Edward Ciramella
Phone –781-***-****
Title:Build/Release Engineer
CM Tools:ClearCase, CVS, Perforce, StarTeam, VSS
OS:MS Windows; Solaris; MAC OS, Red Hat Linux, Ubuntu Linux
Upromise,Inc., Needham Massachusetts
Senior Release Engineer: (September 2005 – current)
• Helped redesign and standardize maven site output.
• Designed and developed a “deploymentMatrix” rails application that allowed people to track what was deployed to which machine on which stack. Final evolution will become a web UI for both looking up what has been deployed where, but also deploying new items which are fed into this system from our Hudson installation (in progress).
• Helped to create the applicationMatrix – this defined which deployable units were compatible with each other (app servers with database servers with apache configuration for example). This also facilitated things like ops notes, deployment groupings.
• Helped rewrite scoop (part of the deploy process) to use getopts to prevent misuse and to take a configuration file with a list of deployment items.
• Managed SCM server upgrade process.
• Implemented Sonar (http://sonar.codehaus.org/) for complete transparency with regard to cost, ability, complexity, etc.
• Created multiple maven 2 plugins (maniGen, atgAssembler, configCloner).
• Setup fully automated distributed build system using Cruise Control (currently looking to replace that with Hudson).
• Transitioned various builds to use maven and the new config@deploy system (providing support to QA/Dev/OPS along the way).
• Spent time trying to learn more about testing and added a small percentage of unittests to our utils package.
• Designed and implemented a system of configuring a product during deployment that slashed build times from ~3 hours to 7 – 10 minutes.
• Led the charge to make a very monolithic structure HIGHLY modular.
• Set up Archiva with groups and roles.
• Restructured build repository to allow deployments to pull from the build server rather than having to scp build artifacts everywhere.
• Lead a team of three and trained all entry level release engineers.
• Created custom, Upromise,Inc. Perforce installer.
• Customized client spec to remind users about Upromise,Inc. practices and policies.
• Corrected issue with protections table to use groups and inverted its selection process.
• Instituted password based policy for Perforce logins (trigger soon to follow to prevent users from using passwords like “password1 or Upromise1”).
• Wrote java based groomer tool to watch for outdated client specs, change lists and users.
• Wrote custom label incrementer for Cruise Control.
• Wrote ant task/cruise control project for listing integrations headaches (Integlister)
• Spearheaded migration from old branching model to new “cascading” branching model and from this to a more standard “mainline” approach.
Archivas, Waltham Massachusetts
Senior Release Engineer: (February 2005 – September 2005)
• Perform most SCM related activities including integrations/merges, branching, standard SCM system maintenance and new user creation/user deletion.
• Researched Anthill pro and Cruise Control and provided management material to help support a switch to Cruise Control (saving $500).
• Implemented a multiple branch Cruise Control server.
• Wrote a custom label incrementer for Cruise Control.
• Created java/jsp based change list search feature for Cruise Control to help users locate which builds contained which change lists.
• Made Cruise Control and standard build logs available via links on the Cruise Control index page.
• Wrote an Ant task for counting lines of code (including java/c/cpp/.h/pl/pm and python scripts).
• Wrote jsp utilizing jfreechart classes to display a graph of lines of code with a dropdown to select day/1month/6months/1 year/beginning of time.
• Back filled all lines of code data via an ant and shell script.
• Created tight integration with custom python based QA tool called grinder and main Cruise Control instance.
• Wrote custom SQLWaitfor (GrinderCondition – ANT typedef) to update main Cruise Control status page with current grinder status.
• Created web app (GrinderUI) to allow users to update/add/delete grinder tests without having to disturb QA or using SQL scripts directly.
• Created a Cruise Control project to build C/CPP application on Linux, IRIX, HPUX, AIX and MAC OSX (Win 32 soon to follow).
• Worked on instant developer cluster for testing (including a Cruise Control instance for them).
• Provide support for Perforce end users.
• Rewrote sections of the build to ease dependency usage, which allowed more targets to be called directly.
Upromise,Inc., Needham Massachusetts
Release Engineer: (May 2004 – February 2005)
• Perform all SCM related activities including integrations/merges, branching, standard SCM system maintenance and new user creation/user deletion.
• Provide support for Perforce end users.
• Rewrote jspc portion of the current build process to save roughly 30 minutes.
• Rewrote backoffice packaging portion of the current build to save roughly 25 minutes.
• Rewrote build process to use exploded ear in development and ear/war in production/staging/qa.
• Automated standard SCM maintenance procedures (provided a script).
• Developed java/ant based email notification system to alert mailing lists of newly deployed builds (never implemented).
