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September 10, 2012

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Gulfam Ahmad

Date of Birth: **-**-****, Languages spoken: English, French, Urdu,


1. 103 Kitchener Street Broadmeadows, 3047, Vic, Australia

2. Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan

Email: ******.***@*****.***, *****.*@***-********.**, Phone: +923*********, +614********


2008-2011 PhD: Reproductive Physiology, Medicine of Reprodu ction and

Develop mental Biology

Faculty of Medicine, University of Toulouse Paule Sabatier, Toulouse Fran ce

Dissertation : Temperatu re and spermatogenesis in man; potential

consequences of a mild induced testicular and epididymal hyperthermia

on sperm genomic integrity.

2010-2011 DIU Andrology: Male Infertility and Assisted Medical Procreation

(Clinical And rology)

Un iversity of Toulouse Paule Sabatier III, Toulouse France and Faculty of

Medicine Montpellier -Nimes, France

2009-2010 Master Professional: Biology of Human Reproduction and Assisted

Medical Procreation (Clinical Emb ryology)

Un iversity of Paris Descartes (Paris V), Paris, France

2007-2008 Master Research: Reproduction and Development

Un iversity of Paris Diderot (Paris VII), Paris, France

2005-2007 MPhil: Physiology and Cell Biology

Un iversity of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan

1999-2003 DVM: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Un iversity of Veterinar y and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan


2012 Best Presentation Award

Societé d’Andrologie de Lan gue Française (SALF), 26-27 Januar y, Rouen, France

2008-2011 Doctoral Fellowship

Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad, Pakistan


2008 Best Andrology Research Master Award

Soci eté d’Andrologie de Lan gue Française (SALF), 9-11 October, Hammamet, Tunisia

2007-2008 Master Resea rch Fellowship

Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad, Pakistan

2006 Grant for MPhil Resea rch Project

Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad, Pakistan

2005-2007 MPhil Fellowship

Department of Ph ysi olog y and Cell Biolog y, Un iversity of Health Sciences

Lahore, Pakistan

1999-2003 University Merit Scholarship

Un iversity of Veterinar y and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan


May 2012 Assistant Professor of Physiology

Department of Ph ysi olog y and Cell Biolog y, University of Health Sciences

Lahore, Pakistan

April 2012 Andrologist

Lahore Institute of Fertility and Endocrinology (LIFE), Lahore, Pakistan


Scientific training on “Fluorescence In Situ Hybridi zation (FISH )”.


Biol ogy of reproduction laboratory (AMP), University Hospital Couple Enfant, Grenoble,


2010 Summer School on Medicine

Un iversity of Toulouse III, France and University of Barcelona, Spain.

2009 Internship: Clinical Emb ryology (IVF)

Biol ogy of r eproduction and cytogenetic laborator y, University of

Picardie Jules Vern, Amien s, France

2008-2009 Internship: Clinical Andrology

CECOS Midi Pyrenées, Hospital Paule de Viguier, University of Toulouse

III, Toulouse France

2007-2008 Master Research Internship

Human Fertility Research Group, EA3694, Hospital Paule de

Viguier, University of Toulouse III, Toulouse France

2006-2007 MPhil Research Internship:

Department of Obstetr ics and Gynaecol og y, Jinnah Hospital

Lahore, University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan

2005 Research Methods Workshop

Un iversity of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan

2005 Real Time PCR

Un iversity of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan


2012 Ahmad G, Moinard N, Lamar C, Mieusset R, Bujan L. Mild induced

testicular and epididymal hyperthermia alters sperm ch ro matin integrity

in men. Fertil. Steril. 2012; 97:546-53.

2010 Ahmad.G, Moinard N, Jouanolou V, Daudin M, Gandia P, Bujan L. In Vitro

assessment of the adverse effects of anti retroviral d rugs on human male

gamete: Toxicol In Vitro. 2011;25:485-491.

2008 HM Warriach, N Ahmad, G Ahmad, MS Khan, MI Rabbani, I Ahmad.

Effect of antibiotic treatment on pregnancy ra te of repeat b reader dairy

cross b red cows with sub-clinical uterine infecti on. Pak Vet. J. 2008;

28: 40-42.


2012 Ahmad G, Mieusset R, Bujan L. Mild induced testicular and epididymal

hyperthermia alters sperm mo rphology in men (under review).

2012 Ahmad G, Mieusset R, Bujan L. Does testiculo-epididymal hyperthermia

impair early emb ryo development? (Review article: in progress).


