved in all the phases of SDLC, requirement analysis design, development, enhancement and implementation.
Expertise in using Automated testing tools such as Mercury Interactive’s Winrunner, Quick Test pro, LoadRunner,Quality Center and IBM Rational’s Requisite Pro in multiple environments.
Experience in developing test Plans, Test Cases, Test procedures and Test scripts.
Extensive experience in manual testing, automated testing and Black-box testing techniques with hands-on experience in Module testing, Integration testing, Functional testing, Regression testing and User Acceptance Testing.
Expertise in problem solving and Bug Reports using Bug Tracking Tools (test Director 7.6, Quality Center 8.0 and dev Track 5.5). Involved in reporting, tracking, verifying and working with the development team to analyze bugs.
Hands-on experience with Verification and Validation.
Experience in writing test scripts using VBScripting, TSL and C to enhance application performance.
Hands in Experience in writing PL/SQL for defining and implementing application procedure and Triggers.
Good understanding of OOPS, RDBMS, and web technologies and related concepts.
Experience in coordinating with the change and configuration management groups with Microsoft Visual Source Safe, ClearCase and Clear Quest.
Experience in testing of Windows and Web based applications using various testing tools.
Tools & Technologies:
SEI-CMM, CMMI, ISO9001, RUP, Six Sigma
CASE Tools
Rational RequisitePro, ProVision Modeling SUITE, UML 2.0, RATIONAL Rose 4.0, MS Visio 2000
Tracking Tools
Testdirector7.6, ClearQuest2002, DevTrack5.5, PVCS, ClearCaseLT, MS-VSS
Workflow Tools
MS-Project2000, MS-Excel, Ms-Word, Ms PowerPoint
QA Tools
Mercury’s Load Runner 7.x, WinRunner 7.x, Quick test Pro 8.2, IBM-Rational’s Robot
C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, Pascal, VBScript, TSL, HTML
SQL Server 2000/7.0, MS-Access 2.0, MySQL
Web Servers
Apache’s Tomcat, MS-IIS (4.0/5.0), BEA Web logic
Operating Systems
UNIX, Windows (2000,NT)
Professional Experience
SQA Labs Inc QA Analyst Aug '05-Jan '09
•: • Project Harmony (FEB’06-till date)
•: •Title/Client/Location QA lead (Automation)/QA Analyst, UNUM Provident, Columbia, SC
Colonial Supplemental Insurance/UNUM Provident is the 4th largest company in the state of South Carolina.
Harmony is used by UNUM Provident to obtain Insurance quotes on the various Supplemental Insurance
Products. Within harmony there are 2 methods of enrollment namely Self-enroll and Agent-Assisted .In Self-enroll, the prospective customer can obtain the quote by themselves whereas in Agent-Assisted the Customer obtains the quote with the help of an UNUM Provident Agent. The Harmony project involved a) creating QTP scripts for various web based insurance application such as Accident Care, Medical Bridge 1000,NCK1000 b) updating older QTP scripts to test modified versions of the applications c) the functional and regression testing of various insurance applications.
Obtained product related documents from Sharepoint on requirement of additional information data.
Participated in weekly update meeting and additional on mismatch in results or missing data.
Created upto 50 result sheets which would contain expected and actual results.
Expected results: Obtained the expected input from the excel sheet and populate a sheet. On finishing the test run, export the sheets.
Performed data-driven testing using upto 50 different excel sheets of data.
Created script for one US state and modify it based on product flow to make it suitable to be run on multiple state variations.
Used Shared Repository as we worked with around 12 different web based applications.
Utilized regular expression as necessary for various combinations of insurance rates
and plan codes and confirmation numbers on pdf files.
Involved with Descriptive programming for various purposes including certain objects (which are recognized as a group) on pdf files.
Planned and created script’s, tested using module, regression and user acceptance testing.
Debugged errors by rerunning using breakpoints.
Corrected errors and checked by re-testing the Application Under Test (AUT).
Added checkpoints (text output, text, table and standard checkpoints) and synchronization points when required.
Used .ini files to store expected results using name-value pair based environment variables.
Used For, If-then-else, case loops, vbscript functions and in addition created user defined function as needed.
Used not only library functions such as “instrrev” but also user-defined functions.
Updated existing QTP scripts to make it ready to test current version of the applications (created
using the ASP .NET Framework)
Created and updated weekly status reports for updating about the progress in automation testing.
