DR. Tushar kapoor (P.T.)
Address:- KH-56 New kavi nagar Ghaziabad. 201002
Mobile no:- 971*******
Mission: To be part of an organization, which uses my skills & expertise in its process of growth, challenges & changes, while giving me ample opportunity to learn and enrich my competencies, so as to make meaningful & substantial contribution while providing them the best of my physiotherapy and exercise science knowledge.
Academic background:
High School (Science Group) C.B.S.E 2004 – 60%
Intermediate (Science Group) C.B.S.E 2006 – 63%
Bachelors of Physiotherapy (B.P.T) CCS Universty, Meerut 2006-2010
1. First year (2007) 62%
2. Second year (2008) 62%
3. Third year (2009) 64%
4. Fourth year (2010) 65%
Clinical Experience:
Done clinical posting in
• Surya Hospital Muradnagar Ghaziabad. (For 6 months)
• Ordiance Factory Muradnagar Ghaziabad. (For 6 months)
• Yashoda Hospital Kaushambi Ghaziabad.(For 6 months)
• Clinical experience of 2 years at Saini Physiotherapy center under Dr. Pawan kumar Saini
Done 6 months internship from INDIAN SPINAL INJURIES CENTRE (Aug 2010-Feb 2011) and had exposure of following disciplines:
• Orthopedics
• Neurology
• Intensive care
• Hydrotherapy
• Pediatrics
Work Experience:
Worked as a physiotherapist for Ghaziabad Veterans Cricket associations during cricket league 2009-10.