Name: Soumen Das Contact No : +918*********
Address: Vill.+P.O. : Kamarpukur
Dist : Hooghly
West Bengal.
Educational Qualification
Examination Board/Universuity Year of Passing Percentage
M.Sc.Remote Sensing & GIS
(Up to 3nd Sem) Vidyasagar University -- 69.67
B.A.Geography(H) Vidyasagar University 2010 49.38
Higher Secondary W.B.C.H..S.E. 2007 59.80
Secondary W. B. S. E. 2005 79.63
Personal Profile:
Fathers Name: Prankrishna Das
Nationality: Indian
Date of Birth: 19th-July-1989
Hobies: Learning Various GIS Software
Language Known : English, Bengali, Hindi
Self Strength: Ideal, Honest, Logical, Hard working, Punctual
Sex: Male
Computer Skill :
GIS Software: Arc GIS 9.3 , ERDAS 8.5 , ERDAS 9.0 , MAP info ,
Geometica( PCI , Rolta) , ENVI (4.5) .
Language: C .
Operating System: WINDOWS (98, 2000, XP, 2007, 2008), Linux Mint
Theoretical Knowledge:
Land Use Land Cover Classification (Level Wise) , Hydrologic Concept ,Water Shade Managemen , Geoinformetics , SDSS, Coastal management , Earth Science, Surveying , Cartography , Digital Mapping , Projection , Photogrammetry , Basics& physics of Remote sensing , Thermal Remote Sensing , Microwave Remote Sensing , Computer Fundamental , Digital Image Processing ( Image Pre-Processing , Image Enhancement , Image Filtering ) , GIS , Geodesy , GPS , Fundamental Statistics , Geo-statistics .
I hereby declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: Midnapur (Mr. Soumen Das)