CNA (**-*-** -present)christiant convalescen union city GA, providing care,for post-operative,acute and chronically ill patients,charting assessment of vital signs,wound care,assisting with medication regimen and ADLs.Laurle baey healthcare decature GA, providing care for post-operative,acute and chronically ill patients,charting, assessment of vital signs,assisting with medication regimen,wound care and ADLs.AG rhodes home atlant GA, providing care for post-operative,acute and chronically ill patients,charting,assessment of vital signs,wound care,assisting with medication regimen and ADLs .Olive medical center sylmar califorina, (7-12-99 -11-7-04) entrering doctor order,finger stick,lab draw,charting,urine drip,order supply ,patients assessment and vital signs,assisting doctor and nurse,I have also worked in clinic ped,women,adult,walk in triage,family med,eye,cardiology,Inh. howard hospice care Los angeles califorina, (1983- 1999) providing care for post-operative,acute and chronically ill patients, charting, assessment of vital sings,wound care,skin care,assisting with medication regimen and ADLs.....Referrences available upon request