Background: Ganesh Srinivasan, Summary: ** years of work and Business Experience, Looking for In-house Entrepreneur, Business Development Director for Startups or Senior Management Position for Startups thriving to grow worldwide, or stream line organization for possible Merger and Acquisition.
10 years working Experience worked as Programmer, Management Level at reputed, fortune 500 companies. 10 Years running two startups Businesses and exiting by selling to Publicly Traded Company.
Passion: Creative Thinking, enjoy bringing change with newer Business ideas and working with startups.
Startup Experience 2003-2009.
I> Co-founded unified Shipping Java Web Software product after getting tired of managing standalone applications at Lucent. Demonstrated Beta Product at Oracle Conference got first customers as GE, Honeywell and Aviation agencies. Managed vendors, over 25 programmers from around the world, stakeholders, largest legal firms and advisors with zero financing from angel/venture capital firm. After moderate success and unable to get additional funds, as largest competitor revenue was less than $50 Million. Finally sold to publicly traded Indian Co. Change: Competitors changed their software and spend on R&D.
II> As hobby started IT consulting and Software Development Company after not getting enough hourly pay rates from previous employer. Grew the company by creating a value, once the revenue exceeded $8Million sold to Publicly Traded Company. Managed over 100 consultants in 8 years from different countries and over 50 customers, starting with 1st consultant an ex-US Marine working for California based Software Company. Changed many mindsets of mid-size IT competitors to pay more for their consultants and employees.
III> During 2011-2012 Took Time off to spend time with family and as Strategic Advisor helped small company acquire Software project and develop customer relationship, implementation of best technical practice from South Africa, Nelson Mandela Municipality.
Startup Experience: Took advice from Extremely Successful People, and found exit Opportunity across globe. Focus on one company or accomplishment helps.
Education: Bachelor’s in Accounting with Computers Bombay University, Advanced Post Graduate Diploma from Tata Institute, Graduated IT Leadership and Management Program Babson College, MA. Certificate from Apics, Inventory Management and Supply Chain Courses.
High School to College: National Basket Ball Player in India, stumbled upon to become software professional after injury during dunk caused by slum kids who placed stones in court for playing cricket. Parents sold medals even the best one received from Vice President of India and changed career.