Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Botany
Faculty of Biological Sciences
University of Chittagong
Chittagong 4331
Off Tel.: +88 031 726311-4, ext. 4306
Fax : +88-031-******
E-mail: ********@*******.***
DATE OF BIRTH : January 01, 1971
NATIONALITY : Bangladeshi
MARITAL STATUS : Married (with three children).
Nasima Akter, PhD Candidate in Nuclear Medical Physics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Doctor of Philosophy Study on from
January 2008 Expected compl.
December 2010
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh Master of Science in Botany* 1992 1st Class (Second Position)
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh Bachelor of Science in Botany (honours) 1991 2nd Class
Chittagong College, Chittagong, Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in Science Group 1988 1st Division
Feni Government Pilot High school, Feni, Bangladesh Secondary School Certificate (SSC) in Science Group 1986 1st Division
• The degree of Master of Science in Botany was comprised of both taught courses and thesis. The thesis was in the area of Molecular Biology.
• PhD Research (on going) title: “Ecological Integrity of Protected Areas in the State of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia”.
May 24, 2006 – Till Date Assistant Professor of Botany, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh.
Job Responsibility:
1) Conducting courses in Undergraduate and Graduate Level
• UG: Origin of Life, Environmental Science
• GL: Molecular Biology, Environmental Management
2) Research: Pollen Technology, Aero-biology
3) Educational Management, Evaluation, Conducting Examinations
4) Training, Research Excursions
April 2005 – May 23, 2006 Lecturer in Botany, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh.
Job Responsibility:
1) Conducting courses in Undergraduate and Graduate Level
• UG: Origin of Life, Cytology
• GL: Environmental Management
2) Research: Pollen Technology
3) Educational Management
4) Training, Research Excursions
January 1999 – March 2005 Lecturer in Botany, National University of Bangladesh.
I had worked at two University Colleges and my position was under the Education Cadre of Bangladesh Civil Service Commission.
Job Responsibility:
1) Conducting courses in Undergraduate and Graduate Level
• UG: Microbiology, Limnology, Cytology, Ecology
• GL: Molecular Biology, Ecology
2) Research: Ecology
3) Educational Management, Evaluation, Conducting Examinations, Civil Services
4) Training, Research Excursions
August 2006- January 2008 Convener, Academic Committee, Presidency International School (affiliated with University of Cambridge, UK), Panchlaish, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
September 2001- December 2005 Academic Coordinator of ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level Science, Presidency International School (affiliated with University of Cambridge, UK), Panchlaish, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
January 1998 – December 1998 Senior Instructor in ‘O’ Level Biology, Co-ordinator, ‘O’ Level Science, Presidency International School (affiliated with University of Cambridge, UK), Panchlaish, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
3 July 2009- 14 July 2009 Attended and completed International Summer School on “Bridging GIS, Landscape Ecology and Remote Sensing for Landscape Planning” hosted by the Centre for Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg, Austria . Earned 4 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points.
October 2000 – January 2001 Attended and completed Foundation Training Course at National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) under the Ministry of Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
October 2000 – January 2001 Attended and completed Educational Research Methodology Course at National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) under the Ministry of Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Actively participated in many National, Regional and International seminars, however, some of the recent events are….
• Participated in the “Geoinformatics Forum / AGIT conference” from July 08 - 10, 2009 held in the Centre for Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), University of Salzburg, Austria.
• Participated in the “European IALE Conference” from July 12 – 16, 2009 held in the University of Salzburg, Austria. Conference is jointly organized by the University of Salzburg and International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE).
• Participated and presented an Oral Paper in the “Third Regional Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropicas” from 3 – 5 August, 2009 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The event was organized by the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).