Environment: ActiveX, Web, .NET, QTP 8.2, Microsoft VSS 6.0 d, Sharepoint, VBScript, MS-office XP
•:• Project Siebel CRM (Oct’05-Dec’05)
•:• Title /Client/Location QA Analyst, American Express, AZ
Involved in the regression and user acceptance testing of CRM tool named Siebel. The Siebel application is used by the American Express Sales Department for Customer Relationship Management. There are 2 versions of Siebel that were to be tested .One version was customized for the US region and called My Prospects .The other version was customized for the Europe, Canada
And South East Asia region and called My Clients.
Participated in requirements gathering and design sessions to develop test plans based on business processes, requirements and system designs.
Analyzed business requirements, system requirement specifications and responsible for documenting functional requirements and supplementary requirements in Test Director.
Used Test Director for requirement management, planning, execution, defects tracking and reporting.
Performed positive and negative testing of various fields in the application.
Manually selected various values in Multi Value Groups (MVG) and List Of Values (LOV) to check whether they are acceptable.
Scheduled, interacted and invoked the Quick Test Pro Scripts using Test Director.
Automated test scripts for regression tests using Quick Test Pro.Enhanced scripts by extensively working on the script using VBScript.Also created various checkpoints, verification points and error handling mechanisms for performing regression testing.
Maintained reusable function library of the entire user defined functions and called them from QTP script to achieve reusability and maintainability.
Extensive programming in VBScript to enhance QuickTestPro scripts using checkpoints, user messages and error handling.
Monitored the defect tracking process and generated customized reports using Test Director. Reported bugs through Test Director, categorizing them based on the severity and interacting with developers to resolve them.
Used the Debug Viewer of Quick Test Pro to check and modify the current values of VBScript object variables in the test script.
Involved in finding and reporting the bugs and retesting the application on bug fixture.
Environment: Quick Test Pro, Test Director, Quality Center, MS-Office, MS-Visio, VbScript, IBM Lotus Notes 7.0, SQL, Oracle and Windows NT, Siebel 5.2
Other Related Experience
•:•Project Hoteleria (Sep’04-Sep’05)
•:•Title/Client/Location QA Analyst, Vensoft Inc, AZ
Involved in the testing of Hoteleria, a web based multi hotel room reservation system. The system had been developed in VBScript environment .The system provides detailed information of hotel rooms, size, cost and availability. Its features include user authentication and session tracking. It also gives customers the option of choosing complimentary service for customers to be picked up from or dropped to the nearest airport.
Environment: QuickTest Pro, Test Director, VBScript, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2000, MS-Project2002, Windows 2000,ClearCaseLT, ClearQuest2002
•:• Project CARS Solutions (Aug’03-Jul’04)
•:• Title/Client/Location QA Analyst, Vensoft Inc, AZ
CARS provide administrative solutions for higher education. The CARS Solution is an Enterprise Administrative Suite comprised of Student, Financial, Human Resources, Institutional Advancement,
Information management and Support for rapid implemtation. CARS needed a complete redesign and upgrade of their existing legacy application. Developers redesigned the CARS to an n-tier object-oriented application .the new design consists of two modules: Application Server Side (power Tier Application Server) and User-Interface (UI).
Environment: Quick Test Pro, LoadRunner, Test Director, MS-Project 2000,MS-Visio, XML, UML 2.0,RUP, MS-Office 2000,SQL, Oracle, Windows 2000.
•:• Project Secure Online Banking System (Sep’02-Jul’03)
•:• Title /Client/Location QA Tester CRG Los Angeles, CA
This Application consisted of two parts: an Application Client used by administrators to manage customers and accounts and a Web Client used by customers to access account histories and perform Transactions .The application uses 128-bit SSL encryption to guarantee user information security. Also the Application provides enhanced security by automatically logging off the user, if the page is inactive for more than 30 seconds.
Environment: QuickTestPro 6.0, Loadrunner 6.5, Test Director 6.5, SQL Server 2000, RUP, HTML, Windows NT, ClearCase LT, ClearQuest2002
Professional Training:
Effective enterprise wide applications Quality Assurance by SQA labs a MI”s Gold partner
M.S in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sac State University – CA,Dec 2005
B.E (Instrumentation) Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engg,Mumbai University,March 2001