Pavana Shireesha Paningipalli
Near Masulkar Colony
Pimpri, Pune - 411018.
Mobile: +91-986*******, +91-993*******
Email-id: *******************@*****.**.**
Work experience:
o Working as a Senior Engineer with Infosys Technological Limited from June 2007 till date.
o Unit –Product Life Cycle and Engineering Solutions (Knowledge Based Engineering-Automation)
CATIA v5 Proficiency:
o Have hands-on experience for more than 2 years on Part design, Product design, Drafting, Assembly, Sketcher workbenches
o Also have experience on automating the above workbenches.
Details of the Projects Worked On:
S.No Description Role Responsibilities
1. Input: Client has given Wing-Spar model designed in CATIA v5 as input which contains markings (Points) on it and a reference plane.
Technology: CATIAv5, VB6.0, Excel VBA, Rational tools
Purpose: Distance from the reference plane to the points is to be calculated (both dry side & wet side) and the calculated measurements should be exported to the excel sheet and also appended to the point in the CATIA tree.
Client usage: The measurements in the excel sheet will be given as input to NC machines (manufacturing area) for drilling and later the spar will be riveted.
About Tool: VB was used to develop the tool. CATIA model was replicated to the GUI and the user selects the points to be measured.
Developer • Implementation
• Testing
• Preparing required documents
2. Input: Client has given Wing model designed in CATIA v5.
Technology: CATIAv5, VB6.0, Excel VBA, Rational tools
Purpose: All the solid bodies present in the input model should be copied and pasted to a different Part.
Client usage: From the CARM Part drawing will be generated and that drawing is used by the manufacturers.
About Tool: VB was used to develop the tool. CATIA model was replicated to the GUI and the user selects the component to be copy-pasted.
Developer • Implementation
• Testing
• Preparing required documents
3. Input: Client has given excel sheets as input which contains the amount of Force acting in all directions at a particular station.
Technology: CATIAv5, VB6.0, Excel VBA, Rational tools
Purpose: Based on the inputs given corresponding moments and their direction in which they are acting should were calculated and the same were exported to a text file.
Client usage: The text file will be given as input to NASTRAN to calculate stress acting at that particular station.
Developer • Implementation
• Testing
• Preparing required documents
4. Input: Client has given Wing model designed in CATIA v5 as input & Ply Table which contains all the attributes of the Plies.
Technology: CATIAv5, VB6.0, Excel VBA, Rational tools
Purpose: Plies are created using the info from the Ply Table in the given input model. Vice-versa was also incorporated in the tool. Also there was a chance for the user to change any of the Ply attributes. Weight of the plies were calculated and exported to the Ply Table which is given as input.
Client usage: The generated models will be drafted and then they will be used for manufacturing purposes.
Application owner • Implementation
• Testing
• Preparing required documents
5. Input: Client has given drawings of various panels of the aircraft structure.
Technology: CATIAv5, VB6.0, Excel VBA, Rational tools
Purpose: Detailed report was prepared after studying the drawing documents.
Developer • Preparing required documents
6. Input: Client has given drawings of various panels of the aircraft structure.
Technology: CATIAv5, VB6.0, Excel VBA, Rational tools
Purpose: Detailed report was prepared after studying the drawing documents. Developer • Preparing required documents
7. Input: Client gives his database details and also Government database details.
Technology: SQL server 2005
Purpose: Database details should be compared and if any matching is found the same need to be imported to excel sheet and email has to be sent to be the respective recipient in the required format. Developer • Implementation
• Testing
8. Technology: Struts, JavaScripts, Unix, Toad, IBM Websphere
Purpose: Need to develop intranet application for the client. Developer • Implementation
• Testing
o Received Boeing Pride award for a Project
o Received Developer of the Week award (internal to the organization) twice
o Completed certifications internal to the company
o CATIA v5
o Microsoft Visual Basic
Excel automation
CATIA automation
o Fair knowledge on VB.Net
o Fair knowledge on COM, dll’s, tlb’s concepts
o Knowledge on few Software Design Patterns
o Rational tools
Rational Rose
Rational Requisite Pro
Rational Robot
Rational Soda
o Microsoft tools
o Struts, JSP, SQL Server 2005, Toad (Trainee level)
Personal Details
Name : Pavana Shireesha Paningipalli
Father’s Name : P.V.Rajeswara Rao
Date of Birth : 1st May 1985
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : Telugu, English and Hindi.
Marital status : Married
Husband’s Name : V.V.S.Sarma
Permanent Address : D.No:54-12-34,
Bhanu Nagar,
Nr Dr V.S Krishna College
Andhra Pradesh.
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge & I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above mentioned particulars.