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Engineering Engineer

Victoria, TX
July 01, 2012

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Seun Savage

**** *. ******* ****** #*** Victoria, TX 77904 ■ 361-***-**** ■ ****.******@*****.***

A highly motivated professional with experience in Reservoir Engineering, Production Engineering and, Field Operations; including active participation in projects with Asset Team to increase production of assets and providing services to companies on well sites.

SKILLS: Nodal Analysis, Workover Design, Reservoir Modeling, Reservoir Management, Formation Evaluation (Log Interpretation).


University of Louisiana, Lafayette – Louisiana

Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering GPA: 3.38 May 2006

Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering GPA: 3.72 December 2009


Baker Hughes - Wireline (June 2011-present)

Field Engineer

--- Supervise and perform operations at well sites.

---- Proficient knowledge of well conditions, able to discuss issues with customers

and rig crew.

---- Conduct pre-job safety meetings and complete JSAs.

---- Supervise the rig up and rig down of equipment.

---- Considerable log interpretation skills and field experience, obtaining core

samples, providing directional surveys .

Chevron Corporation (Nigeria) (September 2009-July 2010)

Petroleum Engineering Intern (Offshore Asset Team)

Assisted in identifying opportunities for well workovers.

Monitored well work (such as bottomhole pressure tests from well test data).

Monitored daily production for select offshore fields; kept track of daily produced volumes of oil, gas and water, daily oil and water losses.

Designed procedure operations for workover opportunities including gaslift design, zone changes, and recompletions.

Performed decline analysis for the fields in the team’s business plan.

Participated in planning of future workover jobs including cement packer jobs, mud-in-annulus cleanout jobs, and sand control jobs.

Utilized software to update well performance models for producing wells.

Utilized nodal analysis to evaluate well performance for wells with low production rates.

Reservoir management skills including material balance to characterize reservoirs. Analyzed logs.

Prepared engineering sections of reservoir reviews.


PROJECT: Non-Rig Work-over Design to sustain Well Prod

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