Successful at building and leading high-performance operating teams in a demanding environment. Skilled in managing large, multi-location projects, improving continuous processes, managing pre- and post-project issues, and initiating change to enhance value-added solutions. A consensus builder able to lead and participate in top-performing cross-functional teams. Able to clarify purpose and importance; stress major points; follow logical sequence. Experienced in creating comprehensive project schedules identifying time frames for key project milestones. Proficient in collecting, organizing, synthesizing, and analyzing data; summarize findings; develop conclusions and recommendations from appropriate data sources at the department level.
• Strategic Planning & Operating/Capital Budgeting
• Multi-Site Operations & Systems Integration
• Continuous Process Improvements
• Supply Chain, Safety & Facilities Management
• Project Planning & Management
B.S., Business Management, University of Maryland University College; member of Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honor Society, December 2004
A.A.S., Fabrication and Parachute Technology, Community College of the Air Force, June 1998
Maintenance Group Superintendent Aug 2009 - May 2012
United States Air Force, 437th Maintenance Group, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina
Senior Executive for 1,800 employees across five different functional areas that encompass 32 different specialties. Responsible for ensuring effective aircraft maintenance and logistics in support of 56 C-17 aircraft worth $11.3B and managing an operating budget of $20M. Governed 29 facilities and 52 industrial vehicles worth $42M. Oversaw maintenance, supply chain, and HR programs. Ensured conformity with safety, environmental, and quality standards, and all labor agreements.
• Responsible for the planning, preparation, and execution of established policies and standards necessary for moral and discipline of the organization which resulted in less manpower hours being wasted for the entire organization. Developed numerous training regimes that resulted in zero deficiencies’ in structural leadership evaluations and is the mainstay for the organization.
• Primary advisor to the CEO on the morale, attitudes, and perceptions of more than 1,800 junior, middle, and senior managers across the organization. Coordinated the evaluation of over 230 junior managers focused on leadership qualities, planning and decision making skills, and team building aptitude with an end-state of providing an assessment of their performance and ability to progress within the corporation.
• Instilled strict maintenance discipline; earned 95% annual Quality Assurance pass rate; 3% higher than previous year and highest rate achieved in over 3 years.
• Governed Joint Base Charleston’s largest environmental compliance program; reclaimed 2,200 gallons of hazardous waste; validated 100% compliant during no-notice DHEC inspection.
Air Force Senior Enlisted Leader August 2008 - August 2009
United States Air Force, 321st Air Expeditionary Wing, Iraq
Primary Advisor to commanding general. Provided guidance and feedback impacting combat readiness of 363 Airmen across Iraq while training and advising Iraqi Air Force personnel. Provided leadership and guidance on human resource development and training operations. Provided career and formal counseling to American and Iraqi Air Force forces. Achieved safety and sanitary excellence in a foreign country as the Health, Safety and Environmental Officer. Set up and monitored readjustment counseling for troops returning home from Iraq.
• Stood up professional development course for Iraqi warrant officers; unprecedented.
• Managed 30% manpower drawdown of troops as Iraqi personnel became more efficient.
• Created an awards program to recognize the amazing efforts troops were performing while executing an extremely unique mission…rebuilding the Iraqi Air Force.
Mission Support Group Superintendent April 2008 - August 2008
United States Air Force, 49th Mission Support Group, Alamogordo, New Mexico
Senior Executive for 1,600 employees across seven different functional areas that encompass Contracting, Security Forces, Civil Engineering, Communications, Logistics Readiness, and Force Support. Responsible for, and not all encompassing, maintaining all roads base and the runway; managing all formal training for base populous of more than 5,000 personnel; maintaining base security; maintaining huge fleet of long-haul trucks and vehicles; paying the bases utility bills; and maintaining and repairing all computer systems and hand-held radios utilized on base.
Aircraft Maintenance Unit Superintendent June 2006 - April 2008
United States Air Force, 49th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alamogordo, New Mexico
Managed and directed 320 employees across 8 different specialties while maintaining 27 F-117 stealth aircraft valued at over 12 billion dollars.
• Oversaw the retirement of 50 F-117 stealth fighter aircraft and worked directly with the F-22 bed-down team to lay down the ground work for new facilities and equipment to complete the 54 million-dollar effort.
• Reviewed daily short and long range planning schedules to ensure personnel and aircraft were available to support the Air Force mission.
• Attained recognition for high performance standards; earned Maintenance Squadron of the Year Award in 2007.
Fabrication Flight Chief June 2002 - June 2006
United States Air Force, 100th Maintenance Squadron, RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom
Managed and directed all aspects of fabrication, including coordinating work schedules, instituting policies and procedures, and conducting evaluations for sheet metal workers, welders, machinists, nondestructive inspection specialists, and fabric workers.
• Coordinated heavy maintenance support during 292 aircraft launches in support of special operations; achieved 94% logistics reliability rate.
• Governed Wing’s largest environmental compliance program; reclaimed 2,200 gallons of hazardous waste in first year.
• Shaved 2 days off KC-135 aircraft refurbishment process using Lean concepts.
• Earned Munitions Safety Award in 2003, 2004 and 2005, Leo Marquez Award in 2005, and Outstanding Unit Award in 2006.
Professional Manager Certification from the Community College of the Air Force; Completed: Maintenance Supervision and Production Course, Chief Master Sergeant Leadership Course, Applied Maintenance Management Course, Maintenance Production Management Course, and Senior Noncommissioned Officers Academy; Proficient at using Windows 7, Vista, and Microsoft Office; Other U.S. Air Force Specialized Training: Leadership, Diversity, Communications, Equipment Management, Records Management, Hazardous Waste Disposal, Equal Employment Opportunity, Lean/Six Sigma, and Logistics Resource Management; Facilitated numerous fundraising events.