Terry L. Miller
Houston, Texas
Professional administrative assistant with numerous years of experience providing office support to employees of all levels. Responsibilities included inputting large volume of data files. Maintained spreadsheets, files and reports. Skilled in training of all personnel in all aspects of the job. Presented presentations to a large group. Scanning of large volumes and linking to database.
Microsoft Office Word Excel Power Point
Microsoft Outlook Fujitsu Duplex MS Access
Administrative Assistant, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
May 2006 to June 2011
• Collected revised and distributed reports twice weekly and reported directly to managers
• Entered documents into system and distributed as appropriate
• Verified data and maintained file documents
• Tracked record numbers
• Maintained chart data and supported meetings
• Maintained contact database for all users
• Managed archiving and shipping of all records and documents
• Developed and maintained data entry desk instructions
• Maintained users database
• Validated data for all records
Administrative Assistant, GHG (contract change to SAIC)
February 1995 to April 2006
• Merged, scanned, and filed all quality records
• Responsible for record number tracking
• Data validation
• Technical data entry
Administrative Assistant, Unisys (contract change to GHG)
February 1990 to January 1995
Madison High School
Keypunch Operator
Massey Business College