Eric S. Blair
Curriculum Vitae
Birthdate: Jan. 27, 1984
Nationality: United States
Address: **** *. **** *** ***.
Unit 18-D
Chicago, IL 60615
Phone: 323-***-****
Email: *******@*****.***
*M.Sc. in Physics, concentration in nanoscience
-National Center for Excellence in Nanoscience--University of Jyvsäkylä.
Jyväskylä, Finland. 2003-2006
*B.Sc. program in Physics and Chemistry
-New College of Florida.
Sarasota, Florida USA. 2001-2003
*B.A. program in Physics
-Simon's Rock College of Bard (now Bard College at Simon's Rock).
Great Barrington, Massachusetts USA. 2000- 2001
-Senior Research Engineer, 2009--2010
EHD Technology Group, Inc. Pasadena, CA USA
Characterized a variety of processes based on a high-voltage, microfluidic, nano-droplet spray technology and developed some of these into usable technologies. Areas of investigation included theoretical modeling of charged nano-droplets, mechanism of nano-droplet creation in strong electric fields, characterization of droplet formation and evolution, electromagnetic field shaping and focusing, fluid dynamics (of gasses, liquids, and their interfaces), charge carriers in liquid solutions, charged nano-droplet beam focusing, and surface characterization. Tasks included determining useful applications for the technology, which properties of the spray to further characterize, characterization and development of the spray for suitability for each application, design of experiments, running of experiments, writing computer code, data analysis, writing reports, and general lab maintenance and upkeep. Was completely successful in meeting all all project goals despite the short schedule.
-Lead Researcher, 2008-2009
Advantageous Systems, LLC Pasadena, CA
Planned and executed experiments to develop a set of nano-medical diagnostic and treatment mechanisms based on magnetic nanoparticles. Techniques involved organic and inorganic synthesis, nanoparticle fabrication and conjugation, bioconjugation, in vivo and in vitro models, microscopic and fluorescent imaging, equipment design, report writing, and grant proposal writing.
-Photonics Lecturer, 2007-2008
San Jose City College, San Jose, CA and Long Beach, CA
Taught courses on optical and laser principles for San Jose City College, designed curricula and laboratory exercises demonstrating the principles being discussed, supervised laboratory work, and provided out-of-class guidance on course material and related topics to encourage the success of the students in mastering the course material. Topics taught included atomic theory, semiconductor physics, basic quantum theory, solid state, gas, chemical, semiconductor, and fiber lasers, pulsed lasers, high-speed lasers, geometric optics, and interferometry.
-Master's Student Researcher
NECOMS Laboratory--Nanoscience Center, University of Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä, Finland 2005-2006
Under Dr. Jorma Virtanen, investigated kinetics of CdS nanoparticle fabrication in reverse micelles. Devised novel methods of fabricating high-optical-quality, monodisperse CdS quantum dots at room temperature using reverse micelles and macromolecular ligands and characterized the optical properties of these particles via UV-vis. absorption, fluorescence, and Raleigh scattering. Assisted in the development of an automated microfluidic system for liquid-phase nanoparticle synthesis.
-Summer Researcher
SQUBIT Group--Nanoscience Center, University of Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä, Finland 2004
Under Dr. Sorin Paraoanu, performed acquisition, analysis, and presentation of electrical switching data for nano-scale Superconducting Quantum Bit (SQUBIT) devices. Designed and implemented data capture and analysis software programs in LabView and Matlab. Designed and built physical control and acquisition systems for triggering and measuring SQUBIT switching events.
-Laboratory Assistant
Department of Chemistry--New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL USA 2002
Under Dr. Paul H. Scudder, analyzed a species of local, exotic-invasive yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) for presence of pharmaceutically useful compounds.
-Undergraduate Researcher
Department of Biology--Simon's Rock College of Bard, Great Barrington, MA USA 2001
Under Dr. Donald Roeder, investigated the effects of selected compounds on the mycelial growth of the fungus Pluerotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom).
-Solution-Phase Fabrication of Quantum Dots: Microfluidic methods.
Graduate Seminar, University of Jyväskylä--Jyväskylä, Finland.
-Size Control of Semiconductor Nanoparticles: Reverse micelles and macrocyclic capping agents.
Graduate Research Presentations, University of Jyväskylä--Jyväskylä, Finland.
Laboratory: Electron microscopy (SEM & TEM), AFM, clean room techniques, data acquisition automation, control systems, vacuum systems, analogue-digital devices, signal processing, microfluidics, organic and inorganic synthesis, inert atmospheres, photoluminescence spectroscopy, colloidal chemistry, NMR, GC, MS, IR/vis./UV spectroscopy, light scattering techniques (Raman spectroscopy), gel electrophoresis, tissue culture, sterile techniques, electrochemical analysis.
Software: COMSOL Multiphysics/Femlab, Origin, Mathematica, gnuplot, LaTeX, R, Windows, UNIX (Solaris, AIX, GNU/Linux), Mac OS X.
Computer Languages: FORTRAN, LabVIEW, Matlab, C, C++, python, x86asm.
Human Languages: English (native); intermediate Spanish and Finnish; basic German, Polish, and Mandarin.