Jack Collins
Effective leader, communicator and business development professional with a can-do, entrepreneurial mentality.
My career was in the broadcasting industry . . . successful advertising salesperson,
sales manager and general manager of radio stations. I've done a good bit of consulting
for broadcasters and small business owners as well.
My goal now is to wind down my consulting business and find an interesting job or contract
position with a quality company . . . one that will supplement my investment income and use
my experience/talent to make good things happen for my new employer.
Professional Experience
Business turn-around consultant ~ Austin (1997 – present)
Currently working with small business owners to restructure debt, increase cash flow and avoid bankruptcy.
Founder of Breakthrough Corp ~ San Antonio (1991 – 96)
Designed a system and training for Radio and TV sales management to better lead their salespeople and achieve their revenue goals.
General Manager Class FM & Magic 105 ~ San Antonio (1982 – 90)
Turned radio station Class-FM into profitable winner after five years in the red.
Started up Magic 105 and achieved #3 audience share. Also achieved #5 revenue ranking among 34 market stations within eighteen months of start up.
Sales Manager WAYS & KULF ~ Charlotte & Houston (1975 – 81)
Recruited, trained and lead two high performing sales organizations that exceeded revenue expectations in spite of weak audience ratings.
Salesperson WGMS & RKO Radio Reps~ Washington & Atlanta (1970 – 74)
Consistently met or exceeded annual revenue goals every year for five consecutive years.
Educational Highlights
Randoph-Macon College Liberal Arts Wharton School of Business Strategic Planning & Management. Covey Leadership Centered Programs Seven Habits of Highly Successful People; Principle-Centered Leadership Miller Heiman Programs Strategic Selling; Successful Large Account Management.