Research interest includes area of Ecology and Environmental Issues. However, I have more than five years of research experience in the areas of Molecular Biology and four years in the field of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning. My recent research goal is to develop a methodology for the regional evaluation criteria for sustainable planning of natural resources. I have proposed a new theme in this regard the Regional Index of Ecological Integrity (RIEI) and now trying to experiment a real life example in the regional scale, particularly in tropical region. My future research plan is to develop a comprehensive approach for the regional sustainable management framework which will include geological, lithological and ecological sciences using modern techniques like GIS, Remote Sensing and highly sophisticated Airborne Data Technologies.
1. I have been holding Membership and Research Affiliation with Bangladesh Botanical Society, Bangladesh (since 1996).
2. I have been holding Membership and Research Affiliation with Biodiversity Research Group, Bangladesh (since 2002).
3. Holding membership of Conservation International (since 2008).
4. Holding membership of European Facility for Airborne Research (since April 2010).
Teaching experience includes several undergraduate and postgraduate courses relating to Botany. Throughout my teaching career I have consistently achieved excellent teaching evaluations from the students.
1. Mohammad Imam Hasan Reza (Reza, M.I.H.) & Abdullah, S.A. 2011. Regional Index of Ecological Integrity: A need for sustainable management of natural resources. Ecological Indicators 11: 220-229. (Elsevier), doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.08.010.
2. Abdullaah, S.A. & Mohammad Imam Hasan Reza (Reza, M.I.H.). 2010. Ecosystem representativeness of wildlife protected areas in peninsular Malaysia: a review in relation to land use development. Submitted in the journal Environmental Conservation.
3. Reza, M.I.H. 2010. How can we measure ecological integrity in the regional context? Under review in the Applied Ecology and Environmental Research.
4. Mohammad Imam Hasan Reza (Reza, M.I.H.) & Abdullaah, S.A. 2010. Ecological connectivity framework in the state of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia: A potential conservation strategy in the rapid changing tropics. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment. 2(5): 73-83.
5. Reza, M.I.H., A.Q. Chowdhury & M.K. Pasha (2005). Characterization of Proteins of Brown, Bran and Endosperm of Raw and Parboiled Rice. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 1 (2): 184-189.
6. Reza, M.I.H., A.Q. Chowdhury & M.K. Pasha (2003). Characterization of Storage Proteins in Different Layers of Raw and Parboiled Rice. Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences. 15 (2): 137-142.
7. Reza, M.I.H., A.Q. Chowdhury & M.K. Pasha (1999). Electrophoretic Analysis of Proteins in Washed, Gruel and Cooked Endosperm of Raw and Parboiled Rice. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 28 (1): 1-7.
Language skills include a good fluency in spoken and written English and a native command in Bengali.
• Computer skills include a full working knowledge in Microsoft Office (MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint) and Adobe Photoshop.
• Competent in Remote Sensing, particularly in using ERDAS Imagine and Definiens E-cognition RS softwares.
• Competent in GIS software, specifically ArcGIS, ArcView and also can handle Landscape Analysis software e.g. FRAGSTATS, V-LATE, Conefor Sansinode 2.2 or other extensions of ArcGIS.
Name Contact Address
Dr. Mostafa Kamal Pasha Professor, Department of Botany
Faculty of Biological Sciences
University of Chittagong
Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh.
Office Tel: +88-031-****** ex-4306
E-mail: *********@*****.***
Dr. Mazlin Bin Mokhtar Director
Institute for Environment and Development
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
UKM 43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Office Tel: +603-****-****
Fax: +603-****-****
E-mail: ******@***.**
Dr. Saiful Arif Abdullah Associate Professor
Institute for Environment and Development
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
UKM 43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Office Tel: +603-****-****
Fax: +603-****-****
Email: ***************@*****.***
Dr. Nowshad Amin Associate Professor
Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
UKM 43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Office Tel: +603-****-****
Fax: +603-****-****
Email: *******@***.***.** ; ***********@*****.***
Dr. Harmann Klug Centre for Geoinformatics
University of Salzburg
Schillerstr. 30, Building 15, 3rd Floor, A-5020 Salzburg
Office Tel: +43-662-****-****
Fax: +43-662-****-****
Email: *******.****@***.**.**