Michael S. Weinberg
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
E-mail: **********@***.***
OBJECTIVE: A Sales/Sales management position, utilizing all of the abilities developed through my vast experience and education, with the opportunity for professional growth based on performance.
Dates Employed Job Title Company
3/1999 – Present Self Employed General Insurance Agent
Working with independent Automobile Dealers in regards to there VEHICLE WARRANTIES, GAP COVERAGE and other back-end insured programs and working with dealer principles and their employees for Life, Health and Accident insurance.
2/1997 – 3/1999 General Agent Aflac Insurance
Worksite insurance sales, calling on new business and developing worksite sales to their employees. For the last year with them I was responsible for all worksite sales to the employees of RITE-AID for the entire state of Maryland.
3/1993 – 2/1997 Vice President Intermark World Products
Intermark World Products was an international sales and marketing company located in Illinois. My responsibilities included sales for the Eastern United States for Premium, Retail and Catalogs. Responsible for hiring and working with Independent Representatives nationally to handle our line of products. Responsible for the introduction of products and the development of sales into the United Kingdom and Europe and the development of a Corporate Imprinted program nationally.
9/1989 – 3/1993 Executive Assistant Streff Advertising, Inc.
I started as an independent sales representative in Pennsylvania to develop Advertising Specialty and Premium sales to major corporations on the East Coast. In 1992 relocated to the corporate headquarters in Wisconsin to be Executive Assistant to the President. Responsibilities included continuing to work with the existing accounts on the East Coast, and to work with the sales force of 17 sales people located in three states and to develop a closer working relationship with a selective list of suppliers.
6/1979 – 9/1989 Regional Vice President Marketing Incentives, Inc.
Hired as regional Vice President and ran an office in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Responsible for individual account development, sales and the hiring and training of a local sales force.
In 1982 located to corporate offices in Boston, Ma and was promoted to Vice President with the responsibility of the sales operations for offices in Boston, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Connecticut.
2/1965 – 3/1979 Salesmen/ Vice President K-Promotions, Inc.
Started as the jewelry expert, responsible for the sales of custom corporate jewelry to their existing accounts. Promoted to Advertising Specialty and Premium sales, created my own accounts that included Manpower, Hershey Foods, Parker Pen Co. and Nabisco. Promoted to Vice President to oversee our Premium Company, Herbill Inc.
Education: BA University of Wisconsin