2012 Ahmad. G, Moinard N, Lamarre C, Mieusset R, Bujan L. A mild induced

testicular and epididymal hyperthermia alters sperm mo rphology and

chro matin integrity in men. Société d'Andrologie de Langue Française

(SALF), 26-28 Januar y, Rouen, France

2011 Ahmad. G, Moinard N, Lamarre C, Mieusset R, Bujan L. Alterations in

sperm chro matin integrity in response to a mild induced testiculo -

epididyaml hyperthermia. World Congress on Reproductive Biology” 9-12

Oct 2011, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

2011 Ahmad. G, Moinard N, Lamarre C, Mieusset R, Bujan L. Effect of a mild

induced testiculo-epididymal hyperthermia on sperm DNA integ rity in

man. Presented for Student Prize in Annual Conference of “Society for

Reproduction and Fertility” 11-13 July 2011, Brighton, United Kingdome.

2009 Ahmad G and Arslan M. Proteomic analysis of seru m and cystic fluid of

patients with benign and malignant ovarian cysts and possible

identification of protein biomarkers. Annual Meeting of American Society

for Reproductive Medicine, 17-21 October 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, USA


2009 Ahmad.G, Moinard N, Jouano lou V, Daudin M, Gandia P, Bujan L. In vitro

assessment of the adverse effects of antiretroviral molecu les on fertility

para meters of human ma le gamete. Fertility and Sterility Volume 92,

Issue 3, Page S213, Sept 2009.


2007-2011 Clinical Research Assistant

Human Fertility Research Group EA 3694, University Hospi tal Paule de Viguier

Un iversity of Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

2009 Hands on Training (ART)

Biol ogy of Reproduction (AMP) and Cytogenetics Laboratory, Un iversity of

Picardie Jules Vern, Amien, France

2006-2007 Managing Experimenta l Research Laborato ry

Un iversity of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan


Can perform

Semen analysis

Sperm preparation for art ificial inseminat ion, IVF

Sperm freezing and thawing

Analys is of fo llicular liquid

Preparation o f ovocyte

Decoronisation o f ovocyt e

In Vitro Fertilizat ion (classic IVF)

Microinject ion of sperm (ICSI)

Analys is of early embr yo development

Embr yo freezing and thawing

Acrosome react ion test

Sperm chro mat in/DNA test: TUNEL, SCSA

Sperm mitochondrial potential evaluat ion: DIOC6

Sperm aneuplo id y: FISH


Embryo Biopsy




Flow c ytometeric analysis

Laboratory management


2007-2011 Volunteer: language translation for patients

Centre Hospitalier Universitairs de Toulouse, France

2007 Advance French Language Course

Institute Catholique de Paris, France (July to September 2007)

2007 Intensive French Language Course

French cultural center Lahore, Pakistan (Januar y to June 2007


Societ y for Reproductive Bio log y

American Societ y for Reproductive Medicine


1) Louis Bujan, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine and Reproductive Bio lo gy

Director Human Fertilit y Research Group

President French Federat ion of CECOS

Universit y Hospital Paule De Viguier

Universit y o f Toulouse-III Paul Sabat ier

TSA 70034, 31059 Toulouse cedex 09


Tel: +33-567-**-**-** or 10 46

Fax: +33-567-**-**-**

Email: bujan.l@chu-toulouse. fr

2) Khalid Pervez Lone, PhD

Professor and Head of Physiology Department

University of Health Sciences, Lahore

Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab Lahore, Pakistan

Tel: 009*-**-**-*** 304 Ext 334

Fax: 009*-**-**-*** 870

Email: ******@*******.***, ******.****@*****.***

3) Kazim Raza Chohan PhD, H CLD

Professor of Pathology and OBGYN

Director Andro logy

SUNY Upstate Medical University

750 East Adams Street

Syracuse, NY 13210

Tel: 315-***-****

Fax: 315-***-****

Email: chohank@upst, ***********@*******.***

4) Naeem Iqbal, PhD, HCLD

Head ART Lab/Senior Clinical

Scient ist Department of Pathology &

Lab Medicine

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center

MBC# J-10, PO Box 40047

Jeddah 21499, Kingdo m of Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 -2 -667 7777 Ext: 61432, Pager: 5338

Email: niqivf@

5) Roger Mieusset, MD, PhD

Associate Prof of Medicine and Reproductive Bio logy

Clinical Andrologist

Head Male Sterilit y Cent re

Universit y Hospital Paule De Viguier

Universit y o f Toulouse-III Paul

Sabat ier TSA 70034, 31059 Toulouse

cedex 09, France,

Tel: +33-567-**-**-**

Email: ********.*@***-********.**


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