Benjamin Bayer
Clementon, NJ 08021
Objective: To obtain a position with an organization which affords me the opportunity to contribute through my knowledge and experience.
Sterling High School: 1997 - 2000
General Adacdemic Classes
Marketing, Keyboarding
CSC Institute: 2001 - 2002
Computer Sciences
Associated Training Services (ATS): 2009
Crane Operation
NCCCO Certified
( Mobile Hydraulic, Boom Truck, Fixed Cab, Swing Cab)
Machine Shop, Industrial Construction
CNC Routing Operator, Sign Spec Inc, Pennsauken, New Jersey
- Operating 25’ x 15’ routing machine
- Set-Up layouts, test run and cut out using programmed router
- Sheet metal, layout plastic/Signs for casinos and
Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
-Clean, set up parts, and prepare for groom department
2001 - 2002
Independent Sales Rep., Tri-State SounDivision, Somerdale , New Jersey
- Assisted customers with purchases while maintaining
product knowledge
- Conducted promotional programs for direct sales
- Participated in training of new recruits for sales division
- Maintain client relations for repeat sales and referrals
2002 – 2005
Construction Laborer, Olaru Construction, Millville, NJ
-Home Remodeling, Additions
- Cabinetry, Windows and Siding
- Carpentry and Demolition
2006 -2008
Crane Operator/Rigging, Associated Training Services, Brentwood , NH
- Daily Checks of Maintenance of Boom Truck, Grove
- Oiling and Rigging Practices of Operations
- Make Lifts, Lift Plans, Set Up LMI
- Interpret Load Charts
- Assist Instructors in teaching class
June 08 – Sept. 09
Crane Operator/Rigging, D.A. Nolt , Berlin ,N.J
- Setting up Terex 2500 crane/boomtruck
- Making up to 3500 lb lifts of materials
- Disposing of waste materials from heights of 130 ft.
- Ground maintenance and clean up
Nov. 09 – June 2011
Honors/Awards: NCCCO Certified in Crane Operations, Diploma from ATS School of Heavy Equipment. Extremely hardworking, dependable, and reliable individual who is passionate about his work.
Languages: Speak fluent Romanian, German, English
References: Available Upon Request