Seattle, WA *****
Experienced environmental scientist/planner/manager looking to contribute to a dedicated team of professionals working on challenging and interesting projects that benefit the environment, my employer, our clients, and the community
Project Management
• Certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute.
• Foster client satisfaction through effective project planning and implementation.
• Develop and manage environmental investigation plans, scopes-of-work, and budgets.
• Supervise and manage internal staff and sub-consultants to complete multiphase projects.
• Coordinate with multiple jurisdictions and tribes on complex projects to satisfy federal, state, and local regulatory requirements.
• Highly organized, effective, and able to work in high-stress situations.
Project Experience
• Environmental and natural resources permit acquisition including Clean Water Act Section 404, Section 401 and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits; Biological Opinions; Hydraulic Project Approvals; Local Government Shoreline Permits, Sensitive/Critical Areas Review and Approval; Grading Permits; Drainage Plan Approvals; and Building Permits.
• Regulatory analysis and compliance including NEPA and SEPA.
• Environmental sampling of soil, sediment, water, and air.
• Technical specialist for water resources and water quality, geology and soils, and environmental health disciplines.
• Environmental documentation production and senior technical review.
• Site Safety Officer and Safety Committee Chair.
• Ecological risk assessment
• Habitat restoration planning
• Superfund remedial action
2011-2012 Senior Scientist/Project Manager, Talasaea Consultants Woodinville, WA
Environmental and Land Use Planner, Environmental Analyst, Permitting Specialist
2005-2010 Senior Environmental Scientist/Certified Project Management Professional, AMEC Earth & Environmental Kirkland-Bothell, WA
Project Manager, NEPA/SEPA and Permitting Specialist, Supervisor
1990-2005 Senior Environmental Scientist, Shapiro & Associates Seattle, WA
Project Manager, Project Troubleshooter, Water Resource Specialist, HazMat Specialist
Additional Employment History
Environmental Scientist, PTI Environmental Services, Bellevue, WA
Field Investigator, Equipment Manager, Environmental Analyst, Site Safety Officer
Site Technician, HDR Engineering, Seattle, WA
Field Investigator, Environmental Analyst
Project Associate, Ecova Corporation, Redmond, WA
Groundwater Remediation Technician
B.S. Environmental Science, Western Washington University
Additional training:
• Coordinating Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance, ICS-253 – Federal Emergency Management Administration
• Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100 – Federal Emergency Management Administration
• QA/QC Management of Environmental Analytical Data – Northwest Environmental Training Center
• Nationwide Permit Workshop – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District
• Restoration of Fish Habitats and Watershed Planning - UW School of Fisheries
• Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality - American Water Resources Association
• Air Surveillance for Hazardous Materials - EPA 165.4
• OSHA Health and Safety Training for Hazardous Waste Sites - Woodward-Clyde Consultants
Bothell Connector Corridor, Bothell, Washington. Project manager for preparation of the final SEPA/NEPA EIS for this regional transportation project. Authored geology and soils, water resources, and hazardous materials sections for the EIS. Coordinated all revisions to the draft EIS resulting from public and agency comments, and adoption of a preferred alternative that was different than those analyzed in the draft EIS. Directed additional analysis for various disciplines including cultural resources, noise, air quality, and wetlands.
SR 522/96th Avenue NE (Wayne Curve) Improvements, Bothell, WA. Project manager for preparation of environmental documentation in support of a NEPA Categorical Exclusion for this intersection improvement project in the City of Bothell. Prepared the Hazardous Materials Technical Memorandum and directed efforts and/or co-authored Cultural Resources Assessment, Biological Evaluation, Air Quality Study, Noise Study, and Environmental Justice Evaluation for the project. Successfully resolved project limiting or preventing issues including proximity of bald eagle nest (an ESA listed species during environmental clearance for the project), interaction with Red Brick Road historic feature, and conversion of recreational property. This project was evaluated based on Washington Department of Transportation Local Agency Guidelines.
SR 16/Tacoma Narrows NEPA/SEPA EIS, WSDOT, Pierce and Grays Harbor Counties, WA. Prepared the hazardous materials section of this NEPA/SEPA EIS for this roadway and bridge. Analyzed bridge and roadway alignment alternatives. Also assisted in project permitting planning activities.
Landsburg Fish Passage. Project manager for regulatory compliance for the Landsburg Fish Passage Project for Seattle Public Utilities. The project allowed ESA listed salmonids access to the City of Seattle’s Cedar River Watershed which had been closed to migrating salmon and steelhead for most of the 20th Century. A key element of the project was preserving the pristine water quality of 80% of the greater Seattle area’s potable water supply. Prepared expanded SEPA checklist, identified and acquired necessary permits, and directed the preparation of various documents including a stream special study and a determination of effect for historic and cultural resources. Developed and managed budget and coordinated staff and client communication. Successfully lead negotiations with various agencies initially reluctant to approve the project because of extensive revision to stream bed.
BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Siting Study and EIS, Whatcom County, WA. Prepared the geology and water quality sections for the EIS for the BP Cherry Point Cogeneration project. Construction and operation of a 750 MW combustion steam turbine electrical generation facility is proposed. Electricity and steam generated by the facility would be used by the BP Cherry Point oil refinery in its operations.
Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project ASC Review and EIS, Kittitas County, WA. Evaluated geologic hazards, surface water, stormwater, and environmental health hazards sections for the Washington State Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council Application for Site Certification (ASC) of a proposed wind power facility between Cle Elum and Ellensburg. The facility will consist of up to 121 wind turbine generators with a total capacity of approximately 181.5 megawatts (MW), and involve support facilities. The document was reviewed for adequacy and for sufficient information to prepare a SEPA EIS. Also prepared the geology, water resources, and environmental health sections for the SEPA EIS for the project.
Tolt Pipeline No. 2 - Phases II and III SEPA EIS and Permitting. Managed the permitting and related environmental analyses for the Seattle Water Department's (SWD) Tolt Pipeline No. 2 (TPL No. 2), Phases II and III. TPL No. 2 is a regional water transmission pipeline that provides parallel capacity for SWD's Tolt water supply system. The project temporarily impacted over 15 wetlands, crossed 2 significant streams and 1 river, and involved multiple jurisdictions. Planned, coordinated and managed all aspects of the permit application process, including wetland delineations and developing wetland mitigation plans; facilitated and responded to client and agency communication; prepared federal, state, county, and local permit applications; and provided post-application agency coordination.
Commencement Bay Cumulative Impact Study, Assessment of Habitat Losses, and Development of Restoration Options. Conducted a study for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers assessing cumulative impacts to biological resources of the Commencement Bay/Puyallup River estuary resulting from habitat loss within the study area over the historic period (post 1870s). Issues examined included impacts resulting from loss of habitat from development and industrialization and the effects of chemical contamination of the nearshore environment. Also investigated the potential for restoring wetlands and aquatic resources adversely affected by more than a century of industrial uses. The final report incorporated the results of these investigations into a recommended approach to habitat restoration in Commencement Bay.