Name: Donna Mnck
Address: P. O. Box 5804
Anderson, SC 29623
Telephone: 864-***-****
Marital Status: Single
Date of Birth: October 10, 1950
Place of Birth: Akron, Ohio
Weitht: 115 lbs.
Nationality: American
Physical Condition: Excellent
Clemson University
(B. A. Elementay Education)
Forrest College
(Secretarial Science)
Tri-county Technical College
(brush-up typing and shorthand)
Pennsauken High School
(College Prep)
Extracurricular Activities
Member of Sigma Eta Chi Sorority
High School:
Member of Tennis Team, Mixed Chorus, Library Club, Future Homemakers
America Club, Member of Penndian Newspaper.
Courses Studied:
College: Basic college courses necessary for B. A. degree in Elementary
Teaching for South Carolina
High School: College preparatory courses.
Work Experience
Secretary to Betty Jane Webber, Women's Athletic Director, Eastern College, St. Davids, Pennsylvania.
Teacher for fourth grade, Oakwood elementary School, Anderson, South Carolina.
Substitute teacher for Anderson School District #5, Anderson, South Csrolina
Branch Librarian for Pickens County Library Library System, Central, South Carolina.
Fiels Representative for Anderson, South Carolina and the surrounding area.
Upon Request