Emptoris, Burlington Massachusetts
Release Engineer: (December 2002 – May 2004)
• Completely redesigned the build process using ANT (new process takes one third of the time the original did).
• Designed JSP based Release Engineering portal to provide access to current running build logs and previous logs, the results of pre-compiling jsps (current and past), javadoc style build script documentation and software development related RSS feeds.
• Created ANT based nightly jsp pre-compile testing that sends email upon finishing to UI team and their supervisor (or email to the release engineering team upon failure).
• Created ANT based nightly build email notification (html mail with links to the resulting zip/exe/bin/tar files).
• Created two ANT tasks to parse error logs.
• Created custom panel for InstalAnywhere.
• Created automated reporting tool to send email notification from gnatsweb.
• Created automated integration build scripts and email warning/notification.
• Created automated build failure cell phone notification (using ANT and HTTPUnit).
• Converted batch file auto-deploy system to ANT based system.
• Converted Astra tests from one version of our product to a newer revision.
• Automated weekly VSS backup.
• Developed automated installation tools for WebSphere 5.X using JACL scripts and InstallAnywhere.
Workscape, Natick Massachusetts
Release Engineer: (April 2001 – December 2002)
• Provide training sessions on proper release engineering procedures and standards.
• Helped establish labeling and release naming standards.
• Provided developers with StarTeam user support & guidance.
• Provided managers with custom reports on change request progress.
• Create and maintain StarTeam projects, views, branches, labels, user accounts, user groups, and passwords.
• Diagnose and resolve build & deployment issues on the critical path.
• Compile release notes for internal releases as well as external releases.
• Learned how to navigate the StarTeam repository’s database to find “culprits”.
• Helped migrate the build process from batch files to ANT.
• Established a “patch” release system.
• Implemented Java based StarTeam cloning application.
• Created a Java application to read in all database entries in a specified tnsnames.ora file and then perform queries on databases retrieved.
• Created a Java based application for Solaris developers to check out and build directly in Unix.
• Developed a Java application that captures all the check-in comments for all files within a project between two labels.
• Created a Java application to alert developers to folders that have not yet been created in their StarTeam project.
• Coded an ejb/javabean solution to provide clients with version information (AboutBox).
Politzer & HANEY, Newton, Massachusetts
Release Engineer: (May 2000 – April 2001)
• Designed and coded Java based installer for UNIX platform.
• Quickly and reliably built, tested & released multiple products across five product streams.
• Installed and configured Verisign certificates (SSL).
• Provided developers with StarTeam user support & guidance.
• Created and maintained StarTeam views, branches, labels, user accounts, user groups, and passwords.
• Diagnose and resolve build & deployment issues on the critical path.
• Quickly and accurately build and release products back to development during release cycle.
• Create high and low level documentation explaining builds I am responsible for, and overviews on the release process in general.
• Currently working on implementing an automated build process.
Avid Technology, Tewksbury, Massachusetts (Contract Position)
Release Engineer: (February 2000 – May 2000)
• Provided solutions and helped diagnose build & deployment issues in relation to installers, automated scripts, and hardware.
• Helped solve issues with the DemoShield wrappers created for the installers.
• Monitored scheduled nightly builds and contacted proper developers in case of failures.
• Documented my portion of the build process on how to perform my build for use in case of emergency.
John Hancock Financial Services, Boston, Massachusetts
Release Engineer: (December 1998 – February 2000)
• Effectively managed the software versioning for the Production/Test environments.
• Quickly and reliably built, tested & released: stored procedures, daemons, SQRs, COBOL, scripts, and PowerBuilder Apps, including detailed release notes.
• Provided developers with basic ClearCase user support & guidance.
• Meticulously diagnosed and resolved build & deployment issues on the critical path.
• Efficiently automated several build & deployment tasks, streamlining the process from several days to 1/2 of a day.
• Expedited builds and deployments during critical release cycles.
• Created detailed documentation, for novice users, on how to work within the build & release environment, including the proper use of ClearCase.
Software:WebLogic 5.1 and 6.1, IBM WebSphere 5.X, MS Visual Studio 6, InstallShield 5, InstallShield MultiPlatform Edition, SQLPlus, IBM Visual Age, IBM MQ Series, DemoShield, Toad, MS Outlook, MS Office (Win & Mac), DBArtisan, Exceed, Rhumba, Lotus Notes, FoxBASE, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Netscape Navigator & Communicator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Flash 4, CodeWarrior, Resedit, PC Anywhere, Apache Web Server, AppleTalk Networks
Training:Perforce – 2003.2 Training PerforceAugust 2004
ClearCase - The Basics, Penguin Computing, Inc November 1999
ClearCase Fundamentals, Rational SoftwareApril 1999
Netscape Application Server,NetscapeOctober 1999