U.Bhanuchander Email : *******.*****@*****.***
Balijaguda(V), Mobile.No : 994-***-****
Career Objective:
To work in a professional atmosphere that enables to acquire emerging trends and technologies to widen the spectrum of my knowledge and contribute towards organizational growth.
Educational Qualifications:
Examination Board/University School/College Year Of Passing % of marks
(CSE) JNTU Avanthi Institute Of Engineering and Technology Gunthapally,RangaReddy(Dist). 2011 67.76%
Intermediate Board of Intermediate Examination Ideal Junior College Dilsukhnagar, RangaReddy(Dist). 2008 68.2%
SSC Board of Secondary Education Little Angels Convent School, Lecturescolony,Hayathnagar(M),
RangaReddy(Dist). 2006 66.33%
Technical Skills: C,C++ and CoreJava
Title : Progressive Parametric Query Optimization
Front End : Java,Swing
Tools Used : NetBeans IDE 6.1,Dream viewer
Description : In this project we approach a new technique is called Progressive Parametric Query Optimization. In the Real world,commercial applications usually rely on precompiled parameterized procedures to interact with a database.Unforttunately,executing a procedure with a set of parameters different from those used at compilation time may be arbitarily suboptimal. Parametric Query Optimization(PQO) attempts to solve this problem by exhaustively determining the optimal plans at each point of the parameter space at compile time.However,PQO is likely not cost-effctive if the query is executed infrequently or if it is executed with values only with in a subset of the parameter space.
Personal Information:
Name : U.Bhanuchander
Date of Birth : 01-02-1989
Father’s Name : U.Veeresham
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Languages known : Telugu, English
Permanent Address : Balijaguda(V),Hayathnagar(M),RangaReddy(Dist),A.P.
I hereby declare that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge.
Place: Hyderabad
Date : (U.Bhanuchander)