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Process System

any Arabian country then any other count, Qatar
June 22, 2012

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Family Name : Zaitoun

First Name in full :Mahmoud Mohamed Fathalla

Religion : Muslim

Gender : Male

Date Of Birth : 18-11-65

Citizenship : Egyptian.

Military Service : Completed(reverse officer)

Marital Status : Married with 3 childS ( Boyes ).

Home Address : Bohera-Damanhour-21 Salem Azab St.

- from Elmaehad Aldeny St.

Work Address : Elmax –Alexandria(Alex. Petroleum Co.)

Telephone No. :mobile 012********

: Home---045*******

E-mail address : **************@*****.***

Highest level of education:

B.Sc in chemistry, May 1988, faculty of science,

Double course diploma in analytical chemistry

Present position hold :

Section head in Alexandria Petroleum Company

Production process development science 1-12-2003

Responsibilities :-

process production developer in development &research administration ,.to act to solve any problems which may face the production and operation process

Previous position:

From (21-03-1994) TO (01-12-2003) In Saudi Arabia –Gulf Chemicals and

Industrial Oils Co. (under contractor sponsor then under that company sponsor) ---- I WORKED IN petroleum oils filed as shown below:-

1-special lubricating oil factory from (21-03-94) to (03-05-96) as process operation supervisor, and I was one of three persons who received this factory start up from BALESTRA co. Italy. And, I was responsible for commissioning and reporting to technical director, I took the responsibility to learn& train all operation stuff of this factory

As per the request of Gulf Company I changed my sponsor to them from 03-05-96.

Then they transferred me to the:-

2- Refinery and petroleum hydrocarbon solvents production factory from (03-05-96) to (01-12-003) as operation Processing super independent, I was responsible for operation and processing in 12 HRS. Shift (Operation, Safety, health care, maintenance, hot work precautions, tanks farm with production reports, loading and unloading (via inlet receiving unit), cost reduction, production quality, problems solving, and manpower leading.)

Pre-previous position:

*From (01-07-1991) to (01-07-93) in Damanhour electric power stations as field shift supervisor for process operation to generate electric power via steam turbine in the field of water treatments for steam generation process. This process was controlling via DCS system. I learnt how to deal with DCS systems during that period and how to act with the most complicated utilities systems with leading to the man power in that field.

**From ( 11-01-1989 ) to ( 01-07-1991 ) in Egyptian naval forces as reverse officer with experience to indicate chemical pollutions in various environment media (water ,air &land ) and removal processes .which added to me an advantage in safety and health precautions and leading for all man power to a chive that work in a definite time.

Additional prequalification

I got many training periods in operation processing for ex.:-

Unit operation, DCS operation control system, PLC operation control system, many raining periods for industrial safety & fire fighting, rotating equipment, control Instrument and I have ISO 9001 certificate in operation &processing from Saudi Gulf Company. Many training periods in petroleum industries and petrochemicals .

Computer and language skills:-

1- operating system (DOS- WIN,98,2000,XP).


3- very Good command of English speaking and writing.

N.B:- I have a driving license.

Finally, I can indicated that, I have ability to deal with any operation system (DCS or PLC or any other system for process operation and control) ,I can teach the panel operation for operators., ability to deal with process simulation software .finally , I am ready to submit all authorized papers certificates which approve my CV above , as soon as your kind request , I hope to give me a chance for an interview for a suitable job

With a profitable salary,,,,

With My Best WESHES

Mahmoud M.Fathalla

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