Wenshuo Huang
San Francisco CA 94133
to find a full time job about software development or game programming.
city college of San Francisco (2006fall-2009spring)
computer science major,UC Berkeley (2009 fall-2011 fall)
graduated 2011 fall
gpa: 3.05
Bilingual, Chinese(Cantonese and mandarin) and English
Learn very fast
Comfortable working with different types of people
Know serveral types of programming languages, C/C++,
Java, python,scheme
website design skills, html,css,php,javascript,ajax,jquery
xml(DTD,XSLT,XML schema,xpath)
Basic unix skills
database design and management skills
Large project experience:
IOS apps beginner
Project: iphone apps
1: app name, movethepipes
I developed a iphone game,movethepipes,which is a puzzle.It is now available in app store.
2:app name,spot out.
This is a classic game like spot the difference.Two pictures are displayed and the players need to point out differences in the pictures.It is now available in app store.
Project: nacho operating system, simplified version of operating system, work in a group of 4
Language used: java
Tasks and accomplishment:
Build thread system: implement join method,conditional variable,priority scheduler, lottery scheduler
implement filesystem calls: create, open, close,read,write, unlink
multiprogramming: address translation and page allocation
TLB implementation, demand paging,lazy loading
Project: location based chat room on android platform, work in a group of 6
Language used: php,html,java
Parts that I am in charge of : backend work, database design and maintenance,implement login, reset password,spamming,and take care the related security issues; Debugging and testing: unit testing(phpunit) intergration tests
Courses taken:
CS61 series: datastructure, computer organization and design
CS 70: discrete math and probability
CS 161 computer security
CS162 operating system
CS 170 algorithm
CS 186 database
CS 188 artificial intelligence
CS169 software engineering
Info242: xml(DTD,XML schema,XSLT,xpath)